OrangeSmile Tours Best destinations around the world - Travel Guide

Preparing your trip to Offenbach: advices & hints - things to do and to obey

1. The optimum way to pay for goods and services is national currency as most of the establishments just will not accept any other currency of the world. The best way to exchange the currency is bank service. The banks are serving customers on weekdays (except Saturdays and Sundays) from 8:30 till 14:00 – 15:00. The longest working day is considered to be Thursday. On this day of the week most institutions work till 17:00 – 18:00.
2. The city of Offenbach has widely adopted the system of cashless transfers. That is why tourists should not keep substantial sums of cash by oneself. International credit cards are accepted in most large shopping centers, super markets, filling stations and restaurants.
3. The city has a developed system of public transport. Buses are cruising the city from the early morning till the late evening. Tourists can get to any district of the city by bus. Prudent tourists are recommended to buy several tickets in advance as in this case one can get a discount.
4. Large hotels and tourist information centers offer travelers to buy a special tourist card named “WelcomeCard”. The card enables a tourist to travel free by all public transport means as well as gives a discount for visiting of several cultural objects and shopping centers.
5. To rent a car tourists should visit one of the numerous car rental centers. Rental terms as well as rental cost are charged according different rates. One will need a standard set of documents to rent a car including international driving license as well as credit card with enough of cash limit to cover the rental cost. Clients under 21 as well those drivers who have less than a year of driving experience may be denied in service rendering. Copyright
6. Street call boxes are scattered all over the city. The call boxes offer the lowest rates for intercity and international calls. There are three types of street call boxes according the means of payment they accept. Among them there are boxes which accept credit cards, special telephone cards and usual coins. Special telephone cards named “Telefonkarte” are sold in all news stalls and post offices.
7. The utility supplied voltage is 220V. All the hotels and inns of the city are equipped with European standard sockets. If necessary connectors and adapters may be required in a hotel or bought in one of the specialized stores.
In Offenbach, shopping enthusiasts should pay special attention to designer shops where they can buy original clothes and shoes, accessories, and exclusive souvenirs. Besides specialized … Open
8. Local gastronomy destinations welcome tips which are usually equal to 10% of the total sum of the order which is quite enough to reward a waiter. It should be noted that local restaurants and cafes are cordial and hospitable towards regular customers. A few visits to a restaurant will be enough for getting discounts and compliments from the eating house.
Offenbach - guide chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

What to visit being in Offenbach - unique sights


From the series “The Most Bizarre and Fancy Living Houses”
The building roof is a huge green terrace with plants and flowers, the comfortable recreation zones for sunbathing. The residents of the multi-apartment complex independently cultivate 'the green component' of their dwelling. In accordance with the contract, the tenants in whose dwelling or on the balcony the trees and flowers grow are obliged to care for them. So one of the main conditions of the stay is in the original house. … Read further

Miniatur Wunderland

From the series “Famous Miniature Museums of Architectural Objects and Cities”
In total, visitors can see more than 900 trains and the number of cars exceeds 14000. The model of the railway is illuminated by 300000 tiny flashlights. Around 200000 miniature trees have been planted around the huge layout and the same number of people's figures havebeen installed. This model of the railway is the world's largest one of its kind. … Read further

City tours, excursions and tickets in Offenbach and surroundings

Car rental on Rentals in Offenbach

Photos of Offenbach

Services search (pharmacy, police, parking, banks) on Offenbach map

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 Types of touristic objects to search for
Hotels & Car rental
Carhire locations
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1 star
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3 stars
4 stars
5 stars
Touristic places
Art galleries
Touristic areas
Attraction parks
Aqua parks
Train stations
Bus stations
Fuel stations
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Tips for the cities around Offenbach

Travelling to Offenbach - advices and tips. What should be provisioned in advance, the rules you might want to follow, and the things you better avoid doing in Offenbach. We help you to make your trip smooth and easy, with no unexpected surprises. - online travel reservation expert providing reliable car rental and hotel booking services. We feature more than 25.000 destinations with 12.000 rental offices and 200.000 hotels worldwide.
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