Ancient villas. Famous Stables of Ancient People
Primitive men’s caves had been saving a human being from cold, wind and wild animals. Ancient caves were the home of our ancients. Today their homes are in the center of the scientists’ attention. There were found points of the cave art, its age is estimated for several thousand decades and other points of primitives. In these caves the ancestors built fire, made spiritual practices and had the meal. Now everybody can see the parking lots of the primitive people. A great number of unique artefacts that were found in these caves are now exhibited in the biggest world museums.
Tsodilo Hills, Botswana
Tsodilo Hills have placed in Ngamiland District, Botswana. More than 30 000 years there has been living the San tribe. Tsodilo Hills is the scarify place for these people. Only in the 1990s, the researchers got interested in these areas. During the hill’s researching there were found several ancient caves. A great number of unique artefacts, that were found there, indicated that earlier these caves were used by primitive people.

Sheila Coulson from the Oslo University has first found these unique caves. The main artefact is the huge stone rock-cut python. Its length is about 6 meters and width 2 meters. The tribe San still worship the python, it is one of the most sacred animals for them. There is a strong possibility that several thousand years ago the locals idolized pythons too.
Also, there were found the tools of primitive people. We can imagine how they carved this sculpture with them. Some of the tools dated more than 70 000 years old. Even more, several parts of the stone wall were found near the sculpture. About 13 000 artefacts were found in the cave on Tsodilo Hills. Among them were spearheads, various ritual artefacts and some stone working tools. However, the ancient cave wasn’t used as a home for primitive men. Scientists think that it was used as a place for major religious place.
Next - Liang Bua Cave
Liang Bua Cave, Indonesia
One of the most known encampments of primitive people in the world is the Liang Bua Cave in Indonesia. There were found the bones of Florentine people. That's why the cave relieved its unofficial name "The cave of Hobbits". A great number of artefacts from this place now you can see in the Djakarta archaeological museum. Even more, the cave is open for organized excursions. Near the cave has placed a small tourism agency, where lives the supervisor of this major historical place.
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Bla Jungfrun Caves, Sweden
Bla Jungfrun island is located in the Kalmarsund, Sweden. A lot of scary stories are connected with this island. According to one, the witches came here for Black Sabbath over a number of years ago. Once the witches were killed and now their shadows live on this island, that’s why locals don’t dare to walk on this island. However, the researchers like to come here, something unusual attracts them.
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Little Petra Caves, Jordan
Little Petra Caves have placed near the Petra city, Jordan. Right here were found the unique marks on the wall painting. The paintings were made in the Hellenistic style more than two thousand years ago. It took three years to restore the paintings.
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Cave Luperkal, Italy
Cave Lupercal is one of the most important historical landmarks in Italy. The legend of Rome's foundation says that Romulus and Remus were found there by the she-wolf. Archaeologists have come across on this cave only in 2007. It is located 16 meters under the ground and is the main sanctuary of the ancient world. A great number of amazing legends are connected with this cave but no one can claim which is true.
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Bruniquel Cave, France
French Bruniquel Cave also attracts a lot of researchers. There were found two stone circles which were built more than 170 000 years ago. The researchers have no doubts that these mysterious circles were made by people. The main material was the parts of stalactites and stalagmites. In order to make the circles, there were used about 400 parts which were connected to the fire.
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Ahshtyrskaya Cave, Russia
The Akhshtyrskaya Cave is also an outstanding archaeological place in the world. This cave you can find in Sochi, Russia. Edouard Alfred Martel, a French scientist, had found it during the large researching in 1903. In 1936, archaeologist Sergei Nikolayevich Zamyatin excavated the first prehistoric human remains.
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Vorontsovskaya Cave, Russia
Vorontsovskaya Cave has also placed in Sochi, Russia. It is not just a cave – it is a huge complex of caves which is in the top 10 huge cave complexes of the world. Its length is about 11,5 km and it has 14 entrances. For a long time, there had lived the ancient tribes, their traces were found during one of the cave’s researchers. Among the hundreds of artefacts, there were found boars’ bones, sabre-toothed tigers’ bones and bones of other animals. More than that, there were found places of fire.
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Cueva de El Castillo, Spain
The unique cave Cueva de El Castillo was found in Cantabria, Spain. For a long period of time the cave didn’t attract modern people. The cave’s entrance was so small that the only possible way to get there was on the hands and knees. There were found one of the most ancient petroglyphs in the world. Their age goes up to 40 000 years. On the pictures were depicted bisons, horses, some parts are devoted to the hunting.
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Arnhem Land Plate, Australia
Arnhem Land Plateau is one of the most popular place from the archeological point of view in Australia. Now it is a part of a huge National Park. The Nawarla Gabarnmang is a rock shelter in southwestern Arnhem Land, where were found the traces of petroglyphs, which age goes up to 28 000 years. On these paintings the researchers have made out the huge birds, which looked like the real one, which lived on the planet 40 000 years ago. It says that the first petroglyph has appeared there much earlier that it was mentioned.
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Cave Apollo 11, Namibia
Cave Apollo 11 is the unique cave in Namibia. There were also found the settlements of the primitive men. This cave’s name is connected with the landmark event landing on the moon of the satellite vehicle Apollo 11 in 1969. On the walls were found the ancient paintings made with coal and natural white dye and ochre. There you can recognize zebras, cats, giraffes, ostriches and other animals. The researchers say that these paintings are approximately 26 000 years old.
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Pech Merle Cave, France
In France you can find one more cave - Pech Merle Cave. Thousand years ago, it was also home for our ancestors. There, on the cave walls, were found the strange pictures of spotty horses. At first, the researchers thought that these animals were made by the primitive people up. Later, near the cave were found the animals’ carcasses and their DNA showed that these horses were real and lived about 25 000 years ago. People used this cave for about 20 000 years. There were also found drawings of mammoths and bisons, that were painted about 5 000 years ago.
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Cave Tadrart-Akakus, Libya
In the Cave Tadrart-Akakus, Sahara Desert, Lybia, were also found traces from the petroglyphic drawings and pictures. That claims that thousand years ago the territory of the present dessert had some water reservoirs and was suitable for living. The oldest drawings were made about 12 000 years ago. They were found in the caves from these mountain ranges. There were depicted crocodiles, giraffes, rhinos. There was time when the area near the mountain range was full of plants, trees and bushes.
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Laas Geel Cave, Somalia
In Somalia the complex of ancient caves Laas Geel Cave is opened for everyone. Its rupestrian writings are of the age from 5 to 10 thousand years old. On its wall we can see cows, dogs, giraffes and even people themselves. All the paintings are made in red and ice cream colors. We still don’t have the exact information about the real inhabitants of this cave. However, Laas Geel Cave Complex was a sacrifice place from the ancient times for locals.
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Swimmer Cave, Egypt
Swimmers’ Cave has placed on the territory of the Libyan Desert. There were found 6 000-year-old pictures of swimmers. The Hungarian explorer László Almásy was the first who has explored this cave and found these paintings. He came here in 1933 and then in 1994 the cave was detailed described in his book "The Unknown Sahara". As many others researchers László Almásy arrived at the conclusion that earlier the climate on the territory of the Sahara Desert was much better.
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