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Travel ideas for Canada - unique sights, worth Guinness records

Capilano Suspension Bridge

From the series “The Most Dangerous Bridges in the World”
Located in the immediate vicinity of Vancouver, the Capilano Suspension Bridge is considered not only extreme, but also one of the most attractive bridges on the planet. It serves to get over Capilano River. The fabulously beautiful landscape surrounded by evergreen forests can be seen there. At the entrance to the bridge you can see the totem poles that were erected in honor of the head of Squamish clan. Several hundred years ago, his tribe lived on the territory of the town; Capilano River and, later, the bridge owe their names to this person.
The very first bridge was built in 1889; the project was developed by the Scottish engineer George Grant Mackay. The bridge, where tourists can walk today, has been opened in 1956. Its length is 136 meters; the structure is safe and can withstand the weight of the 96 elephants at the same time. Despite the guarantee of security, getting over the bridge still requires stiff upper lip. The construction is situated at a great height and resonates significantly during walking. Even a few seconds on the bridge can trigger an attack of vertigo and panic among people who have fear of heights. It’s also worth noting that the Capilano Suspension Bridge is privately owned, so it is paid. Every year, this unique attraction is visited by about 900,000 tourists. There are many attractions and entertainment options in the national park next to the bridge. ... Complete sights collection

CN Tower

From the series “The Highest Buildings in the World”
CN Tower with a height of 533.33 meters is the tallest building in Canada and one of the tallest buildings in the Western Hemisphere. The tower was built in record time, as preparation for construction has begun in 1973 and the official opening took place in 1976. The building looks very fragile; however, only for a rough estimate, it’s able to withstand wind speeds of 420 km/h. The tower is equipped with a special lightning rod and annually it withstands hundreds of thunderstrokes.
Since its opening, CN Tower has remained the tallest building in the world for more than thirty years; it has lost the championship quite recently. The main attractive feature of the tower is its observation deck, which is annually visited by over two million people. View of the city opening from the lookout is just fantastic; its glass floor through which you can also watch the busy streets with miniature cars and buildings enhances the feeling.
Space Deck lookout is situated at an altitude of 447 meters, so in sunny weather its visibility can reach 120 kilometers. Another attractive tourist attraction is Under the Sky center, located at an altitude of 330 meters. Here, there are several viewing platforms too, as well as restaurants with panoramic windows and other entertainment venues. The grand staircase of the tower of 2,679 steps is a venue for the annual marathon. ... Complete sights collection

Rideau Falls

From the series “Greatest Waterfalls on Earth”
A significant part of the famous waterfalls is usually located outside the settlements, but this rule has an exception - the beautiful Rideau Falls. The twin waterfalls are located in Ottawa, where the Rideau River empties into the Ottawa River. The Falls are divided by Green Island - one of the most unusual sights of the city. There are also numerous objects of historical interest near there.
The story of the name of the complex is very interesting, it was given by the famous French explorer Samuel de Champlain. When he arrived in Ottawa and saw the beautiful waterfalls, they reminded him «rideau» - a magnificent theatre curtain with many folds and laces. The Rideau River has inherited the name of the waterfall a little bit later.
Regardless of the popular tradition, many travellers prefer to visit Rideau Falls not at the height of summer but in winter. The fact is that the water flow is relatively small, so in winter the falls always freeze forming incredibly beautiful ice sculptures. This amazing natural sight looks even more impressive and interesting against the background of large-scale constructions including the Canada Pavilion and the building of the Old City Hall. ... Complete sights collection

Diavik Mine

From the series “Giant Artificial Quarries of the Planet”
The Diavik Quarry is located on islands near the Great Slave Lake, and is one of the youngest mines in the world. It is used for diamond mining since the first diamonds were discovered on the islands during the study in 1992. The quarry has its own industrial infrastructure which has developed since 2001. The actual diamond mining is conducted since 2003. According to experts, the total production of the mine will take 16 to 22 years.
The Diavik Quarry has become one of the most expensive industrial projects in the world for the recent years. A large airport as well as a number of related infrastructure elements have been constructed in the immediate area. Currently, the quarry is a set of three kimberletic pipes. Every year they provide about 1600 kg of diamonds. The mine employes more than 700 people, the most modern and functional equipment is used for this work.
The huge financial contributions are made into the project because the diamond production has to be carried in severe weather conditions. With the coming of winter the mine is covered with snow, and the roads and airport runways are covered with ice. This leads to a significant reduction in workload. Some years ago next to the Diavik Quarry the development of some uderground mines began. The existence of these mines creates a possibility to work in a more profitable way. ... Complete sights collection

