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Travel ideas for Russia - unique sights, worth Guinness records

Klyuchevskaya Sopka

From the series “The Most Active Volcanoes in the World”
Kliuchevskoi volcano, which is also known under another name, Kluchevskaya Sopka, is situated in Russia, at Kamchatka Peninsula. Its height is about 4,850 meters, and age is more than 7,000 years. Volcano structure is quite complex, it has an almost perfect conical shape and more than 70 minor cones and craters. Active observance of the volcano has being carried for the last 300 years; about 50 major eruptions have been recorded during that time.
One of the most violent eruptions occurred in 2004, it literally was a record for the whole time of observation; ash stem height was 8,000 meters. After the eruption of 2013, the height of the volcano has increased by about 150 meters. For many years Kluchevskaya Sopka attracted attention of researchers around the world.
Each subsequent volcanic eruption leads to the formation of new side craters; the largest among them have unique names. In total there are more than 30 side craters, their number and location changes after each active phase. According to statistics, major volcanic eruptions occur every 5-6 years. There are several large settlements in the immediate vicinity of the volcano, and there is one of the largest Russian research stations in the Klyuchi foothills. Observation of the volcano is a continuous process; scientists are trying to predict the date of its next eruption as accurately as possible. ... Complete sights collection

Dugin quarry

From the series “The Scariest Mines in the World”
Quarries, which have been mined a few hundred years ago, represent a particular interest to fearless tourists. One of the oldest industrial mines on the planet is situated in the near suburbs of Moscow. Mining of the Dugin quarry has begun in the 16th century. It was mining of the so-called ‘white stone’, i.e. limestone, which was used extensively in the construction of Moscow. Old quarry strikes with its size, as its total length is more than 5,000 meters.
Dugin's quarry hasn’t lost its special atmosphere for hundreds of years, and it seems that time has literally stopped there. You can find a lot of artifacts of different eras in the narrow passages built of stones; those are wall paintings, garments of workers, old burners used to cook food, and lots of other interesting things. While walking through the dark twisted corridors, you can see a lot of caves, some of which are equipped with real sleepers.
Just one thought that once people could live and sleep in these dark caves below day feels uneasy. It’s also worth noting that the structure of mines is quite complicated, so it’s very risky go for a walk through the subterrene without a map and an experienced guide. Despite being a terrible attraction, Dugin quarry doesn’t attract lots of visitors. In part, this is due to the unique atmosphere of the forbidden place that it has managed to preserve. ... Complete sights collection

Staritsa catacombs

From the series “The Scariest Mines in the World”
Among the most affordable mines to visit in Russia, Staritsa catacombs located in the immediate vicinity of Tver are notable. One of the distinguishing features of the mines is their accessibility, as its entrance doesn’t have steep descents and doesn’t require any special training for explorers. The total length of the mines is more than 30 kilometers; their mining has begun in the 13th century.
The stone that was mined in mines has been used for construction of Tver; the famous Kamenny Monastery was built of it. During the WWII, the quarry was used as armories, and in the postwar period quarrying here was conducted for a short time. In the middle of the 20th century, old mines were closed. Since its closure, the quarry never ceases to attract numerous researchers and tourists eager to walk through the dark tunnels, which are more than seven hundred years old.
The main attractions are ice cave mines. They can cause a whole range of feelings and emotions, including mystical horror, admiration and irresistible urge to touch the amazing creations of nature, beautiful ice sculptures. Mystical atmosphere envelops Staritsa catacombs from their foundation. According to historical data, there were terrible crimes and murders in the underground. A huge number of people were lost there and their fate remained unknown. ... Complete sights collection

Ostankino Tower

From the series “The Highest Buildings in the World”
Ostankino Tower in Moscow is one of the ten tallest buildings of the planet; it goes upward to 540 meters. Opening of the tower took place in 1967; outstanding Soviet designer Nikolay Nikitin has been working on its project. He has thought the project tower in just one night; the lily flower has inspired him to that grand project. Later, the plan of the tower was slightly adjusted taking into account advice of renowned architect, Fritz Leonhardt. It was decided to design ten legs at the bottom instead of four legs resembling lily petals.
Interesting excursions are held in the TV tower for curious tourists. Everyone is welcome to visit the tower and learn a lot of interesting facts about its history, as well as to take a trip by one of the fastest panoramic elevators in the world. There is a lookout at an altitude of 337 meters, where visitors can find binoculars and telescopes.
There would be a pleasant surprise for gourmets, as there is the popular restaurant, Seventh Heaven, above the observation deck. In August 2000, Ostankino Tower was seriously damaged by fire and it would take many years to accomplish a full recovery. Nevertheless, there are still tours conducted for tourists in sunny weather; for safety reasons tower is closed to visitors during thunderstorms and strong winds. ... Complete sights collection

