Preparing your trip to Puerto de la Cruz: advices & hints - things to do and to obey

2. It is possible to get to the resort from the airport by bus, it departs several times an hour. The ticket’s price is different: it can be from 11 to 20 euros.
3. The hottest months of year is August, however even in August the temperature usually don’t increase over 26 degrees centigrade. Water’s temperature is comfortable for swimming for a whole year, even in winter it is about 20 degrees centigrade and higher. Usually it is raining during a year, but rains are not durable, so they can’t disturb the resting program.
4. Travelers who come resting with children need to choose the seaside for resting carefully. Some territories of the local beaches are unacceptable for resting with little children, however it is also possible to find excellent beach territories.
6. At the resort there are a lot of banks and exchanging points: it is more profitable to pay for the various goods and services with the national currency. As for exchange it is recommended to pay attention not only to the rate but also to the commission, which can be quite high in some exchanging points.
7. Travelers who are going to visit the resort’s outskirts and travel on the territory need to rent a car. To do this it is necessary to have the international driving license and credit card with the needed amount of money to pay for the deposit. Some rent points can refuse in service to people who are younger than 23 and people who got the driving license 1 year ago or earlier.
Puerto-de-la-Cruz is the oldest resort in Tenerife, it strikingly differs from neighboring beach resorts. The primary number of habitants live exactly here, also there are a lot of important …

Preparing your trip to Puerto de la Cruz: advices & hints - things to do and to obey You can re-publish this content with mandatory attribution: direct and active hyperlink to
What to visit being in Puerto de la Cruz - unique sights
Magic Carpets Street
From the series “Top 13 Most Fantastic and Colorful Streets and Quarters”
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Distance from Puerto de la Cruz center - 2.6 km.
The tradition of decorating the street with fine carpets has originated over 150 years ago. In the mid-19th century, on the eve of one of the major religious holidays, the Monteverde family decorated its house with a small carpet of volcanic sand. In a few years, the tradition has spread all over the city, and then became a mandatory part of the celebration. In recent years, paintings are created using not only the volcanic sand, but the flower petals and colorful pebbles. …
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City tours, excursions and tickets in Puerto de la Cruz and surroundings
Photos of Puerto de la Cruz
Services search (pharmacy, police, parking, banks) on Puerto de la Cruz map