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Culture of Vladimir. Places to visit - old town, temples, theaters, museums and palaces

Vladimir Many of the largest historical monuments of Ancient Russia are concentrated in Vladimir. The city literally enchants with its beauty. For many hundreds of years the main symbol of Vladimir remains the Golden Gate, which initially served as a front entrance to the city. In ancient times, the gates were opened exclusively for noble guests, as well as for the royal retinues who returned from the campaigns. Among the main and most important sites of Vladimir you need to mention the Assumption Cathedral, considered one of the oldest structures erected on this land. Once there was an old wooden church, and in 1644 a beautiful cathedral was built in its place. It was decided to name it after one of the most important church holidays.
1. For travelers wishing to admire the panorama of the city and make good quality photographs, it is worth visiting the park located on the shore of Klyazma. It is easier to get to it by … Open
Among the oldest and most interesting city attractions is the monastery complex "Knyaginin Monastery", which was founded in Vladimir in the 13th century. On its territory is a beautiful Dmitrievsky Cathedral, the construction of which took place at the end of the 12th century. It is believed that this temple is the best example of typical Vladimir architecture. Another significant religious facility is the Nativity Cathedral; earlier all the annals of Russia were kept here.
One of the youngest religious attractions of Vladimir is the Trinity Church, which is sure to appeal to connoisseurs of ancient architecture. Currently, the church houses a very interesting museum, which stores a rich collection of crystal products, as well as numerous items of applied art. A rather curious historical facility is the ancient water tower, which is located near the Golden Gate. The building was built in 1912 and is a vivid monument of the pseudo-Gothic style. This important architectural structure is also the location of one of the city museums, which acquaints visitors with the historical past of the city. Copyright
Forests, many rivers, lakes and fertile lands began to attract people to these places thousands of years ago. From the 3rd to 5th centuries, the territory of the modern city was inhabited by … Open
As noted earlier, one of the main features of Vladimir is its unique nature. An important tourist site is the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve, and guests of the city have the opportunity to visit the most interesting Museum of Nature. Vladimir is one of the most picturesque and rich in interesting sites city of the Golden Ring - the most popular tourist route of Russia.
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Photogallery of cultural heritage of Vladimir

Landmarks of culture on Vladimir map: art-galleries, monuments, palaces, etc

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Culture guide to Vladimir. Which fascinating sights to visit once you are in Vladimir: temples, churches, museums, theaters and castles. Recommendations (with addresses, phone numbers and links) on the places 'must visit' in Vladimir. Plan your own city excursion by using this page info! - online travel reservation expert providing reliable car rental and hotel booking services. We feature more than 25.000 destinations with 12.000 rental offices and 200.000 hotels worldwide.
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