Relief map of France
The actual dimensions of the France map are 2000 X 1125 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 597877. You can open, print or download it by clicking on the map or via this link: Open the map of France.
The actual dimensions of the France map are 2000 X 1125 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 746135. You can open, print or download it by clicking on the map or via this link: Open the map of France.
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Large Hadron Collider CERN
From the series “Incredible Labs for Space and Physics Research”
The Large Hadron Collider has become one of the most mentioned technical systems in recent years. Its complex name is known to millions of people on our planet today. It is a unique charged particle accelerator. It allows for studying the properties of heavy ions and protons. This state-of-the-art detector allows dispersing elementary particles and then studies the features of their collisions.
The unique accelerator was also built by CERN specialists. It is located near Geneva, on the border of Switzerland and France. The large hadron Collider remains the largest experimental facility in the world since its completion. 10,000 of the best scientists from a hundred different countries of the world took part in its construction and formation. The scale of this scientific installation is … Read all
The unique accelerator was also built by CERN specialists. It is located near Geneva, on the border of Switzerland and France. The large hadron Collider remains the largest experimental facility in the world since its completion. 10,000 of the best scientists from a hundred different countries of the world took part in its construction and formation. The scale of this scientific installation is … Read all
Compact Muon Solenoid
From the series “Incredible Labs for Space and Physics Research”
The CERN research organization is the center of several unique research complexes and detectors. It is located in Geneva. One of the most important, expensive, and unique detectors in the world is located on its territory. This is a Compact Muon Solenoid. The research center occupies a large territory even though it is based in Switzerland. This territory extends beyond the country's borders. A special experimental hall was built for the Compact Muon Solenoid near the village of Cessy in France to house it.
More than 3,500 people worked on the equipment of this laboratory. Leading experts from 183 well-known laboratories and universities located in various countries of the world were among them. The main task of a complex detector is to search for the Higgs boson. This is an elementary … Read all
All unique sightseeing France
More than 3,500 people worked on the equipment of this laboratory. Leading experts from 183 well-known laboratories and universities located in various countries of the world were among them. The main task of a complex detector is to search for the Higgs boson. This is an elementary … Read all
Saudi Arabia to Open 38 Hotels in Diriyah
Diriyah is one of the first mega projects in Saudi Arabia. Hotels and other infrastructure will start opening next year, and all works are expected to end in 2026. The first 18 restaurants in Bujairi Terrace will start operating already in early 2022. Read this
Diriyah is one of the first mega projects in Saudi Arabia. Hotels and other infrastructure will start opening next year, and all works are expected to end in 2026. The first 18 restaurants in Bujairi Terrace will start operating already in early 2022. Read this