Weather in Merida. Actual conditions and forecast
Week forecast for temperature, rain and cloudiness
Map of wind conditions for Merida area
Map of Merida temperature forecast
1. You can zoom in to Merida using the '+' button, or check temperatures around the globe by the '-' button.2. Besides this, you can grab the map by your mouse button and move it to see the temperature in other regions.
This temperature map is centered around Merida. The map is real-time and interactive.
Rain forecast for Merida area
1. Using the control panel above this map, you can check the rain forecast for Merida for any period within next 10 days.2. Via the top control panel, you can check the following weather parameters: Temperature, Cloud cover, Precipitation, Wind and Pressure.
This precipitation forecast map is centered around Merida. The map is also real-time and interactive.
Climate in Spain and weather forecast - best seasons for visit

Atmosphere of Spain: religion and languages
It is worth noting that despite this, faith has a big impact on the Spanish public. For example, in schools and higher educational institutions, students are required to choose between the subjects; Religion, and Ethics. If the choice falls on the first, then they will be taught the basics of Catholicism. Up until now, about 32% of schools rank themselves in Catholic educational institutions in the country. However, despite the fact that faith is highly appreciated in families and in education, it is difficult to say that the Spaniards are serviceable parishioners of local churches. Apparently, their attitude to such an open demonstration of their religion was influenced by world-famous inquisitions which were cruelly punished for belonging to Christianity. … Open
Sights of Merida - photogallery
Merida guide chapters
Cuisine and top restaurants
An interesting feature of regional cuisine is the variety of cold vegetable soups. The most common dish in this category is Salmorejo tomato soup, which is necessarily cooked with garlic. The formation of regional gastronomy was greatly influenced by nearby Portugal. A typical heritage of Portuguese cuisine is "bacalao dorado". This is the name of chicken-fried cod fillet that is served with crispy fried potatoes. … Open

Traditions and mentality of Merida
One of the tourists' favorite stages of the holiday is fairs where one can try the best regional products and dishes that were popular with locals hundreds of years ago. At the fairs, they sell interesting handicrafts, and everyone can buy a beautiful costume in a historical style. The traditional cuisine of the ancient Romans will impress gourmets and those open to something new. It'd be interesting to visit an … Open

Travel guide to Merida
On one of the central streets of the city is the Arch of Trajan, whose height is 15 meters. The age of this architectural structure is also about 2 000 years. Originally, the arch functioned as a city gate and was built from wood. The very first wooden arch lasted about 150 years, and in the second century, it was decided to rebuild it. For the construction, the best granite from the local quarries, which was … Open

Merida for children - what to visit
The first place to explore with kids in the ancient city is Alquiler de Castillos Hinchables en Badajoz. This park provides several children's playgrounds themed under the favorite character of many children - SpongeBob. The park is small, however, it must be said that it is very cozy here, which is sure to please any family member. Another child-friendly entertainment center is called Way To Play. Here they can … Open

Advices for travellers
2. Merida is a popular tourist city, so many locals are pretty good at foreign languages. To show respect for the local culture, be sure to learn a couple of simple phrases in Spanish. 3. There are no large international airports in Merida. You can get here from the surrounding cities by bus or train. Trains from Lisbon, Madrid, and Badajoz, where the nearest major airport is located, regularly arrive in … Open

Attractions and active leisure
Merida is famous for the variety of bars and restaurants that welcome visitors until late at night. They remain among the locals' favorite places for evening outs. Sala Maruja Limon Rock Bar invites you to relax in a stylish setting. It offers visitors a huge selection of signature cocktails and traditional snacks. This bar always has a very lively and relaxing atmosphere and the bulk of its frequent visitors are … Open