National cuisine of Japan for gourmets. Authentic recipes, delicacies and specialties
Japan is a state on islands surrounded with water. This fact defines the peculiar nature of the Japanese culinary system. Most of her dishes are prepared using fish and seafood. The Japanese do not like to fry their seafood. They may however let it fry a little on the frying pan. The sea gifts are subject to braising, steaming or served practically raw. The fish is cooked in soy sauce and fried on the frying pan-grill on an open flame or deep fried. Sausages and chips are produced from it. The favorite food in Japan is made from fish in the raw form. For their preparation, different types of fish are used depending on the season or district.
Monuments and architectural objects, notable for the history and culture of the country.
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This is a magnificent country, a travel to which will leave many unforgettable memories. While describing numerous excursions and entertainment, …
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The preparation of Fugu begins with the extraction of poisonous organs. After that, the fish is cut into fine slices. The meat is washed well with water for removal of residues of poison. The slices are beautifully placed on a plate, portraying the flight of a crane or other artistic images. Highest level of skill is to leave very little milligram of poison so that the guests have a feeling of pleasant euphoria. Sometimes tasting of dishes from fugu turns round for some foodie to palsy.
The isolated location of the Japanese nation is reflected in their National character and traditional way of life. The longevity of the Japanese, low …
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Fantastic City Tours and Excursions in Japan
Hilton builds third luxury hotel in Kyoto
Hilton has announced that it will soon begin a project to build a new hotel in Kyoto. It will be located in the heart of the city, in the prestigious area of Sanjo-Kawaramachi. Guests will be able to easily reach all areas of interest in the dynamic city, many popular attractions and recreation areas will be within a walking distance from the hotel. Read this
Hilton has announced that it will soon begin a project to build a new hotel in Kyoto. It will be located in the heart of the city, in the prestigious area of Sanjo-Kawaramachi. Guests will be able to easily reach all areas of interest in the dynamic city, many popular attractions and recreation areas will be within a walking distance from the hotel. Read this