Preparing your trip to Simferopol: advices & hints - things to do and to obey

2. Day trips to nearby cities and resort areas are very popular among tourists; neighborhoods can be reached by train. A trip to Sevastopol and Yevpatoria will take more than two hours and a journey to Bakhchisarai would take little more than half an hour.
3. In addition to public transport, taxi service is available for travelers at any time. The car can be called by phone or found on special parking spaces on the street; latest are usually close to major attractions and entertainment venues. Be sure to bargain with a taxi driver and negotiate the price before getting into the car.
4. In the city you can find a huge number of attractive restaurants, the prices in which will satisfy even the thriftiest travelers. Local shops also feature attractive prices for goods.
6. It is essential for holiday-makers to observe basic safety cautions. Don’t use services of private individuals, as it is likely to become a victim of fraud. In no case your belongings should be left unattended; going for a walk, it’s better to take just a small amount of cash.
7. You can safely walk along the central area of the city even late at night, as it is always very busy and noisy. The historic district of Simferopol isn’t a best place to take stroll in the night; it would be better to explore it during the day accompanied by a tour group.
Simferopol is one of the largest cities in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in Ukraine. The city is located between the Inner and Outer chains of the Crimean Mountains in the valley Salgir …

Preparing your trip to Simferopol: advices & hints - things to do and to obey You can re-publish this content with mandatory attribution: direct and active hyperlink to
What to visit being in Simferopol - unique sights
Cave City Mangup Kale
From the series “ Survived Artifacts of Early Christian Civilization”
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Distance from Simferopol center - 47.1 km.
Tourists visit this place for the sole purpose - to admire the ruins of majestic palaces and ancient Christian churches, and stroll through the narrow survived streets of the city. Not long ago, Crimean monks took the initiative to restore the ancient Christian monastery and the monastery church at Mangup Kale plateau. A few years later, the ambitious project was put into action. Today there is a functioning monastery of the Annunciation, where only one person, the abbot Iakinth, resides. …
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Inkerman Cave Monastery of St. Clement
From the series “ Survived Artifacts of Early Christian Civilization”
Check on the map:
Distance from Simferopol center - 54.7 km.
In the 17th-18th centuries, the cave monastery began to attract the attention of royal personages. It was visited by Catherine II, Princess Maria Alexandrovna and Tsar Alexander III, as well as other members of the royal family. Today, the cave monastery is a tourist attraction of national significance. After renovation, it looks incredibly impressive. For decades, archaeologists continue to work close to the monastery. Tourists will be able to see other early Christian artifacts in this wonderful historic district. As scientists believe, more than 1 500 years ago, one of the world's largest Christian communities could be situated there. …
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City tours, excursions and tickets in Simferopol and surroundings
Photos of Simferopol
Services search (pharmacy, police, parking, banks) on Simferopol map