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Travel ideas for Mexico - unique sights, worth Guinness records

Puente de Ojuela

From the series “The Most Dangerous Bridges in the World”
Puente de Ojuela situated in Mexico is considered one of the most dangerous and mysterious places on the planet. The bridge was built over a deep canyon in 1898; it served the shortest transition from the town to Ojuela mines, where precious metals and other minerals were mined. The draft of the first bridge project was developed by sons of world-famous engineer John Roebling; the most famous of his creations is Brooklyn Bridge.
After its completion, Puente de Ojuela has been one of the longest suspension bridges in the world for many years. It featured high steadiness; developers used steel cables to strengthen its construction that was a major innovation at the end of the 19th century. The bridge was actively used by miners, and when gold and silver mines were exhausted, the bridge fell into neglect, as well as the town of Ojuela. Today, this high bridge appeals to fans of extreme sports. Passing through it gives a feeling of weightlessness, thanks to the open design of the construction and an impressive height. Jagged cliffs located around add thrill, so adrenaline rush during a walk across the bridge is guaranteed. Today, this large construction, whose length is more than 275 meters, is one of the prominent tourist attractions. These places attract fans of photography, because of the great view over the canyon. ... Complete sights collection

Copper Canyon

From the series “The Deepest Canyons on the Planet”
Located in Mexico, Copper Canyon is a collection of six small canyons, which are usually considered natural formations. The name of the canyon fully reflects one of the main characteristics - slopes of the gorge are of saturated copper-red color. Over time, the slopes of the canyon were covered with green moss that was considered a copper deposit by Spanish colonizers. Walking up the steep mountain slopes remains one of the favorite pastimes of tourists; the luckiest may see rare species of native predators. That’s why unaccompanied walks in some areas of the gorge are prohibited.
Vertical drop in the gorge is about 1,870 meters, and while mountain peaks are covered with snow, subtropical forests at the bottom of the gorge literally hum with life. The canyon is home to over 30% of the representatives of the Mexican fauna; rare Mexican wolf, black bear and cougar can be found in local dense forests. A number of plants growing in the canyon numbers in thousands. These places have always attracted active travelers, and therefore picturesque Copper Canyon was elected as the permanent venue for the Festival of adventure tourism. Fans of excursions may visit settlements of Raramuri Indians and buy handmade souvenirs. ... Complete sights collection

Cueva de los Cristales

From the series “The Most Mysterious Geological Formations on the Planet”
Located in the Mexican town of Naica, Cueva de los cristales is a single complex with old mines. This unique cave features huge selenite crystals; the biggest among them weights 55 tons. The cave has unique climatic conditions, as the temperature in it is about +58C, while the humidity rarely drops below 90%.
Specially trained people in dedicated gear may stay in a cave no more than 20 minutes, which significantly complicates exploration. The cave was accidentally discovered while mining in 1910 and was originally called ‘The Cave of Swords’, as long crystals in moonlight resembled giant swords. Later explorers found out that the cave is relatively young, as its age is about 500 thousand years. The cave has formed in old crust fracture, where magmatic activity still continues even these days.
Heated groundwater eventually soaked with minerals and due to constant high temperatures formed crystals; some of them are more than 10 meters long. Opening in 1910 had been only the first step in the study of unique caves. In 2000, during expansion of mines, a second room of the cave has been discovered. Nine years later, a third one was discovered. The study of natural phenomena still continues in extreme conditions. Entrance to the amazing Crystal Cave is closed for ordinary people. ... Complete sights collection

Ox Bel Ha

From the series “Largest and Most Branched Caves on Earth”
Ox Bel Ha is one of the largest underwater caves in the world. The length of their explored junctions is more than 256.5 km, and the depth of the cave is 37 meters in some places. The karst cave was discovered in 1996 and has the numerous entrances. At present the scientists know the position of 140 entrances into the cave. This code is not final, however, since the research of the cave still lasts.
According to the version of the scientists, the formation of the cave began 18,000 years ago. As a result of climate change on Earth, the level of the ocean has increased. For thousands of years the water has poured out the limestone, which has led to the formation of unique underwater landscapes. Currently the scientists have examined more than 80 cave junctions. It should be noted that the geological formations are unique in different areas of the cave, due to the unique flow combination.
Almost all Ox Bel Ha runs are under the water. Some underground currents are directly connected with the Caribbean. At present the divers have studied about 100 km of the underground galleries. It was found that these great underground currents affect the formation of landflora and fauna. The variety of exotic plants and animals in the coastal regions is due to the subterranean underground caves. ... Complete sights collection

