Nature of Norway - national parks and reserves for active recreation

The official languages in Norway are Norwegian and Sami. Norway is part of the former Scandinavia, which is why the canons of the Old Norse …
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Norway’s economy depends on the world economic cycles, but in recent years it has maintained a remarkable stability. To date, this Scandinavian …
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These spots really worth the attention of a real traveler-researcher.
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Fantastic City Tours and Excursions in Norway
Reference information
National and city parks of Norway
♥ National Park 'Blåfjella - Skjækerfjella' . On the map
♥ National Park 'Breheimen' . On the map
♥ National Park 'Dovre' . On the map
♥ National Park 'Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella' . On the map
♥ National Park 'Femundsmarka' . On the map
♥ National Park 'Folgefonna' . On the map
♥ National Park 'Forollhogna' . On the map
♥ National Park 'Fulufjellet' . On the map
♥ National Park 'Færder' . On the map
♥ National Park 'Gutulia' . On the map
♥ National Park 'Blåfjella - Skjækerfjella' . On the map

♥ National Park 'Breheimen' . On the map

♥ National Park 'Dovre' . On the map

♥ National Park 'Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella' . On the map

♥ National Park 'Femundsmarka' . On the map

♥ National Park 'Folgefonna' . On the map

♥ National Park 'Forollhogna' . On the map

♥ National Park 'Fulufjellet' . On the map

♥ National Park 'Færder' . On the map

♥ National Park 'Gutulia' . On the map

Photogallery of Norway
Cultural sights in regions of Norway
The guests of the city should definitely not forget to visit the Royal Castle, which was built in the middle of the 19th century. Many people say that it has much similar with White House, and some compare it to an old mansion of nobles. The magnificent monument is surrounded by century-old gardens. The main street of the city is called Karl Johans Gate. While walking through it you will see several important places of attraction of the city. On this street are located National Theatre and the … Read more

Speaking of city culture it's worth to mention the Ringve National Museum dedicated to national music. It hosts interesting collection of national music instruments, folklore costumes and other accessories associated with national musical tradition. Built in late 18th century, Stiftsgarden royal residence is a truly unique landmark. It is the biggest wooden palace in the Northern Europe. The magnificent royal residence surrounded by the beautiful garden is visited by hundreds of tourists every … Read more

St. Mary’s Church is a truly unique attraction. The beautiful cathedral was built in the 12th century. Surprisingly, the building has managed to preserve in its original form till our days. If the appearance of the building hasn’t been changed within 800 years is a wonderful example of Romanesque style, its inner premises have been remade several times during the history of the church. The latest changes took place in the 17th century, so nowadays visitors are welcome to admire a beautiful … Read more

Jugendstilsenteret is a no less interesting museum. It is open in a building that resembles a small and old castle. This museum is dedicated to the Art Nouveau style – it was decided to use this architectural style when the town was restored after the fire. In this museum, you can see the exquisite contemporary design, gorgeous antique furniture, and precious artifacts. Jugendstilsenteret features an interesting collection of artworks with multiple works of famous modernist painters from … Read more

In summer, the museum regularly hosts beautiful holidays dedicated to traditional culture. Historical reenactments are carried out here along with vivid parades of national costumes, musical and dance performances. The open-air ethnographic museum is located in an incredibly beautiful natural area, so lovers of pristine nature will surely appreciate the tour. One of the most unusual cultural centers in Lillehammer is the Norsk Kjoretoyhistorisk Museum. It houses a unique collection of old … Read more

Another interesting construction from an architectural point of view is Molde Radhus (Town Hall) built in 1966. Since its construction, it has not been almost changed. The main feature of the building is a rose garden on its roof. Once, the first rose bushes were planted in the city but specialists supported that they wouldn’t take root here due to harsh climate. Despite this, local climate conditions are suitable for roses. Now, the Town Hall is located in the territory of the biggest rose … Read more

In the 17th century, shipbuilding started its development in the city. A famous native of Larvik is the famous naval architect Colin Archer. Today, on one of the central streets you can find Larvik Sjøfartsmuseum whose exposition is devoted to the history of shipbuilding. Among its most valuable exhibits are models of old ships that were once assembled in a local port. The museum also stores an interesting collection of old shipboard equipment and nautical charts. Near the town, there are … Read more