Weather in Aix-en-Provence. Actual conditions and forecast
Week forecast for temperature, rain and cloudiness
Map of wind conditions for Aix-en-Provence area
Map of Aix-en-Provence temperature forecast
1. You can zoom in to Aix-en-Provence using the '+' button, or check temperatures around the globe by the '-' button.2. Besides this, you can grab the map by your mouse button and move it to see the temperature in other regions.
This temperature map is centered around Aix-en-Provence. The map is real-time and interactive.
Rain forecast for Aix-en-Provence area
1. Using the control panel above this map, you can check the rain forecast for Aix-en-Provence for any period within next 10 days.2. Via the top control panel, you can check the following weather parameters: Temperature, Cloud cover, Precipitation, Wind and Pressure.
This precipitation forecast map is centered around Aix-en-Provence. The map is also real-time and interactive.
Climate in France and weather forecast - best seasons for visit

Atmosphere of France: politics
It is worth noting that in France since the middle of the last century there is another non-standard governing body, called Constitutional Council. It is designed to consider acts that are issued by the authorities. Such a procedure is necessary to strictly control compliance with all legislative projects of the current Constitution. The Council comprises of 9 members, who are appointed personally by the President of the Country. The most important body of the judiciary is the Court of Cassation. This Court is headed by the President, as well as six judges who act as Chairmen. The Supreme Council nominates judges, and only the President has the right to approve them. There are several types of courts functioning in the country, among which you can find Appellate courts, regional courts, supreme courts and courts of first instance, as well as the military tribunal. … Open
Sights of Aix-en-Provence - photogallery
Aix-en-Provence guide chapters
Shopping, streets and outlets
If you want to choose more expensive and exclusive souvenirs, pay your attention to decorative pillows with hand embroidery. The main market in the city works several days a week on Place de l'Hôtel de Ville. There are many shops near the square that sell all kinds of souvenirs on any day of the week. Tourists can always combine shopping in the center of the historic district with dining in the best national … Open

Aix-en-Provence for children - what to visit
There are several quality entertainment parks in Aix-en-Provence. Many locals and guests of the city choose Gulli Parc as a place for family holidays. The venue is interesting to visit with children of any age. The entertainment center has playgrounds and amusements for babies and older children. For babies, the park offers playgrounds with inflatable castles, slides, trampolines, and rides. Older children will … Open

Attractions and active leisure
If you happen to visit Aix-en-Provence in late spring, don’t miss an opportunity to visit Parc des Collines de Cuques. This park looks incredibly beautiful in spring when dozens of species of different blooming trees and bushes decorate the area. The 2.5-hectare-large park was established in 1976. Rare types of pines and oleander, as well as multiple rosemary shrubs, form the look of this park. Although Parc … Open

Cultural excursion through Aix-en-Provence - things to see
Many tourists start their excursion in the city with the historic district of Vieil Aix. This part of Aix-en-Provence is a winding labyrinth of picturesque streets and squares. Place de l'Hôtel de Ville is an old square that is located in the center of the historic district. The most famous attractions of Aix-en-Provence are located around the square. Tourists can see the building of the old town hall here. It was … Open