Waterfall Zeygalan

From the series “Greatest Waterfalls on Earth”
Quite a number of waterfalls that deserve the attention of nature lovers and active travellers exist in Russia as well. Among the amazing mountain scenery of North Ossetia, in the valley of the Midagrabindon River there is a beautiful waterfall Zeygalan. It is one of the highest waterfalls in the country. The mountaintop where the waterfall originates from has a height of about 600 meters. Just a few minutes’ drive share this great attraction with a miniature mountain settlement Dzhimara.
The structure of the waterfall is rather unusual. Approximately in the centre it has a pretty big ledge that conventionally separates the stream into the upper and lower parts. A huge glacier located at an altitude of 4000 meters nourish the waterfall. In summer it begins to melt and in the height of summer Zeygalan gains its maximum strength. In winter only thin frozen trickles of water on the rocks remind of the mighty waterfall. The beautiful waterfall is located in the natural surroundings that are no less beautiful and interesting. Many travellers are attracted to these places by legendary Mount Kazbek which is located near the waterfall and is not difficult to reach. ... Complete sights collection


From the series “The Most Impressive Abandoned Cities on the Planet”
No less interesting is the history of the Russian Kadykchan city which was founded during the Second World War. Located deep in the Magadan region it has been built by Gulag prisoners. Kadykchan is considered dysfunctional for a long time. After a large deposit of coal was discovered there, the construction of the settlement began at the site of the discovery. Since the foundation of the city tragedies and accidents claiming the lives of people have been regular occurrence.
The last mine explosion in 1996 killed six people and the mines were shut down thereafter. But it took a while until the city became finally deserted. In 2006 the city housed about 800 residents. There were no services in it except for a few central streets that were connected to electric supply, water and sewage piping.
Nowadays Kadykchan lacks the necessary infrastructure, there is no longer power or running water but still about 200 people, who have failed to find a new environment, live there to this day. The famous ghost city attracts great interest with its abandoned buildings, destroyed monuments and rusty vehicles left in garages. ... Complete sights collection

Severomuisky tunnel

From the series “The Greatest Tunnels in the World”
In Russia there are also many prominent tunnels. The largest one is the Severomuysky railway tunnel. Its construction began in 1977 and completed 24 years later. Its operational use commenced much later, in 2003. The structure of the tunnel is quite complicated and involves a lot of developments and a bypass with the total length of 54000 metres. It is named after the Severomuysky mountain range it cuts through. It is important to note that this region is characterized by harsh climatic conditions.
Partly for this reason, the completion of the tunnel was considerably delayed. It took more than 20 years and more than 8000 workers to put the tunnel into operation. The surrounding region is affected by seismic action, so preliminary work focused on the construction of fortifications.
It is a single-track tunnel which is mainly used by freight trains. It requires 20-25 minutes to pass through the section. Every day at least 15 freight trains pass through the Severomuysky tunnel. According to approximate estimates, it will serve at least a hundred years. Since its opening, the tunnel is continuously being improved especially in winter. As winter intensifies, the walls inside the tunnel are freezing and workers have to keep the walls free of strong ice by hand. ... Complete sights collection

White Sea-Baltic Canal

From the series “Greatest Man-Made Waterways and Channels”
Among numerous canals on the territory of Russia, the White Sea-Baltic Canal is particularly noteworthy. The total length of this waterway is about 227000 metres, its width is 36 metres which is rather broad in comparison with other global water giants. The White Sea-Baltic Canal is only 4 metres deep. In view of these scales, it’s hard to imagine that only two years have been spent on constructional works. A tremendous amount of work has been done in just 21 months.
The famous waterway has been built by Gulag prisoner labour. The Canal’s opening took place in 1933. The White Sea-Baltic Canal connects Lake Onega with the White Sea. The latter two are large Russian water bodies. From the very first days of its opening the canal has been used mainly by cargo ships. With the tourism development in Karelia the canal has become the favourite travellers’ attraction. It passes through the incredibly beautiful places and covers a number of area’s top natural attractions.
Those travellers who wish to join a cruise along the canal will enjoy the opportunity to see beautiful lakes and visit a number of famous cultural complexes. The White Sea-Baltic Canal has long listed as an outstanding cultural heritage. Along the canal a lot of memorials are set and ancient buildings are carefully preserved. Old lighthouses are of particular interest. Directly on the canal bank is a unique religious monument - St. Nicholas the Miracle-Worker church. Excursion lovers should definitely tour the famous canal by ship. ... Complete sights collection

Mir Diamond Pipe

From the series “Giant Artificial Quarries of the Planet”
The huge kimberlite diamond pipe ‘Peace’ (‘Mir’ in Russian), also called the Mirny Mine, is located on the outskirts of Mirny town in Russia. The development of the mine started in 1955 in the area of significant diamond deposits. The mine is 525 meters deep and has a diameter of 1200 meters. Upon reaching the critical level of depth, mining work was continued by underground methods. Pit mining ceased here in 2001, since 2009 extraction works are lead deep in mines only.
Mining development has been carried on in extremely harsh weather condotions. Industrialists spared neither temporal nor financial expenses struggling with permafrost. Miners’ efforts havn’t been spent in vain. Nowadays diamonds extraction is being carried on in relatively comfortable conditions even during winter season. The fact is, the permafrost ends at a depth of 150 meters, when winter temperatures drop to -60 degrees mark, deep in mines the soil temperature remains positive.
The increased attention of tourists has resulted in additional infrastructure development. Some observation points have been built over the Mirny Mine, also some memorials have been established, tourists can visit and learn a lot of interesting facts about the development of the mine in a local museum. Flights over the mine were banned recently since it has been proved by scientists that the huge kimberlite pipe is able to suck small aircrafts in. ... Complete sights collection

