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Cultural sightseeing in Brazil. What to visit - museums, temples, castles and palaces

Those thrusting for parties should participate in carnivals taking place in Rio de Janeiro. Any Brazilian carnival is a grand cultural event, a fountain of art, an enchanting whirlpool of sounds, colors, and movements, but Rio is the capital of fun. Here, male and female dancers dressed in colorful costumes compete in the art of samba. It's almost a kilometer long parade of bright colors and music. Parades held in Recife, El Salvador, and other Brazilian cities are quieter but no less magnificent.
On the shores of the Atlantic Ocean in Bahia, you'll find luxurious Uxua Casa Hotel & Spa, the favorite hotel of the Brazilian and global elite. It is …
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Being deeply religious in spite of changing times, Brazil is as if covered with churches and temples of unspeakable beauty. Just take monasteries and churches in northeastern tropical El Salvador, the capital of Bahia. The magnificent São Francisco Church and Convent was built 400 years ago. Being completely covered with quaint gilt carvings, its interior decoration is not inferior to the exterior luxury. Inside you can find a tall gold-trimmed altar, Portuguese "Azulejo" ceramic tilework, and ceiling painted in a religious manner. Next to the São Francisco Church are Igreja da Ordem Terceira de São Francisco and the Church of the Third Order of Saint Francis whose spectacular carved facade is adorned with angels and saints. Just like its neighbor, this church is as rich inside as outside.
In the capital of Brazil, the fabulous city of Brasilia built in just three years is Santuário Dom Bosco. John Bosco, a priest who lived in the 19th century, was a missionary open to everything new, which is quite unusual for that time. He was canonized in the year 1934. A square church building is designed from forty high pointed arches. The glass of large high windows shimmer with shades of blue, and inside there is a cedar crucifix and a giant chandelier made of Murano glass. Well, of course, no tour of Brazilian religious sites is complete without a visit to the amazing new Temple of Solomon in São Paulo. The building surrounded by a beautiful garden is striking with its beauty. The temple offers guided tours in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Copyright
Hotel Colonial in Ouro Preto (the city's name literally translates as "Black Gold") has almost a half-century history. It is located in the heart of …
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The Church of Santa Teresa in El Salvador was opened back in 1697. A former monastery building located nearby is now occupied by the Museum of Spiritual Art. It keeps a valuable collection of portrait sculptures of the 17th-19th centuries. These sculptures were created from wood, ivory, clay, steatite (soapstone), and other materials. One of the most remarkable relics is the sculpture of the Benedictine monk Agostinho da Piedade. Here you can see works of the sculptor and monk Agostinho de Jesus and paintings by great colonialist artists like Ricardo do Pilar. The Museum is located on Sodre Street. In Brasilia, on Esplanada dos Ministérios, you will find the interesting-looking round Museum of Indigenous Peoples. It tells the history of people of a pre-colonial period with their own culture and traditions. Here you can see weapons and tools of those times, feather hats, ceramic products and much more created by hands of the indigenous peoples of South America. The museum has its own craft shop.
Christ the Redeemer, Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro A modernist building of Museu de Arte in Sao Paulo on Paulista Avenue itself is an architectural landmark. It offers art lovers a huge collection of works by Western artists - the largest on the Southern continent. The museum houses bronze sculptures, works of Van Gogh, Miro and Monet, paintings by Renaissance masters and contemporary artists. In the huge Ricardo Brennand Institute surrounded by palm trees in the center of Recife, one can admire armor, weapons, and works of art, including art deco and art nouveau. The exhibition area along with the recreational space covers more than 20 thousand square kilometers. One of the museum's highlights is an exhibition of 19th-century Brazilian landscapes, as well as paintings presenting Brazil through the eyes of the Dutch. In addition, it has an auditorium, a café, Our Lady of Mercy Chapel, and a conference room where lectures on contemporary art are held. A hall of wax sculptures houses works by Daniel Drouet created in the 80's. These sculptures of wax depict French people of the 17th century. The sculptures were created to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Nicholas Fouquet's death. The Superintendent of Finances of those times was accused of embezzlement and betrayal of the king.
Brazil guide chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Fantastic City Tours and Excursions in Brazil

