Detailed hi-res maps of Playa Blanca for download or print
The actual dimensions of the Playa Blanca map are 4202 X 2286 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 806832. You can open this downloadable and printable map of Playa Blanca by clicking on the map itself or via this link: Open the map.
The actual dimensions of the Playa Blanca map are 3676 X 1380 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 1244860. You can open, download and print this detailed map of Playa Blanca by clicking on the map itself or via this link: Open the map.
City tours, excursions and tickets in Playa Blanca and surroundings
Moving around in Spain - transportation
In addition, traveling on a personal or rented car is also possible in Spain. Although the quality of roads here are not the best in Europe, it is quite acceptable for comfortable travel. The price of gasoline in Spain is quite expensive and there are a lot of toll roads. This should be taken into account in advance when planning your budget. There are also systems of strict fines, so it is advisable not to violate the traffic rules. The fine on an average car is about $ 40 per day. It is therefore not advisable to travel by cars in large cities, as it is very easy to get a fine of 85 Euros for incorrect parking. There is also the likelihood of traffic jams ruining your vacation plans. Bicycles which are available for hire are a good option in Madrid and other cities. There are chic bike trails in all regions. You can also rent a motorcycle or a scooter. Taxi in Spain is quite expensive. A ride on a taxi costs a minimum of 2 Euros. A kilometer costs around 1.2 Euros, excluding baggage fee. … OpenEconomy roadmap of Spain
The labor market in Spain is one of the toughest in Europe. After labor reform was carried out in 2010, the dismissal procedure became simpler. The amount of severance pay was reduced by one-third, and the average wage was no longer defined. Now it directly depends on the degree of qualification of the employee, on the position held and on the capabilities of the organization in which the person works. To date, the level of official unemployment does not fall below 10%. The fight against this indicator is directly related to education. According to statistics, out of five million unemployed, about two million have no special training. The average wage is about 27,000 Euros per year, taxes inclusive. The GDP as of last year is 1,352 billion dollars, while the national debt per capita of Spain is just over 34 thousand dollars. … OpenSearch for services, infrastructure and sights on map of Playa Blanca
Photogallery of Playa Blanca sightseeing
Our guide chapters over Playa Blanca
Advices for travellers
2. It will be better to lend the car for people who expect visiting the resort’s outskirts. To lend it it is necessary to have the international driving license and the credit card with needed amount of money for deposit. The lending price depends on the selected model. 3. It is more profitable to pay for goods and services with national currency, but some hotels and shops can take USD, however … Open
Travel guide to Playa Blanca
The most unusual sight of Playa Blanca can be called Laguna de Janubio - a salt pond located in its vicinity. Many years ago, saltworks were opened on its bank. They are still functioning and are the only object of its kind on the island. Tourists are offered exciting tours, during which they can observe different stages of the salt extraction process. A small pouch with this amazing salt would be a perfect … Open
Cuisine and top restaurants
A lot of people associate national cookery with tomato soup “gazpacho” the first of all. Really, it is the one of the most popular national dishes, however for foreign guests soups with lentil and haricot are popular too. Real national pride is paella; several dozens of cooking variations are known. There is paella with meat, seafood and vegetables; a lot of cooking methods can seem to be quite original for … Open
Attractions and active leisure
They are equipped by all the necessary things for comfortable resting; there are sport grounds, playing grounds for children and beach inventory lease on the beaches’ territory. A lot of popular bars and clubs are located near the beaches, this fact makes resting more pleasant and captivating. The nearest beach Playas de Papagayo can be recommended for travelers who want to spend time far away from boisterous … Open