Quarry Lucky

From the series “Giant Artificial Quarries of the Planet”
The Udachnaya kimberlite pipe is located on the territory of Russia in northern Yakutia. The opening of the mine was held in 1955. The nearby town of Udachny is named for the deposit. The results of the pit development exceeded the wildest expectations of project organizers. The rich deposit has significantly replenished the Russian Diamond Fund. The Udachnaya mine is an unparralleled one in terms of extracted raw materials.
The quarry is very interesting from the scientific point of view, scientific expeditions from all over the world do not cease visiting it. The pit is 585 meters deep. Since 2010 the project has moved into a stage of mine development. The lovers of unusual entertainment are offered exciting helicopter rides to appreciate the scale of manufacture from height of the bird’s flight.
Anyone can walk around the Ydachnaya mine accompanied with a professional guide, to observe the work of enormous equipment from a distance. Not far from the mine is an extremely interesting ‘industrial attraction’ – old tech dump. Because of the harsh weather conditions, even the most modern equipment is quickly becoming unfit for work. The bravest tourists can drive down to the bottom of the quarry by car, for this they have to travel 8 km along the serpentine road. ... Complete sights collection
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Photogallery of landmarks of Russia

Trip ideas for regions of Russia

Saint Petersburg
Shopaholics will be greatly impressed with plenty of bright market places and scale shopping centers. To hunt some memorable souvenirs and antique items tourists are recommended to opt for the Flea Market located in the Udelnaya street. Experienced tourists often compare this market place to the Paris Clignancourt and the London Portobello. The market offers a great choice of various goods. The central consumer goods marketplace is considered to be the Apraskin Dvor. Tourists will hardly be … Read more
Moscow invites its guests to visit a dolphinarium which daily holds fantastic performances of sea inhabitants. After the show all the visitors of the dolphinarium can enjoy swimming with dolphins in the pool, feeding fur seals and take some memorable pictures of favorite animals. Seekers of unusual leisure and entertainment will love the Moscow Planetarium which holds exciting excursions and lectures for its visitors each day. However a favorite entertainment of its visitors is still observing … Read more
There is an excellent water park "Riviera" in the city, which occupies a vast territory and is ready to offer visitors a wide variety of entertainment. For admirers of serene leisure, there are huge pools with sun terraces, and for fans of outdoor activities there are many slides and attractions. More quiet and secluded is the water park Baryonix. Here you can comfortably relax even with young children. For those who have a merry holiday associated with modern shopping and entertainment … Read more
Several excellent diving centers are located near the village of Vityazevo. In these places lovers of diving are attracted not only by the chic sea bottom, but also by several sunken ships and aircraft of the Second World War. In the center of "Anapa-Surfing" everyone who is willing will be taught basic surfing techniques and will be provided all necessary equipment for hire. In the club "KiteVitSchool" you can ride on the board, holding on to a kite, and on the water stadium a ride on water … Read more
For the last few years, one of the most popular types of outdoor activities in Gelendzhik is jumping. On jeeps you can make a trip to the most beautiful places of the resort, as well as its immediate vicinity. A variety of off-road walks are offered to vacationers, they can last from several hours to several days and assume rest in specially equipped camps. This is a great entertainment for those who do not like to be bored and prefer a holiday away from the noisy resort areas. Nature … Read more
For travelers wishing to enjoy the natural splendor of Vladimir, it is worth visiting one of the city parks. Not far from the Assumption Cathedral is a beautiful park named after A.C. Pushkin. This is an incredibly beautiful and comfortable place with wide paths for walks and an abundance of greenery. The park named after the 850th anniversary of the city Vladimir is considered to be one of the most romantic places in the city; it is here that the Alley of Love is located. In the summer, one … Read more
A win-win way to organize evening entertainment will be a hike in one of the city's cinemas. At the height of popularity among locals and visitors of the city there is a cinema "Zarya", next to which there are several excellent restaurants and cafes. Among the many entertainment complexes in Kaliningrad is "Epicenter", there is entertainment for everyone. The choice of shops here is simply gorgeous, and the young guests will be pleased with a worthy choice of interesting attractions and play … Read more
Q-zar is one of the most popular entertainment centers of the city. Modern theater, billiard room, bowling alley and a cozy café – the center has all you need for comfortable stay. The entertainment complex also has a special playroom for children, and teenagers are more attracted to a hall full of gaming machines. Visitors are also recommended to visit Bluhera 58 entertainment complex that is the best place for family rest. Arcade entertainment center will impress fans of attractions and … Read more - online travel reservation expert providing reliable car rental and hotel booking services. We feature more than 25.000 destinations with 12.000 rental offices and 200.000 hotels worldwide.
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