Detailed hi-res maps of Cuenca Town for download or print
The actual dimensions of the Cuenca Town map are 982 X 1454 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 294241. You can open this downloadable and printable map of Cuenca Town by clicking on the map itself or via this link: Open the map.
City tours, excursions and tickets in Cuenca Town and surroundings
Moving around in Spain - transportation
Spain is a modern country with highly developed infrastructure. Here you can find practically all the possible means of transportation that tourists can use to travel within the country. The airplane is one of the fastest ways to travel. Every major city of Spain has an airport in it, but they are located on the outskirts. The airports have domestic flights, which allow you to reach the necessary cities in a short time. This is especially true for traveling to the islands. In addition, the price of a ticket for domestic flights is often cheaper than the cost of other alternative modes of transportation. There is also a railway network in Spain. You can find railway stations in every major city. However, the cost of tickets for this mode of transportation is quite expensive. It is thus recommended to plan routes in advance and purchase travel cards, as this will be economical. You can also save cost if you purchase a return ticket. The train wagons are very comfortable and convenient. Usually, all of them are provided with air conditioning and toilets. However, some not very popular routes are run by old European diesel trains. The cost of tickets for such trains is cheaper, but they are less comfortable. … OpenEconomy roadmap of Spain
The labor market in Spain is one of the toughest in Europe. After labor reform was carried out in 2010, the dismissal procedure became simpler. The amount of severance pay was reduced by one-third, and the average wage was no longer defined. Now it directly depends on the degree of qualification of the employee, on the position held and on the capabilities of the organization in which the person works. To date, the level of official unemployment does not fall below 10%. The fight against this indicator is directly related to education. According to statistics, out of five million unemployed, about two million have no special training. The average wage is about 27,000 Euros per year, taxes inclusive. The GDP as of last year is 1,352 billion dollars, while the national debt per capita of Spain is just over 34 thousand dollars. … OpenSearch for services, infrastructure and sights on map of Cuenca Town
Photogallery of Cuenca Town sightseeing
Our guide chapters over Cuenca Town
Cuenca Town sightseeing
The Castle of Belmonte was practically in ruins in the 19th century, but the Empress Eugenia de Montijo decided to restore the building and bring it to its former glory. The castle became available for the public in 2010, so everyone can visit it now. There is a museum inside the building that exhibits the original furniture and decorations preserved for centuries. Did you enjoy a walk in the halls of the … Open