Family holidays with children in Mongolia - attractions and entertainment

Holidays with children in Mongolia can be quite specific, but the complexities ought not to frighten parents. Excursions along the boundless Mongolian Steppes, acquaintance with the culture of the local population, leading a nomadic way of life, trips to dinosaurs’ habitats – all these will interest adults and children alike. In Ulaanbaatar, the Capital of the Country, guests will be received by decent and comfortable hotels where kids can choose European cuisine if they do not like the unusual Mongolian dishes. Recreation on lake-side camping sites will be a bright and memorable time of the vacation. It is best to go to Mongolia in summer because in winter, there can be extreme frosts in this high altitude Country.
Wonderful nature remains the biggest attraction of this beautiful Asian country – horizon-less desserts, green steeps, emerald lakes and picturesque …
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The largest amusement park in Mongolia is located in Ulaanbaatar. The National Amusement Park is situated in the southern part of the city and is a type of Mongolian “Disneyland”. The park is of course considerably inferior in scope to the largest theme park of world entertainment. Nevertheless, kids can discover a considerable amount of intriguing and fascinating entertainment for themselves here. Among the attractions available is a rollercoaster with crazy loops, a Ferris wheel, and attractions for the youngest visitors. The park was created specifically for children so it will be most interesting for them to stroll through its territory and choose the attraction that is most attractive for them. After skiing, you can relax in a small cafe.
One of the main holiday attractions in Mongolia is Ecotourism. Recreation on the country’s lakes will be particularly fascinating for children. Most vacationers go to Lake Khuvsgul. Adults will be able to engage in exciting fishing here. Children can also participate in the process indirectly. Bathing in crystal clear water, living in a tent camp or in a camp specially equipped for the holiday, tasting local dishes is bound to create a vivid impression on Children. Parents should approach the food system with special responsibility – the Mongolian cuisine is based on mutton and goat meat with a minimal use of vegetables, which might seem quite unusual for young tourists. The unique tastes may seem strange. Copyright
Mongols are born nomads. Their cuisine is a combination of the cultural make-up and lifestyle of the population of the country. Mongolian cuisine has …
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Tens of millions of years ago, Dinosaurs inhabited the territory of the modern Gobi Desert. Excavations of the skeletons of these ancient creatures are still being conducted on the territory of the country. Expositions about various types of dinosaurs and their habitats are also showcased in museums. In the Gobi Desert, there is a valley called the “Graveyard of Dinosaurs”. Local tour operators offer visitors to their country the opportunity of going on an energizing excursion to the habitats of these dinosaurs. The road has been made as accessible as possible. Movement through the desert therefore will not cause discomfort to either children or adults. Trips on modern off-road cars along the boundless Steppes are safe and promise to be very captivating.
Another opportunity of acquainting kids with life in the Steppe is to go to National Parks that are under the protection the State. In total, there are 22 National Parks in the Country, each of which has its own unique characteristics. The most popular one among sightseers seeking family tours is the Gorkhi-Terelj National Park located relatively close to Ulaanbaatar. There are more than 250 different species of birds in the Park, and the vegetation is composed mainly by the Taiga forest. One of the central attractions of the Park is the Turtle Stone, as well as the glacial lake Hagin-Har which has a depth of more than 20 meters.
Mongols are the heirs of the great Mongolian empire, which is the largest in history. They are incredibly freedom-loving, faithful to their ancient …
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The Spiritual way of life of Mongolia is inextricably linked with Shamanism and Buddhism. Therefore, when visiting the country, it is worth looking into the temple-museums that tell about this amazing religion, Shamans, the cult of ancestors and the worship of the Heavenly deity. Most of the Museums are located in the Capital of the Country, Ulaanbaatar. One of such Museums is the Choijin Lama Temple Museum, which is a museum complex of Tibetan-Mongolian religious art. The complex is built of wood and has features of Chinese architecture. In the main temple, there is a Buddha statue dating back to the 18th century and a large collection of Buddhist Cult objects.
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