Weather in Thessalia Region. Actual conditions and forecast
Week forecast for temperature, rain and cloudiness
Map of wind conditions for Thessalia Region area
Map of Thessalia Region temperature forecast
1. You can zoom in to Thessalia Region using the '+' button, or check temperatures around the globe by the '-' button.2. Besides this, you can grab the map by your mouse button and move it to see the temperature in other regions.
This temperature map is centered around Thessalia Region. The map is real-time and interactive.
Rain forecast for Thessalia Region area
1. Using the control panel above this map, you can check the rain forecast for Thessalia Region for any period within next 10 days.2. Via the top control panel, you can check the following weather parameters: Temperature, Cloud cover, Precipitation, Wind and Pressure.
This precipitation forecast map is centered around Thessalia Region. The map is also real-time and interactive.
Climate in Greece and weather forecast - best seasons for visit

Sights of Thessalia Region - photogallery
Thessalia Region guide chapters
Top hotels with reviews
The unique historic hotel Archontiko Michopoulo is situated in Kastraka in the beautiful 18th century residence. The hotel features chic interior; its rooms resemble rich historical halls of the museum. You could see the original antique fireplace in some rooms, while others strike with beautiful finish of precious wood or an abundance of antique jewelry and art objects. Gourmets will appreciate local restaurant … Open

Attractions and active leisure
The best beach for outdoor activities on the island is Spitaki; among other things, here you can attend a sailing school. In addition, various walking tours, excursions, and trips for active people who are ready to test their state of training and endurance are organized here. For climbers it will be interesting to conquer the heights of the Meteora. The height is only 400 m; however, this place attracts … Open

Cuisine and top restaurants
In order to try fish dishes you’d better go to the coast. If you are a sweet tooth, we can recommend Kelesidis Sweets, they serve excellent ice cream and delicious desserts. In Trikala, be sure to try the local dairy products. It seems fair to say that this city is a center of dairy production in Thessaly. Feta produced in this region is considered to be the best cheese in Greece. Greek yogurt, mizithra and … Open

Traditions and mentality of Thessalia Region
Every summer an interesting event takes place on the foothills of Olympus - the Olympus Festival, which embraces Pieria, Macedonia, and Thessalia. It is the summit of the year’s cultural activities. The programme includes productions of plays from the ancient and modern Greek and foreign repertoire, ballet, classical and folk concerts, as well as talks on the archaeological significance of the area. … Open

Travel guide to Thessalia Region
The picturesque region of Thessalia has many interesting peculiarities. For hundreds of years, it was nearly completely isolated not only from other countries but also from other regions of Greece. Such isolation has made it possible to keep interesting cultural traditions and unique heritage in Thessalia. In recent years, tourism has been rapidly developing in the region, but agriculture hasn’t lost its … Open

Thessalia Region for children - what to visit
The excursion to Alonissos island, which plays host to the National Marine Park, will be interesting to children of any age. Here you can take a walk, admire the landscape and see rare animals and birds, first of all, dolphins and seals. Of course, you need to go on a trip to the Meteora. Since the trip lasts the whole day it is quite tiresome. Consider the strength and endurance of your child, yet such a … Open