Reference information
Map of all art museums
Art galleries in Brazil
♥   Art museum 'Museu Nacional de Belas Artes' Rio de Janeiro. On the map   Photos
♥   Art museum 'Museu de Arte de Ribeirão Preto' Ribeirão Preto. On the map   Photos
♥   Art museum 'Museum of Contemporary Art' São Paulo. On the map   Photos
♥   Art museum 'Museum of Modern Art Rio de Janeiro(MAM)' Rio de Janeiro. On the map   Photos
♥   Art museum 'Niterói Contemporary Art Museum' Niterói. On the map   Photos
Map of all churches
Cathedrals and basilicas in Brazil
♥   Catedral da Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Cachoeira do Sul. On the map   Photos
♥   Catedral Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Osório. On the map   Photos
♥   Catedral Senhora Sant’Ana, Uruguaiana. On the map   Photos
♥   Catedral São João Batista, Santa Cruz do Sul. On the map   Photos
♥   Basílica Santuário Nossa Senhora Medianeira de Todas as Graças, Santa Maria. On the map   Photos
♥   Catedral de São João Batista, Montenegro. On the map   Photos
♥   Catedral Basílica São Luís Gonzaga, Novo Hamburgo. On the map   Photos
Map of all palaces
Palaces in Brazil
♥   Palace 'Catete Palace' . On the map   Photos
♥   Palace 'Palácio Anchieta' . On the map   Photos
♥   Palace 'Palácio Antônio Lemos' . On the map   Photos
♥   Palace 'Palácio Araguaia' . On the map   Photos
♥   Palace 'Palácio Araribóia' . On the map   Photos

Extreme Guinness-type places in Brazil

Jardim Botanico de Curitiba

From the series “Glass Architecture - Impressive Villas and Buildings from Glass”
In Curitiba, Brazil has placed a wonderful Botanic Garden. It is decorated not only with exotic plants but also with a great glass greenhouse. Jardim Botanico de Curitiba was built in a French style in 1991. The park occupies 240 000 m² in area. There you can see as vivid flowerbeds, trees as marvellous fountains, waterfalls and man-made lakes.

The main point of interest of this garden is a greenhouse that was built in a modern style from metal and glass. It shelters in its interior, specimens of plants characteristic of tropical regions. The unusual pavilion resembles the mid-19th century Crystal Palace in London. Unfortunately, the original palace was burnt. The main greenhouse is 458 square meters. This wonderful building shows up in the background of the garden. It looks magnificent … Read all

Amazon Theatre

From the series “Famous Buildings of Renaissance Architecture”
In Manaus, in the heart of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil, has located the Amazon Theatre. It is a regular place of the Amazonas Opera Festival. This theatre is famous not only for its musical events but also for its unique architectural style. The building has been lasting for 15 years and finally, the grand opening was in 1896.

The theatre was built by the famous Italian masters. That’s why there is no secret why the building in a tropical area is made in an Italian Renaissance style. Almost all materials were transported from Italia because only there it was possible to get rare marble. The building has an outstanding cupola. For its decoration, it was used about 36 000 colourful ceramic tiles. These decorative tiles were painted in Brazilian flag colours.

The inner decoration of … Read all
All unique sightseeing Brazil
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Expo 2020 in Dubai Was Visited by More Than 7 Million Visitors

If you haven’t visited this event yet, there is still time to book a hotel in Dubai because Expo 2020 Dubai runs until 31 March 2022. People who are unable to visit the emirate can make a virtual tour on the Expo 2020 website. By the way, the virtual visitation has already reached 31.6 million by the end of December. Read this


Top cultural sites of Brazil: monuments, theaters and churches

Candelaria Church, Rio de Janeiro

Location on the map:     Interesting facts:
» According to the legend, the Candelaria Church was built in the 17th century by Spanish master Antonio Palma.
» He and his crew sailed on Candelaria ship and got into a terrible storm. In honor of salvation in 1609 they built a small chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Candelaria.
» During the following centuries, the church has being altering and changing its appearance. Therefore, it combines a variety of styles, from Baroque to Neo-Classicism.
» As for the interior, in 1878 it was decorated in style Italian Neo-Renaissance.
» Today you can listen to classical and sacred music, and attend a church service in the Candelaria Church.

