Sightseeing in Dachau - what to see. Complete travel guide

Dachau is often associated with the tragic events that occurred during the Second World War - the fact is that one of the so-called concentration camps was located in the city. The walls of …

Dachau is a beautiful historic town, the first mention of which dates back to the 8th century. The city is widely known for the tragic events that occurred here in 1933. Opponents of the …

Dachau is a great destination for those who prefer quiet and peaceful towns with a rich history keeping their own unique secrets. On its territory, there are several lakes, the extraordinary …

1. The main pride of Dachau is Bavarian beer, which all travelers strive to try. When choosing a bar, vacationers should be especially careful. Avoid recently opened restaurants and street …

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City tours, excursions and tickets in Dachau and surroundings
Reference information
Survived castles around Dachau
♥ Castle 'Dachau Palace' , 0.9 km from the center. On the map
♥ Castle 'Blutenburg' , 11.6 km from the center. On the map
♥ Castle 'Nymphenburg' , 13.1 km from the center. On the map
♥ Castle 'Amalienburg Munich' , 13.3 km from the center. On the map
♥ Castle 'Alter Hof Munich' , 17.9 km from the center. On the map
♥ Castle 'Dachau Palace' , 0.9 km from the center. On the map

♥ Castle 'Blutenburg' , 11.6 km from the center. On the map

♥ Castle 'Nymphenburg' , 13.1 km from the center. On the map

♥ Castle 'Amalienburg Munich' , 13.3 km from the center. On the map

♥ Castle 'Alter Hof Munich' , 17.9 km from the center. On the map

National and city parks around Dachau
♥ Nature Park 'Karwendel' , 96.7 km from the center. On the map
♥ Nature Park 'Ötztal' , 123.5 km from the center. On the map
♥ Nature Park 'Tiroler Lechtal' , 125.2 km from the center. On the map
♥ Nature Park 'Kaunergrat-Pitztal-Kaunertal' , 141.2 km from the center. On the map
♥ Nature Park 'Hochgebirgsnaturpark Zillertaler Alpen' , 142.7 km from the center. On the map
♥ Nature Park 'Karwendel' , 96.7 km from the center. On the map

♥ Nature Park 'Ötztal' , 123.5 km from the center. On the map

♥ Nature Park 'Tiroler Lechtal' , 125.2 km from the center. On the map

♥ Nature Park 'Kaunergrat-Pitztal-Kaunertal' , 141.2 km from the center. On the map

♥ Nature Park 'Hochgebirgsnaturpark Zillertaler Alpen' , 142.7 km from the center. On the map

Art galleries in Dachau and around
♥ Art museum 'Lenbachhaus' Munich, 16.5 km from the center. On the map
♥ Art museum 'Neue Pinakothek' Munich, 16.5 km from the center. On the map
♥ Art museum 'Glyptothek' Munich, 16.6 km from the center. On the map
♥ Art museum 'Alte Pinakothek' Munich, 16.6 km from the center. On the map
♥ Art museum 'Staatliche Antikensammlungen' Munich, 16.7 km from the center. On the map
♥ Art museum 'Lenbachhaus' Munich, 16.5 km from the center. On the map

♥ Art museum 'Neue Pinakothek' Munich, 16.5 km from the center. On the map

♥ Art museum 'Glyptothek' Munich, 16.6 km from the center. On the map

♥ Art museum 'Alte Pinakothek' Munich, 16.6 km from the center. On the map

♥ Art museum 'Staatliche Antikensammlungen' Munich, 16.7 km from the center. On the map

Sights around Dachau from our guide 'Extreme places on Earth'
From the series “Most Enchanting and Vibrant Festivals”
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Distance from Dachau center - 18.1 km.
The founder of the festival is the Bavarian Prince Ludwig I. In 1810 in honour of the marriage to Princess Therese he arranged a luxurious holiday where all residents were offered a free beer. It was in honour of Ludwig I wife that a beautiful meadow where celebrations were held had got its name. By the will of the heir it was decided to spend the holiday every year. The modern Oktoberfest it is a lot of beers and popular Bavarian treats, colourful rides and everyday entertainment, solemn processions through the city and exciting gastronomic events. …
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Ohel Jakob Synagogue
From the series “The most luxury and famous synagogues”
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Distance from Dachau center - 17.9 km.
The interior design of the synagogue is very restrained and elegant. There is modern light wood furniture inside. Natural light enters through the glass roof during the daytime. The very first synagogue was built on the site of the modern one in the 19th century. It was destroyed in 1938. It was not fully completed until 2005, despite earlier attempts to restore the religious monument. …
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