National traditions of Czech Republic. Habits, mentality and the way of living

The Czech Republic is a country with a rich history and cultural heritage, which are reflected in local holidays and festivals. Czechs love both …
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Located in the center of the European continent, the Czech Republic shares borders with Germany, Poland, Slovakia, and Austria. A relatively small …
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Fantastic City Tours and Excursions in Czech Republic
Reference information
Cathedrals and basilicas in Czech Republic
♥ Katedrála sv. Mikuláše, České Budějovice. On the map
♥ Bazilika Nanebevzetí Panny Marie a sv. Cyrila a Metoděje, Velehrad. On the map
♥ Katedrála sv. Petra a Pavla, Brno. On the map
♥ Bazilika Nanebevzetí Panny Marie, Brno. On the map
♥ Bazilika svatého Prokopa, Třebíč. On the map
♥ Bazilika Nanebevzetí Panny Marie, Hostýn. On the map
♥ Poutní kostel svatého Jana Nepomuckého, Žďár nad Sázavou. On the map
♥ Katedrála sv. Mikuláše, České Budějovice. On the map

♥ Bazilika Nanebevzetí Panny Marie a sv. Cyrila a Metoděje, Velehrad. On the map

♥ Katedrála sv. Petra a Pavla, Brno. On the map

♥ Bazilika Nanebevzetí Panny Marie, Brno. On the map

♥ Bazilika svatého Prokopa, Třebíč. On the map

♥ Bazilika Nanebevzetí Panny Marie, Hostýn. On the map

♥ Poutní kostel svatého Jana Nepomuckého, Žďár nad Sázavou. On the map

Famous sites of Czech Republic in pictures
Unique traditions in cities of Czech Republic
Locals are famous for their love to sport. We should say a couple of words about this passion separately. The city’s sports facilities are visited absolutely by people of all ages. On mornings the city’s parks are always full of cyclists and people who came here to make a jog. Tourists are also advised to rent a bike and make a walk through picturesque streets of the city. For many local people bike has even become the main vehicle, so they can exercise right on their way to work. As for … Read more

The reason for this is the fact that the 31th of December is the day when local residents celebrate an old religious holiday - the Day of St. Sylvester. Holiday celebrations begin early in the morning, when the streets of the city become the location of interesting fairs, concerts and activities for children. On this day people should have fun and walk in the city until the evening, and when darkness falls to the city locals come back home and prepare a festive table. According to a good old … Read more

While walking on the streets of the city, tourists will certainly notice how clean they are. Visitors are also asked to follow the local rules and maintain order. Please keep in mind that debris thrown in the wrong place may lead you to heavy fines. During year Brno becomes home to numerous interesting events. Each of them has its own unique traditions and customs, but there are also many similarities in these national celebrations. For example, simply no celebration is possible without a huge … Read more

At the time of festival there are the most unusual competitions, the one of the natives’ favorite entertainments is competitions of trays throwing. The local strong men demonstrate their talents for rolling beer casks; all those who wished to have a part into the national festivities and entertaining events can do this. Pilsner Urquell is the most famous sort of beer, which is still produced by the local factory. At the first time production started in 1842, the first portion of beer was … Read more

Besides the unhurried nature, citizens are also known for being very superstitious. Here, everyone, from baby to long-lived centenarians, believes in ancient legends and can tell many stories about ghosts that can scare even brave skeptics. Such stories and legends are linked with literally every ancient castle and palace here. For curious tourists, they even organize special ghost-hunting tours. Tourists should respect all sorts of beliefs and legends and by no means laugh at them - such … Read more

Locals may seem quite reserved to many foreign guests. All the city's residents dress in a very modest way, it is not customary to wear expensive jewelry and show off other expensive accessories. It is literally impossible to recognize the financial well-being of any local resident, since there are no obvious differences in behavior and style of clothing. The reason for that is the traditional upbringing - it is not customary here to brag about one's wealth and flaunt it. Local people are … Read more