Colors of Krasnoyarsk - traditions, festivals, mentality and lifestyle

Krasnoyarsk residents have many interesting and symbolic traditions, which can make your stay even more interesting if you try to get to know them better. The city has many beautiful sculptures depicting famous poets, artists, and historical figures. If you come closer, you can see that some of them have faces polished to a shine. Many locals believe that if one rubs the sculpture's face with one's hand, good luck will accompany them for the whole day. One of the first sculptures that started such an interesting tradition was the one commemorating the famous artist Pozdeyev. Pozdeyev's nose is always rubbed to shine, over time, the townspeople began spreading the interesting tradition to other sculptures.
1. Krasnoyarsk is one of the major transport hubs of Siberia. The city has two large airports that regularly take flights from various cities in Russia. One of the airports is international. …
One of the most romantic places in town is the Vinogradovskiy Bridge. Now the bridge has hundreds of padlocks hanging on its railings, which local newlyweds leave here as a sign of their eternal love. Many young lovers perform such an interesting ritual as well. Since the bridge is designed for pedestrians, hundreds of people come to admire such original symbols of love every day.
Locals are known for their love and very respectful attitude to nature. Roev Ruchei Zoo located in the city is one of their favorite places to rest. Citizens know literally all its inhabitants by name, paying particular attention to the animals giving birth. Some people in Krasnoyarsk joke that they don't know the names of regional ministers whereas they know the names of the majority of the inhabitants of the zoo. Copyright
Such a big love for nature is manifested literally in everything, including well-groomed city parks. Many interesting traditions that Krasnoyarsk residents observe today originated in those times when only a few small settlements of indigenous peoples existed on the site of the present-day city. Such customs include the reverence for nature, many interesting beliefs are associated here with animals and birds.
The raven is considered a foreboding omen all over the world, however, the attitude of local people is completely different. For locals, the appearance of a raven indicates the approach of spring. In the past, noisy celebrations were arranged in honor of their coming. Despite the fact that the indigenous inhabitants of Krasnoyarsk Krai have always been skillful hunters, it has never been accepted to kill animals for fun. The only reason they went on a hunt was the need to feed themselves and their families, and local people still follow similar traditions.
One of the largest shopping centers in Krasnoyarsk is KomsoMoll located in the heart of the historical district. Within its walls, it has dozens of clothing and shoe stores, specialty stores …
A special part of the local culture is gastronomy - in Krasnoyarsk Krai, you can try a lot of unusual dishes. As in the old days, very interesting venison dishes are prepared here today, while for some tourists the favorite delicacy is Stroganina, raw frozen fish slices. Despite the fact that modern conditions no longer require preserving food in such an unusual way, locals never gave up their traditional delicacies. Fresh-frozen fish, interesting dishes of wild game, local berries and other delicacies are still in demand.
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In order to get acquainted with traditional crafts, visitors to Krasnoyarsk will have to explore the surrounding areas out of town. Here you can find authentic settlements whose inhabitants build traditional dwellings of skins for themselves and lead a very peculiar way of life. The surprising thing is that very close to such a large and modern city there are the traditional settlements of reindeer herders who don't really care about most of the modern technological advances.
Krasnoyarsk is the largest cultural and economic center of Eastern and Central Siberia. The city is also the administrative center of Krasnoyarsk region. The city is situated on the Yenisei …
Strangers are always welcome in many of these settlements so travelers can get acquainted with the traditional lifestyle of the indigenous peoples, as well as learn their traditional crafts. As for the latter, locals have reached incredible heights in making clothing and footwear from natural skins.
Krasnoyarsk Krai is famous for its harsh climate - it's freezing cold here for more than half a year. Without any special devices, locals sew incredibly warm and practical clothes. Some local women even now continue to use homemade needles from fish bones instead of metal ones.
Krasnoyarsk is famous for its natural and cultural attractions and is ideal for families. The city has an excellent amusement park “Treasure Island Center of Family Rest”. It is very …
Directly in Krasnoyarsk, one can find several museums and cultural centers dedicated to the traditional crafts of the indigenous people. Visitors will have a chance to see national costumes and original musical instruments, as well as buy some interesting handmade souvenirs. Krasnoyarsk is considered one of the most interesting modern Russian cities from the perspective of its traditions and unique way of life.
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