Weather in Bavaria. Actual conditions and forecast
Week forecast for temperature, rain and cloudiness
Map of wind conditions for Bavaria area
Map of Bavaria temperature forecast
1. You can zoom in to Bavaria using the '+' button, or check temperatures around the globe by the '-' button.2. Besides this, you can grab the map by your mouse button and move it to see the temperature in other regions.
This temperature map is centered around Bavaria. The map is real-time and interactive.
Rain forecast for Bavaria area
1. Using the control panel above this map, you can check the rain forecast for Bavaria for any period within next 10 days.2. Via the top control panel, you can check the following weather parameters: Temperature, Cloud cover, Precipitation, Wind and Pressure.
This precipitation forecast map is centered around Bavaria. The map is also real-time and interactive.
Climate in Germany and weather forecast - best seasons for visit

Atmosphere of Germany: religion and languages
In modern Germany, about 37% of the total population are Catholics. Protestants make out 35%; they include Evangelists and Baptists. About 20% of the population consider themselves believers, while they can not attribute themselves to any particular existing confession. About 10% in the country are atheists. Due to the increase in the number of migrants from Africa, other countries of Europe and the Middle East, a small percentage of the population professes Islam, Judaism and other foreign religions. Confessions in Germany have visible territorial distinctions. Thus, in the north and east of the country the evangelical religion prevails, and thanks to the influence of modern Europe, the number of atheists grows every year. … Open
Sights of Bavaria - photogallery
Bavaria guide chapters
Bavaria sightseeing
In the center of the city there is Marienplatz square that is a great place for hiking; the main decoration of the square is the Town Hall. There are beautiful medieval churches and temples in the city; art lovers should visit local galleries and exhibitions. The Munich City Museum, the Bavarian National Museum, Deutsches Museum, Alte Pinakothek - these are only a few cultural attractions of Munich. Travelers show … Open

Cultural excursion through Bavaria - things to see
The most striking monument of the 19th century is Neuschwanstein Castle. Every year it is visited by more than a million tourists; the beautiful castle is the most recognizable and popular in the country. The beautiful palace was built by King Ludwig II in just 4 years; its construction involved more than a thousand workers. Neuschwanstein Castle is located on a mountain top that gives it even more solid and … Open

Attractions and active leisure
Nearby there is one of the most famous theme parks, Legoland. This is a real fantastic country with beautiful buildings and fabulous inhabitants; every day, very interesting and enchanting entertainment shows are arranged there. There are 40 unique attractions just inside the park; there is a beautiful recreation area, shops and a cafe with a huge selection of sweets. Another outstanding entertainment venue is a … Open

Cuisine and top restaurants
The basis of the national cuisine consists of meats and there are no feasts without sausages and pates. Bavaria is famous for its upscale cheeses and delicious pastries. Speaking of elite varieties of Bavarian cheese, it’s certainly worth to mention the popular national snack, obatzda. It is a mouth-watering creamy mass of fresh butter and grated cheese with addition of fresh herbs. Appetizer is served cool … Open

Traditions and mentality of Bavaria
Indigenous people speak special dialect that won’t be easy to understand even to those who have excellent German. To test your skills you need to go to the marketplace in any Bavarian town and listen to natives talking with each other. Experts point out that even native speakers can’t make out the meaning of their conversation for the first time. Culinary traditions of indigenous people also deserve … Open

Travel guide to Bavaria
Bavaria is also famous for its healing thermal springs. On the territory of the region, there are over 70 balneological resorts. Some of them are upscale and specialize in treating serious diseases. More modest resorts suit those who are interested in general recovery and want to strengthen the body. The resort of Bad Bayersoien is distinguished by its excellent infrastructure. Another resort, Bad Feilnbach, is a … Open