Ekati Diamond Mine

From the series “Giant Artificial Quarries of the Planet”
Canada remains the world’s richest industrial country. The Ekati kimberlite pipe located on its territory confirmes that. Mining development in the north-west area of Canada began in 1998 after the discovery of large diamond deposits. The first to declare the existence of diamond deposits were Stewart Blusson and Chuck Fipke. In 1991 they sold a significant part of the field to a large industrial organization BHP billiton Diamonds Inc.
The name of the mine is very simbolic and means ‘fat lake’ in the language of local Indians. The fact is that the quarry is located near the Lac de Gras lake, where the aborigins came across quartz veins in ancient times. Rapid progress in the development of the mine will soon lead to a shaft mining method. ... Complete sights collection

Mica Dam

From the series “The Greatest Dams in the World”
Mica Dam, located in Canada, is one of the world's largest architectural monuments. It has the height of 243 meters and is located at the Columbia River. The dam building was finished in March 1973. The dam building has brought to the formation of the incredibly beautiful Kinbasket lake, which looks so beautiful that you can not immediately believe that it is a dam.
The unusual name of the dam, translated as the «dam of the glimmer», is due to the nearby town of Mica Creek. The name of the city is literally translated as 'Bach of the Glimmer'. In the surroundings of the city the rich deposits of the mineral resources were discovered. The aim of the construction of the huge dam was the only one - Mica dam was built for the generation of the electroenergy. Gradually the building of the impressive size has begun to attract the curious tourists. Today, some travelers hike on the banks of the water basin, and the others prefer more breathtaking recreation - they book the exciting helicopter excursions and enjoy the dam from the bird's eye view. ... Complete sights collection

Peace River

From the series “The Most Dangerous River Rapids for Rafting”
The best place for rafting can be found in Canada. Peace River is located in the incredibly beautiful and difficult terrain, until its source can be reached the fastest with the watercraft. The experienced athletes will be delighted by the variety of the complicated curves and the granite ravines of the mountain river, which by far can not overcome all the tourists.
The nature lovers are impressed by the lush pine forests that grow on the banks of the river. For the fans of ecotourism the incredibly exciting expeditions are carried through this area. On request, you can combine rafting on the river with walks through the woods. On the tiny sand islands or on the rocks, which are along the river banks, you can stay overnight. The observation of the wild animals becomes an incredibly exciting adventure. If you're lucky you can even see the black bears, the elks and the wolves.
The length of Peace River is more than 1 500 km, and together with the inflow Finlay it reaches 1 923 km. The most popular places for rafting are in the Rocky Mountains, not far from Wilson Lake, which is the river source. Some tourists visit this area not only in search of active recreation, but also to see one of the most wonderful natural phenomena, the Northern Light. ... Complete sights collection

Habitat 67

From the series “The Most Bizarre and Fancy Living Houses”
Montreal's Habitat 67 residential complex is one of the most distinctive architectural attractions in Canada. It was built in 1967 on the occasion of the exhibition 'Expo 67'. The main theme of this exhibition was the residential building. To commemorate the important cultural event Montreal has won the original house, which is composed of the huge number of regular cubes. Such construction is not accidental. Since ancient times cube has been a symbol of prosperity and stability.
In total, the building construction contains 354 cubes, some of which literally float in the air. In the large building 146 comfortable apartments are equipped, from which the inhabitants can enjoy the beautiful coastal panorama. The author of the project of the unusual residential complex was the talented young architect Moshe Safdie. When the house was built, the young author was only 24 years old.
Habitat 67 is characterized not only by the original exterior design, but also by a very unusual room layout. The structure of each apartment contains from one to five cubes, from each, even the smallest apartment, the view opens to three heavenly directions. Some apartments have the beautiful open terraces with trees, the other apartments are complemented with the glazed exterior walkways. Recently, the parkourfans disturbed the quiet of the locals. The young people consider the unusual residential complex with the numerous terraces and constructions as an ideal training place. ... Complete sights collection

Stade Olympique de Montreal

From the series “Top 14 Sport Stadiums with Impressive Design”
A real monument of modern architecture is the Olympiastadion, which is located in Montreal. It was still in 1976 on the occasion of the XXI. Olympic summer games. For the last time, the stadium was renovated in 2006. The reconstruction cost 1.4 billion US dollars. Currently the Olympiastadion is the largest in Canada. The dome-shaped roof construction, supported by the high support, makes the exterior of the stadium unique.
The central part of the dome also has an unusual shape and is reminiscent of the giant tortoise tank. This design element also has 'an inner effect' - from the inside, this part of the roof is reminiscent of a cracked layer of ice, which looks particularly realistic when lighting. Today the football matches of the Canadian League take place regularly at the legendary stadium. The stadium can accommodate 65 228 people.
The visitors' record was staged in 2012 on the day of the game with the participation of Los Angeles Galaxy. At that time 60 860 people visited the Olympiastadion. The Olympiastadion is located in the incredibly beautiful area and is surrounded by the extensive park zone. Many followers of the unusual excursions strive to 'see the huge turtle' from the bird's perspective. Vond er Höhe looks just fantastic. ... Complete sights collection

