Travelling through Italy - roads, airports, railway, bus transportation

Italy is a country with an amazingly rich history and culture. Its capital, Rome, was founded in the 8th century BC, and for millennia its history was …
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Italy can be an ideal place for lovers of outdoor activities. In this country there are all possibilities for water extreme entertainment, mountain …
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Main airports and avia transportation
Italy is the capital of world fashion. Hundreds of thousands of women from all over the world come to this country especially for shopping. In Italy, …
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Railway, bus, water and other transport

Italy is a country of contrasts and emotions, which could not but affect its architecture and tourism infrastructure. In the city of Perugia is the …
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Fantastic City Tours and Excursions in Italy
Italy in photo stream
Travel advices for Italy cities
3. It is recommended to leave tips in local restaurants and cafes. The usual amount of tips is approximately 10% of the total bill. 4. A big break for lunch, which usually lasts from 13:00 to 16:00, is common for local residents. At this time of a day are closed the majority of shops and public institutions. 5. You will not succeed in catching taxis with a flick of hand on any street. In order to get a taxi, you will need to look for a special stop, where taxi drivers have the right … Read more

3. Don’t forget to pick up clothes carefully before visiting religious sites. Other way you can be not allowed to enter churches and cathedrals. Women need to wear skirts that are below the knee level and must cover their heads with a handkerchief, and men to wear stringent pants. 4. It’s normal to leave a tip in the restaurants and cafes. The usual amount of tips is around 10% of the bill. 5. from 14.00 to 15.30 is siesta. The majority of shops and restaurants are closed during … Read more

3. It’s recommended to leave tips in local restaurants and cafes. The amount of a tip is usually 10% of the total bill. Tips are also welcome in a taxi, but in this case it’s common to round the price up to any convenient amount. 4. The majority of restaurants, banks and other institutions are closed during the daytime – from about 14.00 to 16.00. This is the time the locals call "siesta". It is also recommended to refrain from phone calls during the time of rest. 5. It is … Read more

3. St. Mark's Square remains one of the most favorite pastimes for tourists as walking there is really entertaining. Please remember that pigeons on the square can be fed only by the specially purchased food. The food contains special substances which regulate the growth of the pigeon population. This way the city’s government takes care of Venice’s purity. 4. Make sure you select clothes carefully prior to visiting religious sites. Revealing and very bright clothing is prohibited in … Read more

3. The system of public transportation is represented with trams and buses, which are running from the early morning till the late evening. The city practices entire tickets being valid for traveling by any city transport. The entire tickets are sold in every tobacco or newspaper stalls or can be bought directly from a driver. One should keep in mind that buying a ticket from a driver will turn more expensive than buying it in advance. 4. A bicycle is a popular means of transportation among … Read more

3. The city is as well convenient for cruising by tram. One can buy a UnicoNapoli ticket being the single type of tickets for all public transportation means in Naples. A cost of a usual ticket is about 1 Euro and it is valid within an hour and a half. Prudent tourists may buy special travel passes covering a few days or weeks of trips as these tickets let sufficiently save costs. 4. Travelers giving preference to a taxi cruising of the city should better call a taxi by phone or take a car … Read more

3. Expensive hotels are located at the steep coast. In remote areas you can easily find a lot of suitable and well-equipped hotels. Those who would prefer elite places to live in will certainly remember the holiday because of a wonderful panoramic view of the coast. 4. The resort is non-smoking in public places, so rules of conduct in hotels and public institutions should be specified in advance. In most of local restaurants, shopping and entertainment places special areas for smoking are set … Read more

3. There is an extremely mild climate in Turin; the warmest months of the year are July and August. Spring is rainy, so fans of excursions and outdoor recreation are recommended to plan a trip in other time of the year. 4. Travelers who expect to devote a lot of time to cultural activities and excursions should definitely buy a special tourist card. It is sold in tourist centers and some hotels. The card entitles you to significant discounts at various cultural events. 5. Going to a local … Read more