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Travel ideas for Israel - unique sights, worth Guinness records

The Monastery of Mar Saba

From the series “The Most Remote Monasteries and Temples in the World”
There is the Orthodox monastery of Mar Saba In Israel, near Jerusalem. The shrine is known to many travelers as the Great Lavra of St. Sabbas the Sanctified. In appearance it resembles a powerful medieval fortress. The monastery was named after its founder and was laid in this place in the 5th century. An amazing legend tells that in search of solitude Sabbas the Sanctified has found a cave, where he spent several years. A few years later, a small church was built near the cave. After that, devotees and followers of a hermit began to settle there.
Construction of the great monastery began a little later, in the 6th century, during the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian. One of the lookout towers of the monastery was built in memory of this significant event; now it bears the name of the great emperor. Since ancient times, the monastery of Mar Saba has being one of the most restricted in the world, as even now women aren’t allowed to enter its territory. The latest large-scale reconstruction of the monastery took place in the first half of the 19th century. Many buildings managed to retain their original appearance.
Like many ancient monasteries, Mar Saba is far from major settlements. It’s situated in the dead area of the Judean Desert, the so-called Valley of Fire. The only opportunity to visit this unique religious landmark is to have a long trip through the vast desert. Women don’t have to refuse from the experience, as there are several viewing platforms for them around the monastery. ... Complete sights collection


From the series “The Longest Ski-Lifts and Cable Trams in the World”
Opening of the Masada cableway in Israel took place in 1971. It was built specifically to deliver tourists to the eponymous archaeological complex located on a mountain top. Masada cableway has been the lowest in the world for over forty years. Its starting point is at 257 meters below sea level. Experts of Swiss company, Carl Brandl, were engaged in designing the cableway. Cable length is 900 meters, and the boost level is 290 meters respectively.
Originally the cableway was supported by pillars, but after the reconstruction in 1998 it was decided to remove them, so today the ropeway doesn’t have any additional support. The endpoint of the cableway is a mountain plateau featuring the ancient fortress of Masada. It’s one of the outstanding archaeological sites of the country. Every day, this attraction is visited by hundreds of tourists. It’s noteworthy that active research of the fortress began long before the opening of the cable car. Archaeologist had to get to a plateau by so-called ‘snake path’, which was a very narrow and winding road laid on a hillside. The cableway runs two cabins with panoramic windows, so the trip to the unique attractions also brings a lot of unforgettable experiences. ... Complete sights collection


From the series “The Oldest Inhabited Cities on the Planet”
Jerusalem is one of the most beautiful and exciting cities in the Middle East and one of the oldest cities in the world, whose history dates back to 2800 BC. Many travelers know it as the location of priceless religious shrines. It’s visited by followers of the Christianity, as well as Judaism and Islam.
In ancient times, Jerusalem was the capital of Israel and Judah. Between two ages, the city has long remained under the power of Babylon, and then came under control of the Persian Empire. Macedonian Empire and Egypt have also left their marks on the history of Jerusalem, so culture of the modern city is an amazing synthesis of very beautiful and amazing national traditions. The population of the modern city, taking into account the nearest suburban areas, is about a million people. Adherents of different religions traditions live there.
Jerusalem is interesting for travelers not only as the world's largest religious center, but also as the location of unique historical sites. Most of its priceless historical monuments are concentrated in the Old Town area, which is surrounded by unassailable walls. Many attractions hiding behind unwinnable walls are objects of global importance, including the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Wailing Wall and the Temple Mount. These facilities are annually visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists from around the world. ... Complete sights collection

Tirat Zvi

From the series “The Hottest Places in the World”
Religious Kibbutz Tirat Zvi is situated in Israel, on the vast territory of the Beit She'an Valley. Temperature record was placed there in 1942; in the midst of hot summer air warmed up to 53.9°C. Despite these natural anomalies, people have been living in the settlement for hundreds of years and have learned to escape from a perilous heat. Their homes are equipped with tents, in the shade of which it’s always possible to shelter from the hot sun. Ponds situated around the settlement also help local residents.
According to the latest census, at least 700 people live in kibbutz. The settlement was founded relatively recently, in 1937. Currently Tirat Zvi is one of the nation's largest mass production centers, as well as a leader in production dates. Arid climate is ideal for growing lulav; this plant has long been used during religious holiday of Sukkot. Plant is collected in spring, while the holiday is in autumn. Local experts together with scientists of Volcani Institute developed a special technology to save this unique plant; thanks to that lulav can be preserved for several months.
Kibbutz was named in honor of Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalisher; its name literally translates as ‘Zvi Fortress.’ The settlement is a really saving fortress for hundreds of local residents. Today, this sultry Israel city practically doesn’t differ from the way of life in other localities of the country. ... Complete sights collection


