Detailed hi-res maps of Ulan-Ude for download or print
The actual dimensions of the Ulan-Ude map are 3304 X 2360 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 1446038. You can open this downloadable and printable map of Ulan-Ude by clicking on the map itself or via this link: Open the map.
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Travel guide to Ulan-Ude
Sable Lake is one of the biggest ponds in the region. It attracts tourists with its inimitable beauty. There are age-old forests growing along the lake shores. The shores have a spectacular view of the mountains. In a warm period, tourists can choose from dozens of hiking routes of different length. The guests of Ulan Ude have an opportunity to visit one of the largest outdoor museums in Russia, the … Open
Ulan-Ude sightseeing
Ulan Ude is the capital of the Buryat Republic. The city is located not far from the Lake Baikal, the world-famous nature attraction. The city foundation began in 1666. Originally, it had the status of the important trade center, as it was located on the Tea Road. The wonderful historical district of Ulan Ude has been preserved to this day. It attracts thousands of tourists. The Old City District is quite small, so … Open