Detailed hi-res maps of Mineralnie Vody for download or print
The actual dimensions of the Mineralnie Vody map are 1652 X 2360 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 810245. You can open this downloadable and printable map of Mineralnie Vody by clicking on the map itself or via this link: Open the map.
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Travel guide to Mineralnie Vody
The unusual historical symbol of the city is the Tersk Stud. It was founded in 1889 upon the order of the count Sergey Stroganov. Now, the historical stud is one of the largest in Russia and open for tourists on particular days. The visitors of the stud will have an opportunity to see in what conditions elite horses are bred and trained. A lot of interesting entertainments are held for visitors. They can master … Open

Mineralnie Vody sightseeing
Nowadays, this city is one of the largest in the Stavropol Region. Like many years ago, it is an important transport, railway and air hub of the North Caucasus. Mineralnye Vody is the member of the Association of the Southern city of the Russian Federation. It has partner and friendly relations with most of the cities of Russia and neighboring countries. Mineralnye Vody is quite a promising town from a tourist point … Open