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Dreams of a vacationer. The Most Beautiful Islands on the Planet

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Beaches, surrounded by dense tropical vegetation, an abundance of exotic plants and animals, waterfalls hidden among dense greenery and trees with exotic fruits - this must be an ideal island for relaxation. A significant part of tourists are attracted to comfortable islands with modern hotels and infrastructure, while others, on the contrary, are in search of quiet uninhabited islands far from civilization. Some of the islands are very popular among travellers, they are a place of amazing natural and historical attractions, unusual hotels and beautiful beaches. Absolutely uninhabited and quiet, completely converted into resort complexes that preserved their identity - the most beautiful islands of the planet are very different and - we can't argue with that - they are all incredibly attractive.

Cousin Island, Republic of Seychelles

The Seychelles have been a synonym for natural splendor for a long time. To the archipelago belongs the tiny cousin island, which is considered one of the most beautiful in the world. The area of ​​the granite island, whose central part is covered with the lush tropical scrubs, forms about 27 hectares. Cousine is a unique health resort, on whose territory there is no construction or infrastructure. The tourists, the picturesque uninhabited island to visit, should observe some strict rules.

Cousin Island, Republic of Seychelles On the island you can bathe only in the special places. It is forbidden to make picnics and fire on the island. During the stay on the island, the smokers should avoid the harmful habit. Cousin is as found for followers of ecotourism. On the island you can observe the rare birds, some species of which you can not see anywhere else in the world. On the island live also the Pacific cabbage turtles, which at certain time lay eggs on the coast. That is why tourists can watch the unforgettable show - as the little turtles crawl out of the eggs.

In 1968, cousin island was declared a nature reserve. The ecologists are concerned about the maintenance of their unique ecosystem. The tiny island will please the hikers and tourists who want to get to know the unspoiled nature of Seychelles. During a hike through the island you have to climb up to the summit of the mountain in the center, from where you can admire the wonderful panorama. Next - Musha Cay

Musha Cay, Bahamas

Musha Cay, Bahamas Musha Cay is one of the most magical and wonderful islands in the Bahamas. Once this small island belonged to the world famous illusionist David Copperfield. Today his owner is the magnate from the USA named John G. Melk. The area of ​​the island forms about 60 hectares. Almost its entire territory is covered with lush tropical scrublands, except for the snow-white, fine sand-covered shoreline. Complete article

Necker Island, United States

Necker Island, United States In the midst of the deep azurian Pacific Ocean is the uninhabited island of Necker - the tourist destination thousands of fans of ecotourism. The length of the crescent island forms about 1,200 meters, and the width - not more than 200 meters. On the isterritorium there are four small hills, the largest of which, Summit Hill, has the height of 84 meters. Complete article

Mustique Island, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Mustique Island, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Tourists visiting the Grenadines archipelago can look past the picturesque private island of Mustique. The length of the wonderfully beautiful island forms about 5 km, and the width - 2.5 km. Surrounded by lush tropical forests, the area is about 5.7 sq km. And is of volcanic origin. One of the main features of the island is its unique warm climate. Complete article

Mnemba island, Tanzania

Mnemba island, Tanzania Not far from the Zanzibar Island is the uninhabited Mnemba Island, which is part of the marine conservation area. The length of the island's circumference is about 1.5 km. Nearby is the incredibly beautiful coral reef, which the divers from all over the world in this area. At present the island is private property. It is not so easy to get on it. This wonderfully beautiful area is one of the elitist destinations. Complete article

Turtle Island, Fiji

Turtle Island, Fiji Many travelers know the island of Turtle, which is part of the Fiji archipelago, among the other names - turtle island. The name reflects one of the main characteristics of the island - the turtles are the main inhabitants of the island. In addition, more than 100 species live on the island. In the coastal waters one can see more than 1 000 fish species and other representatives of the underwater world. Complete article