Sac Actun

From the series “Largest and Most Branched Caves on Earth”
Diving in the caves is considered one of the most popular and spectacular extreme entertainment, and one of the best spots for this is Sac Actun Cave. Their general length is about 317.5 km, of which only 6 km of galleries are 'dry'. All other tunnels are more or less flooded. The depth of some pits surpasses 127 meters. The research of the cave was started in 1987. The scientists regularly discover the new junctions connecting the complex of the underground vaults with other large caves nearby.
At present, Sac Actun is the second-longest cave in the world and is only the mammoth cave. The divers like the complicated cave system thanks to the comfortable conditions for diving. The entrances to the cave are all along the coast, and the water temperature in the flooded tunnels seldom drops below 20 degrees. The main danger to the divers is the complicated cave structure. So far, researchers have discovered more than 5,000 transitions, which can be very fast. ... Complete sights collection

Puerto Vallarta

From the series “Thrilling Points for Bungee Jumping”
The enchanting Mexican town of Puerto Vallarta is popular among tourists who like to relax and wander through picturesque areas. Until a few years ago, this picturesque spa town attracted only the supporters of the extreme sports, namely, the mountaineers, who were striving to conquer the local rocks and mountain peaks. A few years ago, the special tower for bungee jumping on the coast was built, whose height is 37 meters.
Compared to the other world-known places for bungee jumping, this height seems quite small. A special feature of the tower - its location - provides the nerve kitzel. The place is built on the high rock, at the coast. Therefore, the bold can literally plunge from the slope into the sea.
The price for this entertainment is quite cheap and makes about 55 USD. The attraction is open daily from 10am to 6pm. There is always a fairly large row to the tower, so you have to be patient to enjoy the unforgettable seconds of the game. Most guests of Puerto Vallarta are the sports lovers and active recreation supporters, so it is no surprise that the attraction became very popular in just a few years. ... Complete sights collection

Pyramid of Calakmul

From the series “The Oldest Surviving Monuments on Earth”
The Calakmul pyramids located in the mighty city of the Maya are called 'Structure I.' And 'Structure II.' called. A total of some hundred unique buildings have been preserved on the territory. The pyramids are the largest building of this type, their height is about 45 meters. The length of the side of the largest pyramid reaches 140 meters. The flowering period of the ancient Calakmul city lasted from the 2nd to the 7th century. At that time the majestic pyramids were built.
The researchers have found that there were about 5,000 buildings of the various purpose determinations at the city council. The first ruins of the ancient city, hidden in the impenetrable jungle, were discovered by American researcher Syrus Landell in 1931. Later, the territory around the ancient ruins was declared a nature reserve. The tourists who want to see the mysterious pyramids of Maya have a complicated route.
The pyramids can only be reached by car. The only path leading to archaeological monuments is very winding and incredibly narrow in some places. You can not go fast on this road, as it is constantly crossed by the animals living in the nature reserve. Travelers who are not afraid of these difficulties will not regret this trip. You can climb to the top of one of the pyramids and enjoy the lush green jungle from the heights. In the surroundings of the pyramids there are many interesting buildings: the ruins of ancient temples, sanctuaries and monuments, the purpose of which you can only guess. ... Complete sights collection

Colorado River

From the series “The Most Dangerous River Rapids for Rafting”
Colorado River is one of the most raging and rafting ravines of the northern hemisphere. The best route for rafting stretches through Grand Canyon. Every year, more than 22,000 athletes visit this area. The starting point of most rafting routes is Lees Ferry district. The exciting trip can be completed in the town of Diamond Creek and drive up to the Mead water basin on the river.
The average flow rate of the river on this route is about 20 kilometers an hour. Lava Rapids is considered to be the most complicated threshold. Depending on the chosen itinerary and the recreational program, the ride on the Colorado River can take 1-2 to 25 days. Travelers who are not yet ready for the exertions can head into the Cataract Gorge or choose one of the upper sections of the river.
The route, which is not far from the tiny Radium town, is very popular with beginners. Each year, more than 60,000 sports enthusiasts visited this area. In the state of Utah, the 'Daily' route, which is close to Moab, is the most popular among tourists. 'The rafting season' on the Colorado River usually begins in May. The weather, which is pleasant for rides, is usually here until the end of September. ... Complete sights collection

Playa de Amor

From the series “The Hidden and Hard-To-Reach Beautiful Beaches”
One of the most unified and unusual beaches in the world can be found on the Las Marietas Islands, in the picturesque bay of Banderas. This tiny beach has formed thousands of years ago, as a result of volcanic activity. In reality it is in the great cave and is surrounded by the high rocks from all sides. The latter form a large ring over the beach, which makes its structure unique.
Since 2008, the entire territory of the Marietas Archipelago has been declared a national conservation area. Guests of the islands have a unique opportunity to see the rare plant, animal and fish species. Many travelers visit the enchanting beach to watch the dolphin fronds, which have long been a home to this area. In the close proximity of the coast are presented the diverse corals and the other sea inhabitants, therefore the rest on the romantic beach also the divers fallen.
Playa de Amor (love beach) is one of the hottest on the planet. In the summer the air temperature in the cave is often heated to 40 degrees. An important feature of the Marietas Archipelago is the variety of the caves and the tunnel through which one can get to the hidden beach. Remarkable that many hidden tunnels and the underground lakes remain unknown even after long years of research of the archipelago. After a rest on the beach you can participate in an exciting excursion through the island, which will also give a lot of unforgettable impressions. ... Complete sights collection

