Culture of Ulm. Places to visit - old town, temples, theaters, museums and palaces

1.The main form of public transport is a bus; in certain areas of the city you can travel by tram. The cost of the ticket for one trip is about 2 euros; holidaymakers also have an …

A major university center, this is one of the most beautiful cities in Germany. There are many tourists here at any time of a year. People are attracted by unique places of interest, cozy …

City tours, excursions and tickets in Ulm and surroundings
This guide to cultural sights Ulm is protected by the copyright law. You can re-publish this content with mandatory attribution: direct and active hyperlink to
Reference information
Cathedrals and basilicas near Ulm
♥ Basilika St. Vitus, Ellwangen, 63.5 km from the center. On the map
♥ Basilika St. Martin von Tours und St. Oswald, Weingarten, 70.4 km from the center. On the map
♥ Basilika St. Vitus, Ellwangen, 63.5 km from the center. On the map

♥ Basilika St. Martin von Tours und St. Oswald, Weingarten, 70.4 km from the center. On the map

Unique spots in Ulm and near
Steinheimer Becken
From the series “Largest Meteorite Craters on Earth”
Check on the map:
Distance from Ulm center - 32.5 km.
The crater has been formed more than 14 million years ago. As it was found out in the course of the research, for millions of years it has being completely filled with water. At the time when the first settlements appeared at the territory of the crater, the lake has long been dry. Over millions of years, under an influence of natural factors and human activities, a unique landscape in the region has been changing dramatically. …
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From the series “The Scariest Mines in the World”
Check on the map:
Distance from Ulm center - 50.6 km.
In 1924, ore mining became unprofitable and it was decided to close the mine. The entrance was concreted, depriving thousands of curious people of opportunity to visit the mysterious cave. For many years the interest of local residents and tourists to the old mines hasn’t exhausted, so in 1979 Aalen government decided to unseal the entrance and set an iron gate beside it. The mine is open to visit only in the period from May to September; you can move through the tunnels only by special electric train and only in special equipment. …
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Photogallery of cultural heritage of Ulm
Landmarks of culture on Ulm map: art-galleries, monuments, palaces, etc