Museu Paulista, Sao Paulo

Location on the map:     Interesting facts:
» The Museu Paulista in Sao Paulo was created to preserve the memory of the proclaiming of Brazilian independence.
» Today, the museum's collection of Paulista consists of approximately one hundred thousand historical objects of various kinds. The museum has antique furniture and clothing accessories, famous historical figures, as well as works of art.
» The library that has a huge book collection of 100 thousand volumes and 40,000 manuscripts is situated in the same building. Its room contains all sorts of historical documents.
» The most popular work of art in the museum is Independence or Death by Pedro America.
» The Museu Paulista is one of the main attractions that you must visit. The museum has entrance fee.

Museum of Art, Sao Paulo

Location on the map:     Interesting facts:
» The Museum of Art is one of the most famous and important museums in Latin America; furthermore, it's one of the most visited venues in the world.
» The museum area of 10,000m2 contains 8,000 works of art.
» The Museum of Art was founded by journalists Assis Chateaubriand and Pietro Maria Barda. Its modern building opened in 1968 was designed by the architect Lina Bo Bardi.
» Two colonnades support 9,200-ton building shaped in form of 74-meter cube.
» The museum has one of the best Western art collections in Latin America.

Museum of Football, Sao Paulo

Location on the map:   Interesting facts: » The Museum of Football is the venue dedicated to the football theme. The museum is set in front of the municipal stadium, the area between the monumental facade and rear rack is of 5,600m2.
» The Museum of Football is dedicated to the national sport; it's not associated with any particular club or fan group.
» The Museum of Football includes multimedia space, a memorial gallery of the best Brazilian players, a room dedicated to the fans and journalists, the studio audience for discussions about sports, clubs and shops, a multimedia room, a restaurant and a cafe.
» The museum features permanent exhibits, which are monitored and updated by researchers such as radio holdings or offices providing statistics on Brazilian players abroad.
» Every year the museum attracts many visitors not only from Sao Paulo, but also from across the country and around the world.

National Historical Museum, Rio de Janeiro

Location on the map:   Interesting facts: » The National History Museum was opened in 1922. It retains and displays a rich and varied historical and cultural heritage of the country.
» Iit's hard to explore all the exhibits in one day, because the area of the museum complex is more than 20,000m2.
» The museum has a collection of books, furnishings, paintings, sculptures, weapons, jewelry and much more.
» The National Museum is constantly being improved, restored; its exhibits, antique galleries and fountains are restored too.
» Today, the museum is an important cultural center and is under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of Brazil. Every day it's visited by hundreds of tourists from all over the world.

Old Cathedral, Rio de Janeiro

Location on the map:     Interesting facts:
» The Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Carmel was built in the second half of the 18th century.
» It combines neo-Baroque and Rococo styles.
» In 1770 consecration of the temple was held.
» At the beginning of its history, the cathedral has served as the church of the Carmelites, but later (in1808) the church became a cathedral.
» Today the church features the cathedra and it's also called the Old Cathedral.

Rio de Janeiro Cathedral, Rio de Janeiro

Location on the map:     Interesting facts:
» The Rio de Janeiro Cathedral was built in 1976 in honor of the patron saint of the city, San Sebastian.
» The construction is very atypical for temples. It's built in form of a truncated cone with a diameter of 106 meters and a height of 96 meters.
» Architect Edgar de Oliveira designing the cathedral was inspired by Mayan pyramids in Mexico; however, the temple was designed in modern style.
» The interior of the cathedral is striking with its beauty and monumentality.
» In addition to the cathedral, you can visit the Sacred Art Museum situated in the basement. It represents a collection of different objects and works of art.

