City break in Brittany. Active leisure ideas for Brittany - attractions, recreation and nightlife

Bretagne is located in north-western France on the vast peninsula between the English Channel and the Bay of Biscay. Its unique climate, beautiful scenery and an abundance of remarkable …

Bretagne is sometimes called ‘the land by the sea;’ the region owes its name due to the successful geographical location. However, its national cuisine is widely known not because of …

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City tours, excursions and tickets in Brittany and surroundings
Reference information
National and city parks around Brittany
♥ Regional Nature Park 'Golfe du Morbihan' , 72.1 km from the center. On the map
♥ Marine National Park 'Port Launay' , 92.8 km from the center. On the map
♥ Regional Nature Park 'Brière' , 105.3 km from the center. On the map
♥ Regional Nature Park 'Golfe du Morbihan' , 72.1 km from the center. On the map

♥ Marine National Park 'Port Launay' , 92.8 km from the center. On the map

♥ Regional Nature Park 'Brière' , 105.3 km from the center. On the map

Amusement parks near Brittany
♥ Amusement park 'Cobac Parc' Lanhélin, 85.5 km from the center. On the map
♥ Amusement park 'Cobac Parc' Lanhélin, 85.5 km from the center. On the map

Attractions and entertainment in France

Photogallery of picturesque Brittany
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