Cocoa Island, Maldives

Cocoa Island, Maldives Among the picturesque Maldives you have to mention the island of Cocoa. The island surrounded by the incredibly beautiful emerald green lagoon has the extension of only 360 meters. The width of the island is about 84 meters. A few years ago, COMO Hotels & Resorts company built the chic hotel on the island. Above the water were the magnificent wooden villas, which are connected to each other and to the island with narrow small bridges. Complete article

Palm Island, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Palm Island, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines The enchanting tiny island of Palm Island is part of the island state of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Just a few years ago the island had a different name - Prun Island. After the new owners planted a few hundred palm trees on the island, it was decided to rename the island. The area of ​​the private island is relatively small and forms about 54 hectares. A few years ago the excellent spa hotel was opened on its territory. Complete article

Barbados Island, Barbados

Barbados Island, Barbados The island-state of Barbados, which belongs to the Lesser Antilles, is one of the most picturesque and beautiful islands in the world. Barbados is one of the most densely populated islands on the planet. Its surface area is 431 sq km, and the population today is almost 285 000 people. Almost entire coastal country Barbados is assigned to chic villas and first class hotels. Tourism is a foundation of the economy of the island state. Complete article

Ambergris Caye, Belize

Ambergris Caye, Belize The Ambergis Island, situated in the Caribbean Sea, is characterized by the impressive size and diversity of the snow-white sandy beaches. Ambergis is the largest and most popular among the more than 200 islands of Belize. The island stretch is about 40 km, and the maximum width is 1.6 km. Despite the developed infrastructure, the island has preserved the splendor of untouched nature. All the tourists can walk through the picturesque mangrove forests and graze along the tropical palm trees and relax in their shadows on a magical beach. Complete article

Bora-Bora, Polynésie française

Bora-Bora, Polynésie française The island of Bora-Bora, whose area is no more than 38 square kilometers, has long been associated with elite recreation in the romantic atmosphere. The length of the island is about 9 km, and the width reaches 5 km. The island is surrounded by fairytale beautiful coral reefs. Not far from the coast are some tiny villages. Around 9,000 people live on Bora-Bora Island. The central part of the island has remained unchanged for thousands of years and is covered by impenetrable tropical forests. Complete article

Moorea, Polynésie française

Moorea, Polynésie française Among the islands of French Polynesia you must mention the romantic island of Moorea. When you look at this wonderful island from the height, their outlines remind of the heart. The exotic island is as found for the romantic recreation. Many couples choose it for honeymoon and wedding ceremony. For the couples, the incredibly beautiful ceremonial ceremonies are carried out on the island, and even the documents on the palm cortex are given. Although these papers do not have legal force, they are very popular among the romantic people. Complete article

Koh Tao, Thailand

Koh Tao, Thailand Thailand has the wonderfully beautiful, attractive islands that are also worth seeing for curious tourists. Located in the Gulf of Thailand, Koh Tao Island is named after the giant tortoises living next to the island. One of the main secrets of the Thai island are the tiny gulfs and the hard-to-access beaches, which can only be reached by the off-road vehicle. As soon as you can find a better place for quiet recreation and enjoyment of nature nearby. Complete article

Nosy Be, Madagascar

Nosy Be, Madagascar Nosy Be is the largest island of the archipelago of the same name and is considered an expensive spa town of Madagascar. The exotic island is the location of a lot of luxury hotels, expensive restaurants, nightclubs and shops. For many years now the world famous celebrities Nosy Be have chosen for the rest. Despite the rapid development of travel and entertainment infrastructure, the exotic island has maintained the most important - the natural harmony and the quiet atmosphere. Complete article

Saint John, United States

Saint John, United States The island of Saint John, located in the Caribbean Sea, is popular with the active recreation and the unusual, picturesque holiday destinations. The tiny island is one of the American Virgin Islands and is the smallest of them. The surface area is 50.8 sq km. Despite the relatively modest size, Saint John is rich in the unique natural sights you can not see anywhere else in the world. Complete article
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