Climate and best seasons to visit Portugal. Actual weather forecast
The Mediterranean climate is dominant in Portugal. The ocean has a huge influence on its formation. Air masses coming from the ocean make the temperature in Portugal lower than is customary for this climatic zone. There is a high humidity in the mountainous regions. In these regions, an average of 2,000 millimeters of precipitation falls a year, whereas in the south it does not fall more than 500 millimeters. The weather in the southernmost regions of the country is hotter and drier. The climate on the island part of Portugal is mild, without exhausting heat and severe frosts. In general, the country has the largest number of sunny days throughout Europe as a whole.
Staying in a foreign country involves respecting her cultural traditions and rules. Portugal in this sense is no exception. The price of snacks in …
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Portugal offers a wide range of entertainment for children of all ages. Adults are given the opportunity to take long walks and appreciate the …
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Top periods for vacation in Portugal
Tourists can visit Portugal at any time of the year, thanks to the mild climate of Portugal. Everything depends on your financial possibilities and personal preferences. The peak of the tourist activity takes place usually in the summer months. During this period, there is the most comfortable climate for a delightful beach holiday. This is especially true on the island territories. The beach season begins from the end of April, although the water temperature in the Atlantic can be only 15 degrees. Also, quite a lot of tourists come to Portugal for the New Year and Christmas holidays. A relatively low season is recorded at the end of autumn and lasts until mid-April. The weather during this period is quite unstable, rainy, so not everyone risks going on vacation during this period. Although, of course, it is during winter on the islands that you can save up to 50% of your budget and all the same enjoy this ecological recreation.
The best hideaways for couples in love, as well as top hotels for wedding and honeymoon.
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To get acquainted with the UNESCO monuments in Portugal, it is better to plan your trip from the end of April until the end of June. Popular excursion tours are organized in September and October. The cruise season starts in Portugal in the middle of spring. The ski season lasts only two months, from January to March. The only ski resort of the country will pleasantly surprise beginners of winter sports. In order to try balneal resorts and SPA hotels, it is best to choose the second half of autumn and spring for your holiday. To get acquainted with the customs of the country, to understand their mentality and get to know the traditions, it is best to visit the country during national holidays. For instance, the country celebrates Independence Day on October 5th. Many carnivals and fairs take place in February. In the middle of summer in Agueda they arrange an enchanting show of umbrellas.
Fantastic City Tours and Excursions in Portugal
Actual weather forecast for Ponta Delgada, Portugal
Map of wind conditions for Portugal area
Map of Portugal temperature forecast
1. You can zoom in to Portugal using the '+' button, or check temperatures around the globe by the '-' button.2. Besides this, you can grab the map by your mouse button and move it to see the temperature in other regions.
Rain forecast for Portugal area
1. Using the control panel above this map, you can check the rain forecast for Portugal for any period within next 10 days.2. Via the top control panel, you can check the following weather parameters: Temperature, Cloud cover, Precipitation, Wind and Pressure.
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Diriyah is one of the first mega projects in Saudi Arabia. Hotels and other infrastructure will start opening next year, and all works are expected to end in 2026. The first 18 restaurants in Bujairi Terrace will start operating already in early 2022. Read this
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