Detailed hi-res maps of Suzdal for download or print
The actual dimensions of the Suzdal map are 1426 X 1065 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 264937. You can open this downloadable and printable map of Suzdal by clicking on the map itself or via this link: Open the map.
The actual dimensions of the Suzdal map are 1024 X 1035 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 279857. You can open, download and print this detailed map of Suzdal by clicking on the map itself or via this link: Open the map.
City tours, excursions and tickets in Suzdal and surroundings
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Our guide chapters over Suzdal
Travel guide to Suzdal
You can admire unique constructions of wood in the Museum of Wooden Architecture. This outdoor museum presents the spectacular collection of wooden constructions, some of which are aged over a hundred years. Here, you can see old mills, barns, different outbuildings, and even old wells. Besides multiple churches and monasteries, there are preserved trading rows in Suzdal. They were built at the beginning of … Open
Suzdal sightseeing
Many travelers prefer to visit Suzdal on the eve of big holidays, for example, on the Maslenitsa, New Year or Christmas Eve when great festivities take place in the city. The main attribute of city festivals is the folk bands’ shows. Many festive events go hand in hand with very interesting old Russian rites and traditions. Several unique holidays that are not typical for other cities are celebrated in Suzdal. … Open