From the series “Famous Sunken Towns”
In search of amazing underwater sights many travelers go to Israel, as there is one of the oldest flooded cities in the world. According to modern scholars, age of Atlit-Yam ruins is at least 9,000 years. Ruins are located in the coastal area of Haifa. Thousands of years ago, they have been a fairly large and prosperous village.
Unique granular bottom of the coastal area of Haifa allowed buildings to survive perfectly. The degree of safety of the flooded city was so high that the researchers were able to detect the fully surviving ancient cemetery; insects that have plagued the villagers thousands of years ago were discovered in residential buildings.
The main mystery of Atlit-Yam ruins is the cause of flooding. Many researchers are inclined to believe that the village has gradually went under water due to melting glaciers and expanding boundaries of the oceans, while others attribute it to a sudden tsunami. Given that the underwater artifact was discovered quite recently, in 1984, and studies are at an early stage, many important discoveries are waiting for scientists. ... Complete sights collection

Dead Sea

From the series “Amazing Land Areas Below the Sea Level”
The deepest place on earth is the Dead Mees, on whose coasts the guests of three popular tourist countries - Syria, Israel and Jordan can stroll. The depth of the lowland forms about 413 meters. This parameter can be extremely complicated. This is because it depends on the weather conditions and the level of seawater evaporation. In the drought, when the volatility is maximally large, the depth of the lowland can reach 413 meters. And after the rain it can increase to the shortest deadlines to a few meters.
The main feature of the unique coastline is the salinization that forms the incredibly beautiful natural sculptures and landscapes. The high salt concentration attracts the numerous supporters of health tourism to the coasts of the Dead Sea. The deepest land area on the earth is covered with the unique salins, to which the blue-green sea water beautifully contrasts.
The main secret of the Dead Sea and the surrounding landscapes is very simple - on the sea floor are the countless salt rocks. Due to the high level of water evaporation, the number of salinizations on the coast is always very high. In some places, they form the petrified structures of the strange forms which can not be seen in any other place in the world. Tourists visiting the west or east coast of the Dead Sea can not only look at the unique salinizations, but also the wonderful mountain landscapes. ... Complete sights collection

Monastery of George Khozevita

From the series “The Most Inaccessible Buildings in the World”
In Israel there is a building, on the road to which one is extremely complicated. It is about Gheorghe Hozevitul Monastery. This Orthodox monastery is considered one of the oldest in the world and is located on the territory of the Celt Valley, in the Jewish desert. The monastery building was built on the slope of the rock wall. The nearest settlement is the old town of Jericho, which is about 5 km away.
The remarkable Gheorghe Hozevitul monastery was built in the 6th century. From a distance, his modest buildings look like swallow nests hanging over the high slope. The monastery was built entirely of stone and is incredibly beautiful. In it the old chapel and a lot of the religious artefacts have been preserved. The history of the monastery building is very interesting. As a legend tells, it was built next to the united cave in which Prophet Elijah spent three years and six months. The monastery was built by five Syrian monks who found the legendary cave.
Later, in the year 480, Saint John Hozevitul came from Egypt to the monastery, which expanded the building considerably and added with the new buildings. Among the valuable religious artefacts that can be seen today are the relics of Saint John Hozevitul, as well as the relics of John's Romanian. The skulls of the martyrs who lived in the monastery at the beginning of the 17th century and were killed by the Persian conquerors are also regarded as an important relic. The monastery also preserves many interesting historical artefacts, so it is worth seeing for all tourists. ... Complete sights collection

Salt cave Kolonel

From the series “Fantastic and Colorful Caves Inside the Earth”
Another natural miracle is to be found in Israel, on the southern coast of the Dead Sea. Here is the only salt mountain in the world, the Colonel, as well as a cave of the same name, which attracts not only researchers but also ordinary tourists. The cave is fabulously beautiful. When only the beam of a lantern touch its walls, they begin to sparkle like scattering of precious stones. The structure of the salt cave is quite complicated, behind every steep turn incredible surprises await its guests.
The finest threads of snow-white stalactites, snow-covered galleries, amazing crystals and snow-white walls strewn with large crystals of salt. All this looks fantastic and is being surprisingly transformed when any attempt to illuminate the cave. Throughout the year, the cave maintains a constant temperature, which is about +25 degrees Celsius. This allows its incredible formations to remain unchanged for hundreds of years.
Only experienced cavers who have special equipment can visit the unique salt cave. The entrance to the cave is a deep well, which is located near Sodom mountain. It is impossible to descend into it without special equipment. For brave travellers speleo tours are regularly held, in which they, accompanied by experienced speleologists, can go down into the cave and stroll through its most beautiful galleries. Salt Cave Colonel is an ideal option for those who like unusual excursions, only available to the dedicated ones. ... Complete sights collection

Caesarea Theater

From the series “Ancient Amphitheaters and Arenas, That Are Still Operational”
In Israel, an operating amphitheater is situated in the city of Caesarea. The history of the ancient city is not simple. For hundreds of years it has repeatedly been destroyed by conquerors. The sea hasn’t spared the city either. Part of its territory was completely flooded. The main witness of a number of important historical events was an ancient Roman amphitheater, which archaeologists managed to discover in the 20s of the last century.
After the completion of archaeological works and a complete reconstruction, the amphitheater has been used again. Today, performances and music concerts, as well as other important public events are held here. The amphitheater is relatively small and can accommodate only 4000 spectators. But this fact does not diminish its great historical significance. During the archaeological excavations a lot of important artefacts were found. One of the most significant is an ancient monument with the inscription ‘Pontius Pilate’.
Caesarea is remarkable not only for its wonderful amphitheater. In the immediate vicinity of the main attraction of the city there are many other historical buildings. Archaeologists have discovered sites of ancient temples, Roman baths and ruins of once luxurious palaces, as well as an ancient race track, which also hosted the most spectacular events. ... Complete sights collection