Thor Peak

From the series “Best Extreme Places on Earth for Thrill Lovers”
The high mountains attract the followers of the active recreation and the nerve kitzel. The goal of numerous courageous mountaineers from all over the world is the Mount Thor, located on the Baffin Island, in Canada. This inaccessible granite mountain, whose height is about 1 250 meters, is considered to be the highest vertical slope on the earth. The slope of the mountain is only 105 degrees. The ascent to the Thornberg is certainly a dangerous and complicated adventure even for the first-class climbers. However, the dangerous vertical slope is not the only obstacle waiting for the mountaineer. The frequent stone cases make the ascent to the mountain more important and force many athletes to renounce their courageous and determined intentions.
The high granite mountain was named to honor the old Norse god Gate. As a legend tells, his residence was on the top of this mountain. The mountain gate, surrounded by snowy fjords and ice fields, attracts not only the mountaineers. The Granitberg is considered one of the best places in the world for parachute jumping. The tourists, who are on the journey to Baffin Island and the climb to the mountain, should take into account that the local climate is quite rough. The glaciers surrounding the mountain do not melt even in summer. ... Complete sights collection
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Saudi Arabia to Open 38 Hotels in Diriyah

Diriyah is one of the first mega projects in Saudi Arabia. Hotels and other infrastructure will start opening next year, and all works are expected to end in 2026. The first 18 restaurants in Bujairi Terrace will start operating already in early 2022. Read this


Photogallery of landmarks of Canada

Trip ideas for regions of Canada

The city owns a beautiful botanical garden named Montreal Botanical Gardens demonstrating its visitors a rich collection of exotic plants and flowers. The most popular beach is considered to the Plage du Parc Jean-Drapeau coast area which is located in a few minute drive from the city center. Those who have missed a chance to visit the city during the beach season should set to the city embankment. Each day the ships and boats cruise the coastline and offer exciting on water sightseeing tours … Read more
If you won’t get enough of local rides, you may visit the Ontario Place family entertainment complex. This mall has a very unusual design, as it was built on artificial islands. In addition to a variety of rides, Ontario Place has concert venues, where live music and exciting shows are regularly held. Fans of shopping would also like Toronto. Lots of interesting luxury boutiques and shops can be found on the Yorkville-Bloor street. A significant part of the street is pedestrian, so it is … Read more
Quebec City
Quebec is famous for its numerous entertainment centers. Terrasse Dufferin Slides features a large choice of various rides and play areas. Visitors can easily spend a whole day at the park, enjoying truly incredible rides and tasting delicacies prepared by the local cafes. La Prophetie de Champlain and Dooly's Neufchatel are also popular entertainment centers that offer many exciting ways of pastime. Here tourists will find suitable playgrounds for children of all ages. In winter Quebec has … Read more
If you are interested in shops only, then you might like Metrotown Centre and Pacific Center. The boutiques located in these department stores sell clothing and accessories by internationally famous brands. There are also luxurious cosmetics and perfumes shops, jewelry stores and souvenir shops there. Tourists should also not forget to visit the market, which is located on Granville Island. This is the best place to buy freshest and finest seafood. In order to find memorable souvenirs, do not … Read more
Calgary Tower remains one of the favorite attractions for travelers. The tower is also the highest building in the city. The top of the tower is the location of a famous restaurant. The restaurant is very popular with gourmet visitors, but travelers are attracted not only by the food served there, but also by the fact that this is the highest observation deck in Calgary. An opportunity to enjoy the look of the city from above and stand on a transparent glass platform attracts hundreds of people … Read more
An equally breathtaking sight is Lake Peyto. Several comfortable tourist centers are based around it, so nature enthusiasts can spend a few days here. The lake was named in honor of the famous traveler who was the first to discover it. Due to the inclusion of rare minerals, the water in the lake has a rich turquoise hue. Fascinating hiking tours are held in this area in summer. Among the most interesting attractions that can be seen in the national park, it is worth noting Johnston … Read more
The youngest guests of the park are offered genuine costumes of pirates. They also can take part in various entertaining events. The territory of the park features several pirate ships which are totally at disposal of kids. Elite sport enthusiasts should pay a visit to one of the local golf centers. The most attractive among them is considered to be the Pine View Municipal. The prestigious golf club is located not far from the city center and apart from high end golf course for a good play, the … Read more
Those who don’t like to walk on foot can contact Whitemud Equine center arranging exciting horseback rides through the most picturesque places of the city and its surroundings. Among sports complexes, Kinsmen Sports points out, a huge selection of fitness machines are available to its customers; experienced coaches will help to make a training program more efficient. Among the golf centers Rundle Park and the Northern Bear are worth noting. They are famous because of high quality of courses … Read more - online travel reservation expert providing reliable car rental and hotel booking services. We feature more than 25.000 destinations with 12.000 rental offices and 200.000 hotels worldwide.
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