Sao Paulo Cathedral, Sao Paulo

Location on the map:     Interesting facts:
» The Sao Paulo Cathedral is the Catholic cathedral of Sao Paulo, one of the largest neo-Gothic churches in the world.
» The history of the cathedral dates back to 1589, when it was decided to build the main church of the colony in the small village of Sao Paulo. Construction of the present cathedral began in 1913 and lasted for almost half a century; the cathedral was consecrated in 1954. Towers were finished only in 1967.
» That’s the largest religious building in Sao Paulo, as it has a height of 111 m and a width of 46 m.
» The building of the cathedral was constructed in Gothic Revival style with Renaissance-style dome. About 800 tons of marble were used for interior design. Small capitals are decorated with coffee beans, pineapples and animal figures.
» The crypt of the cathedral located under the main altar houses the underground church decorated with marble sculptures. There are the tombs of bishops and archbishops of Sao Paulo.

Culture and monuments in popular cities of Brazil

Balneario Camboriu
It was built of stones that were mined in local quarries. Interestingly, whale oil served as the main binding material during its construction. The surprising thing is that the chapel has remained intact for over 200 years and has not undergone any major reconstruction. The old chapel stands in the picturesque district of Bairro-da-Barra, one of the oldest in the city. It was here that one of the first large settlements was founded in the 18th century. Hundreds of years ago, there was a large … Read more
Sao Paulo
The bridge opening was held in 1892 and since that time the original construction of the bridge has been preserved in its initial look. A part of the construction, the bridge is made of, was purpose produced by the best engineers of Germany. The most popular and visited cultural establishment of the city of Sao Paulo is a famous pictorial art gallery named the Pinacoteca do Estado which was established as far back as in 1905. Spacious halls of the gallery host hundreds of priceless works of … Read more
Rio de Janeiro
The local Town Hall is a simply perfect monument of colonial times. Here all visitors can walk through the inner premises of the building and appreciate its elegant design. Palacio Tiradentes is a truly unusual place of interest. For a long time the palace was used as a prison, then the building was empty, and nowadays it is home to Legislative Assembly. There are also some priceless religious monuments in the city. Rio de Janeiro Cathedral is considered the main shrine of the city. The … Read more
One of the most spectacular architectural monuments of Salvador is Sao Francisco Church, which is a single complex with a surviving Franciscan monastery. Both were built in the early 18th century and are considered classic monuments of colonial architecture. In front of the church, there is a beautiful square and several no less picturesque buildings, the first floors of which are occupied by cozy restaurants and shops. The Cathedral of Salvador is an architectural monument of a much … Read more
After walking through the shopping arcades, be sure to explore the nearby Custom House (Pradio da Alfandega). It was built in 1875 and is a vivid example of the neoclassical style. Currently, the beautiful architectural monument houses an art gallery. Part of the building is occupied by an interesting souvenir shop where you can buy unique ceramics made by local craftsmen. One of the city's most visited cultural facilities is the Santa Catarina History Museum (Museu Histyrico de Santa … Read more
The most important cultural establishment of Natal is Ludovicus Camara Cascudo Museum (Museum da Camara Kasudo) dedicated to the life and culture of the Amazonian Indians. Its priceless exhibits include many tools of everyday life and ritual objects of the aborigines. The museum also displays a very interesting geological exposition. If you are a curious traveler, be sure to visit the Museum of Natural History and Anthology hidden within the walls of the Federal University. Since the study of … Read more
The Museum of Art (Museu de Arte), as well as Memorial da Cultura Cearense would be interesting to fans of painting. Recently, the new theater was opened in the cultural center. Movie fans will love the local ultra-modern cinema. Next to the cultural center there are many beautiful historic buildings. Today, many old buildings house stores and restaurants. Speaking of religious places, we should definitely mention the beautiful Catedral Metropolitana. It is amazingly beautiful building … Read more
The buildings of Congress and Supreme Court are also located here. Despite the fact that some buildings have been built just recently, without any doubt they are true decorations of the city, and so they keep attracting curious tourists every day. The square is also the beginning of several streets, which are also the location of a few notable architectural places of interest and beautiful administrative buildings. Travelers should definitely visit the beautiful cathedral, and fans of art will … Read more

Brazil map of cultural and historical sites

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