Detailed hi-res maps of San Jose for download or print
The actual dimensions of the San Jose map are 1500 X 610 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 104765. You can open this downloadable and printable map of San Jose by clicking on the map itself or via this link: Open the map.
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Our guide chapters over San Jose
San Jose sightseeing
San Jose is a very important city for the US. Although for a long time this city has been behind its famous neighbor, San Francisco, nowadays the city stands at the forefront of innovative technologies, as well as of the development and introduction of new technology projects. Thanks to its location in the famous Silicon Valley, this city started developing rapidly in the middle of the 90s. This has led to a … Open
Travel guide to San Jose
Beautiful parks of San Jose are a particular feature of the city. Kelly Park is one of the most dimensional and interesting. It is a real cultural and entertainment center in the open air. Here, branchy trees and landscapes hide several unique objects. Visitors can stroll through a beautiful Japanese garden, designed in best traditions, visit a miniature zoo and botanical garden, that has a collection of rare plants. … Open