Colors of Kharkov - traditions, festivals, mentality and lifestyle

Kharkov has a special charm due to its unique cultural atmosphere. It is the city with beautiful centuries-old traditions and rich cultural life. Local residents are cheerful and optimistic; they like to have fun and know how to do that. That’s why an abundance of fun-filled holidays is held there. Locals also feature a wonderful sense of humor; fans of excursions and walks will notice this feature of the national character.
Holidays in Kharkov would be incomplete without a visit to local restaurants; some of them are very unusual and attractive places. One of the best restaurants in the city is Vzletayushiy …
The fact is that the city has an incredible amount of interesting monuments along with an abundance of religious and historical sites. Lots of beautiful monuments are dedicated to outstanding literary characters; there is also a monument of the soccer ball, as well as colorful and highly original frog monument in the city. The search of original monuments remains one of the most popular entertainment options, as they can be found literally on every street of Kharkov.
Event tourists are encouraged to visit the city on the eve of New Year holidays. During this period, the city transforms beyond recognition. The familiar and beloved festival is celebrated here in a special manner; the magical transformation of Kharkov begins long before the actual onset of the New Year. Every day, city streets are becoming more festive and colorful; they are decorated with authentic Christmas items and festive illumination. Copyright
Kharkov is ready to offer its guests a huge number of exciting excursions. Ancient streets and squares, famous historical sites and monuments, churches, museums, theaters and landscaped …
The main Christmas tree of the city is set on Freedom Square; it strikes with its size. Each year ornaments for the Christmas tree are made by expert craftsmen. During the New Year holiday, Freedom square is the most fun and lively place. A wide variety of rides is set there for children. Numerous stalls and kiosks wait for fans of sweets and traditional treats.
![Kharkov Kharkov]()
The integral part of the Christmas holidays in Kharkov is represented by colorful fairs. At 24th of December of each year Freedom Square hosts a large international fair, where residents of foreign countries represent their products. Fairs are held in full compliance with national traditions; instead of usual stalls vacationers can see colorful dolly-shops. Residents of sister cities of Kharkov take active part in organization of Christmas events; this period is considered one of the most soulful and attractive.
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National traditions of Ukraine

The condition of Ukrainian women is two sided: on one hand, education and work are accessible to all women. They are independent, and many women work in the field of science, politics and business. On the other hand, a woman is still considered as an object. Women’s views are looked down on, and jokes about women’s logic and emotional instability are common. The task of cooking, cleaning the house, and taking care of the kids, is still expected from working women. Ukrainian women have a strong character, whose roots can be traced to the distant past, when the Cossacks’ wives remained in charge while the husbands were engaged in military affairs.