Mini Israel

From the series “Famous Miniature Museums of Architectural Objects and Cities”
The Israeli city of Latrun represents a theme park 'Israel in Miniature', which introduces visitors architectural and historical landmarks of the country. Models of the most outstanding and beautiful buildings of Israel are presented in the park. Among them are beautiful palaces and temples, museums and theaters, as well as modern hotels, which are also considered important architectural monuments.
There are 350 layouts in the park. It is remarkable not only for its diversity, but also for its structure. If you look at the park from a bird's-eye view, you can see that the tracks on its territory form an important religious symbol of the country - the star of David. Literally, each layout in the park has its own secret. So, next to the copy of the Knesset building, one can hear clear commands given by a commander of the military guard. Considering the mock-up of the Taddy stadium, you can see that the miniature fans sitting on his stands start a "wave" and rejoice loudly.
Especially for the arrangement of the park, special varieties of miniature plants have been brought out by the best gardeners of the planet. They are exact copies of plants and trees that can be seen in certain areas of the country.There are about 70000 unique plants in the park. Presented in the park, plants are very whimsical and a care for them is no less difficult than creating amazing mock-ups. Specifically for plant care a special irrigation system has been created in the park, the total length of its water channels is 50 km. ... Complete sights collection
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Saudi Arabia to Open 38 Hotels in Diriyah

Diriyah is one of the first mega projects in Saudi Arabia. Hotels and other infrastructure will start opening next year, and all works are expected to end in 2026. The first 18 restaurants in Bujairi Terrace will start operating already in early 2022. Read this


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Trip ideas for regions of Israel

Tel Aviv
Azrieli shopping and leisure center is also an interesting place. There is a variety of shops, halls with slot machines, attractive cafes and observatory with an observation deck that is popular among vacationers. In warmer months, concerts are often held on the center’s roof. There is also a modern cinema in the center. By nightfall, vacationers will find numerous night clubs and discos, much of them are concentrated near the waterfront and the old port. Great entertainment can be found at … Read more
Jerusalem International YMCA is known as the most famous health center in the city. The park offers its customers a huge selection of complex programs and cosmetic procedures. There is also a swimming pool in the territory of the center, as well as several institutions dedicated to healthy eating. Fans of spa treatments will also find a nice place to stay in the city as they are welcome in Akasha Wellbeing Retreat and Spa. Although nightlife facilities are not very popular among locals, … Read more
The Bahai Gardens is considered the biggest and most beautiful park in Acre. The park hides an important landmark – the tomb of Bahá'u'llah, the founder of the Baha'i religion. For many years, this religion was an important part of the local culture. The large park lies in the immediate outskirts of the city. This is a place with incredible landscaped design. Visitors can see colorful, artistically made flowerbeds, admire trees and decorative bushes. Some parts of the park have green lawns … Read more
A walk through the local Haifa Educational Zoo would be pleasant too; both youngest visitors and their parents would enjoy it. Zoo is located in a hilly area and covers a vast territory; the habitat of animals is close to natural. Sports entertainment fans would like relaxing in the Hecht park, as it is ideal for active holidays. Silky grass, plenty of paths for hiking and biking, breathtaking panoramic views of the sea and equipped playgrounds for children have made it one of the most … Read more
Near the city, you'll find large Shefayim Water Park, which is mainly visited by vacationers with children. The total area of the water park is about 10 hectares, it is well equipped and surrounded by beautiful parks. For the convenience of visitors, the territory of the center is divided into several thematic zones. There is a water zone with pools and slides for kids and adults, as well as an extreme park with the most incredible rides for thrill-seekers. Visitors can also enjoy specially … Read more
Among fans of hiking through picturesque areas, one of the most popular attractions is Mount Favor located in the immediate vicinity of Nazareth. The slopes of this mountain are overgrown with ancient oaks, myrtles, and firs. These places are among the most beautiful in the area. During interesting tours, tourists can admire rare plants and watch birds. There are several excellent viewpoints on a mountainside. Climbing to the top of the mountain remains the most popular activity for … Read more
Perhaps, King’s City Eilat is the most famous and popular entertainment complex in Eilat. The center is open in a large and incredibly beautiful building that resembles an old palace. The choice of amusements is nothing but incredible. In King’s City Eilat, visitors will be able to explore mysterious caves, make a boat ride on the Solomon River, and participate in various performances and events. A rich choice of rides for any taste is another advantage of this modern and attractive … Read more - online travel reservation expert providing reliable car rental and hotel booking services. We feature more than 25.000 destinations with 12.000 rental offices and 200.000 hotels worldwide.
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