Preparing your trip to Rio de Janeiro: advices & hints - things to do and to obey

2. During a trip it’s good to remember about the elementary safety measures - valuables and large sums of money should be kept in the safe of your hotel room.
3. While going to a beach, do not take expensive jewelry and other valuable items with you. Under no circumstances leave bags and cameras unattended.
4. It’s better to forget about evening walks in remote areas of the city. The best way to move around the city at night is by car, not by foot.
6. Do not drink tap water; it is also recommended to avoid drinking beverages with ice.
7. The sun in Rio is really hot, so travellers are recommended to use sun protection every day. You can get burnt strongly during a simple walk around the city.
Rio is home to numerous historical monuments. The city features some really unique natural attractions and widest choice of museums and galleries. An excursion to the rock called "Sugar …

9. You can see special green tourist buses every day on the streets of the city. They pass all major attractions of Rio and are distinguished by reduced rates for rides comparing to public transport.

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What to visit being in Rio de Janeiro - unique sights
Etendeka-Parana Traps
From the series “Volcanoes and Traps That Changed the Face of the Planet”
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Distance from Rio de Janeiro center - 0 km.
The magmatic Parana-Etendeka province is considered one of the most complex structures in the world. Many rare mines are found on its territory, which are of great value to researchers. Travelers are attracted to this picturesque area by incredibly beautiful mountain ledges and forests. The stunning scenery and ideal conditions for outdoor activities act as advantages. There is a huge selection of places for walking and cycling. These places attract climbers, which dream about conquering the highest and most dangerous mountain peaks. The vast territory that was once was destroyed by lava flows is incredibly picturesque today. It reminds us about the power of natural forces. …
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Plateau of Parana-Etendeca
From the series “Volcanoes that changed the face of the Earth”
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Distance from Rio de Janeiro center - 0 km.
The specifics of the trap and the features of its formation indicate that the eruption was explosive. The Parana-Etendeka plateau has the most complex structure compared to other large magma traps. It remains unknown to researchers even today what such structural features are associated with. The ongoing research is largely complicated by the huge scale of the plateau. Some scientists believe that the main secret of the eruption may be hidden in the depths of the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. But their research is also fraught with many difficulties. …
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City tours, excursions and tickets in Rio de Janeiro and surroundings
Photos of Rio de Janeiro
Services search (pharmacy, police, parking, banks) on Rio de Janeiro map