Depressions of the earth. Amazing Land Areas Below the Sea Level
While some travellers are eager to climb the highest mountains, others are in search of the deepest lowlands. Land areas with a negative altitude relative to sea level are on all continents, and each such site is truly unique. Some record lowlands, formed millions of years ago as a result of tectonic activity are now hidden under the ice. Other lowlands are hidden under the surface of lakes and seas, some are considered anomalous zones. Of particular interest to travellers and explorers are lowlands that are not covered by water, each of which can be safely called a unique natural landmark. Completely dry lowlands are very little on the planet, so travellers have an opportunity to see the most beautiful rivers and lakes, as well as see for themselves how high the concentration of salt in such water bodies is.
Dead Sea, Israel – Syria - Jordan
The deepest place on earth is the Dead Mees, on whose coasts the guests of three popular tourist countries - Syria, Israel and Jordan can stroll. The depth of the lowland forms about 413 meters. This parameter can be extremely complicated. This is because it depends on the weather conditions and the level of seawater evaporation. In the drought, when the volatility is maximally large, the depth of the lowland can reach 413 meters. And after the rain it can increase to the shortest deadlines to a few meters.
The main feature of the unique coastline is the salinization that forms the incredibly beautiful natural sculptures and landscapes. The high salt concentration attracts the numerous supporters of health tourism to the coasts of the Dead Sea. The deepest land area on the earth is covered with the unique salins, to which the blue-green sea water beautifully contrasts.
The main secret of the Dead Sea and the surrounding landscapes is very simple - on the sea floor are the countless salt rocks. Due to the high level of water evaporation, the number of salinizations on the coast is always very high. In some places, they form the petrified structures of the strange forms which can not be seen in any other place in the world. Tourists visiting the west or east coast of the Dead Sea can not only look at the unique salinizations, but also the wonderful mountain landscapes.
Next - Turpan Pendi
Turpan Pendi, China
The lowland Turfan, which is located in China, has the depth of 154 meters. It is only the average value. Despite the dry and hot climate of the region, the salt lake Aidinkol forms on the bottom of the lowland. The amount of free land in the country depends on the water level in the lake. Turfan Kesselbruch is the deepest place on the territory of East Asia. In the northern part of the lowland is the tiny oasis city - Turpan (Turfan).
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Qattara Depression, Egypt
One of the deepest lowlands of the earth can be found in Egypt, among the desolate landscapes of the Libyan desert. Here is the Qattara Valley, which is one of the deepest lowlands of the African continent. After a series of researches, the scientists have found that the sink was never populated. Today only the nomadic cattle breeders can be found in this remarkable place. Qattara is one of the few waterless valleys on Earth. The north and west edges of the valley are framed by the beautiful limestone mountains, whose height reaches 100 meters.
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Danakil Depression, Ethiopia
Danakil Valley, which is located in Ethiopia, is also often referred to as 'Danakil Desert'. The valley is located in the unique spot - on the border of three large tectonic plates: the African, the Indian and the Arabic. Danakil desert is considered to be the most dangerous and most damaging in the world. The poisonous landscapes scare fear and hide many dangers. The exit points of the toxic gases, the constantly erupting volcanoes and sulphurous water, all together forming the terrible landscapes - it is only part of the natural formations that can be seen at the depth of 125 meters below sea level.
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Death Valley, USA
The unique highland lowlands, located not far from the Mojave Desert, has a frightening name - Valley of Death. The depth of the valley forms 86 meters, and its area reaches 7 800 square meters. At the moment, the valley of death is located on the territory of the extensive nature reserve of the same name. The sink has an elongated shape. From the east and west sides it is surrounded by the high mountain chains - Amargos Range and Panamint Range. On the north end of the shallow Talkessel lies Silvania mountain, and to the south of the valley - Owlshead mountain.
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Salton Sea, USA
During a trip through the USA, one can still visit a strange valley - the Salton Sea, which is called Salton Sea. This landmark of natural origin, located in the state of Mexico, is required by the fans of the same series and the supporters of active recreation in unusual areas. The Maar Coast is 69 meters lower than the world's ocean level. The Valley is the second-most-located location on the territory of the United States, and is located only in the Valley of Death.
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Depression Akchakaya, Turkmenistan
Aktchakaya Valley is the lowest point of Turkmenistan, the depth of which is 81 meters. The valley is located in the north of the country, on the territory of the legendary Karakum desert - one of the most interesting and visited by tourists the most visited deserts in the world. The drainless valley is impressively large. Its length reaches 50 km, and the maximum width is 6 km. The absolute depth of the sink compared to the level of the global ocean is half as large as the relative depth, which is about 200 meters.
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Karagiye, Kazakhstan
In Kazakhstan there is also a valley worth seeing for the curious tourist. The depth of Karagije Valley is 132 meters, it is located in the southwestern part of the country, on the territory of the Mangyschlaks peninsula. Karagije is one of the deepest dry valleys of Asia. Its steep peculiarities are the steep slopes. The name of the valley is formed by connecting two Turkic words - 'Kara' ('black') and 'Kija' ('steep slope'). The sink also has another unofficial name - 'Batyr', which is translated as 'fighter'.
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Afar Depression, Djibouti
The tiny country Djibouti, whose almost entire territory is the desert, is a site of the Afar Valley - the second-lowest valley on Earth. It is located 155 meters below sea level and has the variable depth that depends on the shore line of Lake Assal. The shores of the lake are the deepest in Africa. The nearby Tajur Golf feeds the water basin with the underground streams even in the drought.
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Depression Bentley, Antarctica
The Bentley Valley in Antarctica is a very interesting geographic object. It is the deepest depression on the earth that is not filled with the liquid water. Its depth is 2 540 meters below sea level, the valley is filled with the ice. This unique lowland was named in honor of the discoverer - Charles Bentley, who made the grand discovery during an expedition in 1961.
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Laguna del Carbon, Argentina
Laguna-del-Carbon - that is the name of the deepest depression in the Southern hemisphere, located in Argentina. In reality, the lagoon, whose depth is 105 meters below sea level, is the deepest part of the vast Gran-Bajo-San-Julian deep. Because of the fact that the bottom of the lowland is almost completely covered with the dangerous marshes, tourists visit only the beautiful lagoon - one of the main tourist attractions of the southern part of the earth.
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