Holbox Beach

From the series “The Hidden and Hard-To-Reach Beautiful Beaches”
The holidaymakers who visit Mexico in search of the beaches of the island can be recommended to the charming Holbox Beach. It is located on the island of the same name, one of the most beautiful islands in the country. Literally one can translate the islands as 'the black hole' from the language of Maya. There is only a small settlement on the isle criterion, there are no cars and infrastructure.
On the largest part of the isterritorium lies the unique nature reserve whose main inhabitants are the birds. The guests of Holbox have an excellent opportunity to relax on the magnificent desert coast and then walk through the picturesque places and listen to the exotic bird song. The tourists a change with the interesting entertainments in the quiet recovery at the Wüstenstrand, which can only be reached by boat.
Accompanied by one of the locals, you can take the boat along the coast and observe the huge whales, as well as the rare species of sharks that chose this area. The migration of the whale shark lasts from the beginning of maize to the beginning of October. Most tourists visit the island at this time. The quiet atmosphere on the holbox is partly due to its impressive size. Its extent is about 34 km. The coast is covered with the magnificent white sand. In some stretches border the beach to the lush palm tree trunk. ... Complete sights collection
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Photogallery of landmarks of Mexico

Trip ideas for regions of Mexico

Playa del Carmen
Traveler practicing yoga will find a perfect place to rest and recreate on the resort as well. The Yoga By the Way health center will be an excellent place for healthy lifestyle followers. The center offers its visitors a great choice of recreational therapies. Some classes are held in the open air. The most renowned park of the resort is considered to be the Xcaret Eco Theme Park which is located on the territory of a scale reservation of the same name. The park is equipped with a variety of … Read more
Mexico City
The popular Rexo club is a large building, on three stores of which you will find large dance floors, a cozy bar and a lounge. In addition to this, the ground of the club is the location of a wonderful restaurant, where you can relax from loud music and enjoy culinary delights made by local chefs. When it comes to music directions, they follow each other literally every day. Cafeina club is decorated in the Brazilian style. This place will be liked by fans of samba and salsa, as well as by … Read more
In addition to beach activities, Cancun offers its guests to attend numerous sports clubs and golf centers. In this city visitors will find playgrounds for children, modern gym, and of course numerous tennis courts. A significant part of night clubs, discos and bars is located near beaches. As a rule, during the daytime such establishments work as usual cafes, and in the evening they prepare special entertainment programs and delicacies for their guests. No description of Cancun is possible … Read more
Puerto Vallarta
Another popular entertainment on the resort is horse riding at local wildlife preservations. The Rancho El Charro riding center offers its visitors astonishing pleasure of horse riding. The center features its own riding school. Tourists opting for health recovery should necessarily visit the Yoga Vallarta complex. The recreation center offers various yoga classes, healing treatments, massage therapies and a perfect swimming pool. Golf players will discover several specialized golf centers. The … Read more
Guadalajara is also home to some really great amusement parks, where both adults and children are welcome to have a good time and enjoy numerous funny and exciting attractions. The most popular parks of the city are Selva Magica, Natural Adventure and Las Botas Extraviadas. Each of these parks is decorated in a unique style and offers its guests to participate in a unique entertainment. Tobolandia and Agua Caliente water parks feature a rich choice of pools and water slides. In order to make … Read more
The most popular city beaches are Caleta and Icacos. They are perfectly suited for family rest. Fans of outdoor activities may fall in love with Tamarindo beach that is surrounded by rich thickets of exotic plants. Puerto Marquez beach is a wonderful choice for recreation and water activities. Despite the fact that the length of the beach is just over a kilometer, its territory is equipped with a large number of playgrounds and sports clubs. There is also a diving school, as well as several … Read more
The zoological park Bioparque Estrella is another interesting spot for nature lovers. Not only is it indescribably beautiful, but it also is a habitat for rare animals. This park is home to a large population of elephants, rare birds, and other exotic creatures. The habitat for animals here is as close as possible to natural, so it's really captivating to observe their behavior. A considerable percentage of visitors to this park are locals and tourists with children. There are several … Read more
A wide choice of facilities is offered to fans of water entertainment - there are several large water parks in the city. Acuatico Baxal Ja is considered one of the best. This water park is outdoor and occupies a vast area. Visitors can enjoy huge pools with colorful slides, spacious sunbathing terraces, as well as many playgrounds for children of any age. Special small pools with fountains are equipped in the water park for small visitors. It will be comfortable to relax here even with … Read more - online travel reservation expert providing reliable car rental and hotel booking services. We feature more than 25.000 destinations with 12.000 rental offices and 200.000 hotels worldwide.
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