Shopping in Czech Republic - outlets, shopping streets and boutiques
In the Czech Republic, shopping malls, stores, and supermarkets are at almost every turn, which makes it a great destination for shoppers. Popular Nový Smíchov Shopping Center in Prague has been operating for over 15 years. In addition to shops of world famous brands selling clothes and accessories, children's products, electronics, cosmetics, household goods and food, the huge center also houses a cinema, a safe children's play area, restaurants and cafes. In the same place, you can ask professional stylists to create a new look for you.
Nightclubs in the Czech Republic are not very different from clubs in other European countries. Popular “Roxy Prague” in the Old Town can still be …
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1. In Czech cities, especially in Prague, tourists are often insistently offered to exchange money on the street. Of course, you should do this only …
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“RAFINAD Parfumerie”, a gorgeous perfume store located in Mariánské Lázně, offers a wide range of exclusive scents allowing everyone to find something to their liking. Its friendly staff is always ready to give advice and help customers choose the right perfume. Here you can see quite rare brands, which cannot be found in the best popular perfume stores around the world. In addition to perfumery, the store also sells cosmetics, for example, oils.
Many tourists travel to the Czech Republic as families. Here there are entertainment and educational programs and places to suit children and adults …
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It's hardly possible to come back from the Czech Republic without souvenirs. First of all, pay special attention to traditional Czech wooden toys with a long tradition, which can be bought in souvenir shops and flea markets. Puppets represent another ancient Czech fun. Art connoisseur must buy pieces of unique Czech Cubism art - frames, lamps, dishes. Bohemian crystal, which has been produced since the 13th century, would be a fantastic memorable souvenir, as well as magnificent porcelain leading its history from the end of the 18th century. Products made of Bohemian Garnet - jewelry, figurines, writing implements - are another opportunity to take home a piece of the Czech history.
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Fantastic City Tours and Excursions in Czech Republic
Reference information
Designer outlets in Czech Republic
♥ Outlet 'Fashion Arena Outlet Center' Zamenhofova 440. Prague. 108 00, Czech Republic. On the map
♥ Outlet 'Freeport International Outlet' Chvalovice-Hatě, Znojma, 669 02, Czech Republic. On the map
♥ Outlet 'Fashion Arena Outlet Center' Zamenhofova 440. Prague. 108 00, Czech Republic. On the map
♥ Outlet 'Freeport International Outlet' Chvalovice-Hatě, Znojma, 669 02, Czech Republic. On the map