National traditions of Saudi Arabia. Habits, mentality and the way of living

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Saudi Arabia has always been a large centre of pilgrimage. Despite the fact that this country doesn't do much to promote its tourism industry, every …
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The cuisine of Saudi Arabia was formed under the influence of the nomadic lifestyle of the peoples inhabiting the Arabian Peninsula, the climatic …
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Historically, Arab tribes lived on the territory of the Arabian Peninsula. Many of them led a nomadic lifestyle. The prophet Muhammad, the founder of …
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Strict observance of religious dogmas affects the lives of citizens of Saudi Arabia. Many things that are common to Europeans are considered depraved …
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Unique traditions in cities of Saudi Arabia
Often female clothing is decorated with gold threads and precious gems, under loose clothes women often wear elegant dresses and jewelries. As many years ago so now local women can’t come out into the street without a male relative. Their main duties are children upbringing and house holding. But at the same time local women have got some liberties for the past dozen years. Now they can get one of the most needed jobs and work, however there is a single sex education in the country so local … Read more

The concept of "family" is also of particular importance for indigenous inhabitants. As a rule, a family consists of representatives of several generations, who continue living together and have a shared household. The oldest man is considered the main member of the family. In future he will transfer this duty to his sons. According to a tradition the youngest son must continue living in his parents' house even after making his own family in order to help parents and care for them. One of … Read more

All major Hajj events take place at the end of the first seven days of the month of Dhu al -Hijjah in Mecca. The rite of worship of the Kaaba is performed first. Hundreds of thousands of people perform this ritual every day, arriving in Mecca not for the Hajj, but for Umrah. This is a small pilgrimage that is not limited by time frames. The Kaaba is revered as the stone that Allah gave to Adam. This happened when Adam, banished from Paradise, arrived at the place where Mecca is located now. … Read more

Locals consider their hometown to be clean in every sense of the word, any manifestations of destruction are prohibited here. In Medina, you cannot pick flowers and break tree branches, as well as show a negative attitude towards animals. If the purpose of the trip is not major religious holidays, it is recommended to avoid them. Many pilgrims always flock to Medina on such days, so it may be not very comfortable to admire the local historic sights and monuments of modern architecture. The … Read more