Taxi drivers all refuse. The Most Inaccessible Spots of the Planet
Sometimes, it seems that there are no unexplored places left in the modern world. You just want to, and you can get anywhere in the world. In fact, even modern travellers have some limitations. Miniature settlements situated high in the mountains or far to the north, beautiful caves hidden deep in the bowels of the earth, an oceanic pole lost in the blue boundless ocean and inhabited islands lost nearby - it's not as easy to get to them as it might seem at first glance. Ways to some remote points of the planet carry a real threat to life, but there are still brave souls who are able to reach them. Weeks of wandering around the ocean, complex mountain passes and frightening depth of caves, steep mountains and islands inhabited by aggressive aborigines are the main obstacles on the way of the bravest tourists.
Easter Island, Chile
The Easter Island, located in the boundless Pacific Ocean, is one of the most difficult and mysterious places on Earth. This tiny island in the South-East Pacific was known worldwide thanks to 'Moai' statues. In total, there are 887 stone stands on the ister criterion. Until now it is unclear who and what the island has decorated with the unusual stone statues several centuries ago.
The Easter Island is one of the three most remote inhabited islands on earth. The island is located 3 514 km from the continental coast of Chile. The closest settlement is the island of Pitcairn, which is about 2 075 km from the island of the island. The history of the island's origin is very interesting. The island was discovered by the Dutch traveler Jacob Roggeveen. He discovered the island in 1722 on Easter Day. As a reminder of this important event, the island was named.
As was mentioned earlier, the mysterious stone statues of the island are the main attractions of the island, which attracts curious tourists. Hundreds of human heads with the bodies can be seen on the coast. The maximum height of the stone statues is 20 meters. Most statues can be seen at the foot of the volcano Rano-Raraku. Besides the mysterious statues, the island guests can visit several sacred places. The Easter Island will also appeal to the followers of the beach recreation, which can bathe in the wonderfully beautiful bay of Anakena.
Next - Alert Town
Alert Town, Canada
In Canada lies the unique settlement of Alert - the northernmost settlement on earth. The harsh weather conditions are the main obstacle on the way of the tourists to this settlement. Alert is only 817 km away from the North Pole. On the territory of the tiny settlement are some weather observation and research stations. There are no more than 10 people on their territory. There are 5 meteorologists and about 70 military men, who serve the local military base.
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Tristan da Cunha, Great Britain
The path to the Tristar da Cunha archipelago is also complicated. Tristan da Cunha is the most remote inhabited archipelago on earth. The islands of the archipelago are located in the South Atlantic. The coasts of the Republic of South Africa are located 2 816 km from the archipelago. On the largest island of the archipelago, about 300 people live, whose surface is 98 sq km. It must be mentioned that there is no airport in the archipelago, so you can reach it exclusively by sea.
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Bouvet Island, Norway
In the South Atlantic you can find an interesting, hard-to-reach island - Bouvetinsel. His discoverer was the French explorer Jean-Baptiste Charles Bouvet de Lozier, who discovered the island in 1739. Since 1928 the distant island belongs to Norway. The incredibly beautiful snow-white island, almost whole of whose territory is covered with glaciers, is uninhabited.
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Point Nemo,
The Pacific is one of the most striking and interesting parts of the world. It is the so-called Point Nemo, the water poles. The point Nemo lies 2 688 km from the mainland and was named in honor of the acting person of the well-known novel of Jules Verne. The oceanic pole is often referred to as the 'pole of inaccessibility'. This geographic term refers to the different positions on the earth, which are extremely complicated to achieve due to the great distance of transport routes.
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Tau Tona Mine, South Africa
Some difficult-to-reach places, whose formation was influenced by humans, can be found deep under the earth. Recently, the Tau Tona Mine, located in the Johannesburg area, became the world-famous landmark. This is the largest mine on earth. The ability to reach the mine is not only due to its great depth. One of the distinctive peculiarities of deep mines is very high temperature.
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Naica Crystal Cave, Mexico
The journey to the Mexican city of Chihuahua is still a way to visit the difficult to reach underground sights. Here is the cave of crystals (Cueva de los Cristales). This is the largest cave on Earth and was discovered very recently, in the year 2000. The unique subterranean sight was discovered by the ordinary miners who have encountered a cave with the huge and incredibly beautiful crystals during the mine.
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Mount Everest, Nepal - China
Many hold the summit of Mount Everests for the most difficult to reach place on earth, which is also a landmark of the world. The highest mountain of the planet, which is located on the border of Nepal and China, has the height of 8 848 meters. Only the few experienced and courageous mountaineers can conquer the mountain. The first successful ascent to Everest summit took place in 1953. To date, less than 4,000 people have managed to conquer the high summit.
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Cape York Peninsula, Australia
The Australian continent is rich in the hard-to-reach places, including the Cape Peninsula. The peninsula is located in the northern part of Australia. There are about 18,000 people per year on the peninsula triturium. All these people are the local aborigines, who have protected the peculiar culture from the influence of civilization for centuries. The peninsula of Cape York was relatively popular among the tourists recently. Accompanied by the guide, all foreign guests can visit the local settlements and get to know the everyday life of the aboriginal inhabitants.
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La Rinconada, Peru
One of the most difficult to reach places on earth can be found in South America. Among the picturesque mountain landscapes here is the small mining town of La Rinconada. The town, situated in the Peruvian Andes at the height of 5 180 meters, is the highest settlement in the world. The only road on which you can reach the city is through very complicated mountainous areas and is covered with ice in most months.
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District Motu, China
One of the most difficult to reach places in China is the Motuo County, located in the Tibetan mountains. To get to this picturesque and interesting place you have to go a difficult way to the narrow iced mountain road. And on the last stretch you have to pass a swinging 200-meter-long Hängebrücke. This area has been sacred to the Buddhists for many years. Motuo circle is really rich in the wonderfully beautiful landscapes.
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Wulingyuan Mountains, China
In China, there is still a place that is recommended for all fans of extreme recreation. It is the Wulingyuan Mountains. This mountainous district, not far from Changsha County, is one of the most beautiful places on earth. However, the route here is very difficult for many travelers. The main attraction of this mountainous region are the peculiar sandstone formations, which look like giant columns. In total, there are about 3,000 such columns in Wulingyuan circle, which together with the impenetrable mountain forests form a unique landscape.
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Lechuguilla Cave, USA
During a trip through the USA you can visit the Lechuguilla Cave, one of the most difficult to reach places in the country. This remarkable scenic sight is located on the territory of the nature reserve 'Carlsbad-Caverns National Park' and is one of the longest caves on the earth. Its extent is more than 222 km. The main attraction of the Lechuguilla cave is the incredibly beautiful crystal formations that are a destination for thousands of researchers and scholars from all over the world.
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North Sentinel Island, India
In the world, there is a strange place, on the bottom of which modern man has never entered during the last decades. It is North Sentinel Island. This island is located in the Gulf of Bengal and belongs officially to the territory of India. In reality, however, it is a very isolated territory. The way to the island is actually not so difficult, up to it can be reached both by the waterway, and by the air.
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Ise Grand Shrine, Japan
A very peculiar place is the sanctuary Ise-jingū, which is located in Japan, in the city Ise. It is the most important Shinto temple in the country, founded more than 2,000 years ago. The road to the main temple of Japan is quite complicated. The tiny town of Ise is very far from the big cities and is located about 300 km from the capital.
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