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Travel ideas for Iran - unique sights, worth Guinness records


From the series “The Oldest Inhabited Cities on the Planet”
The city of Susa in Iran is one of the oldest cities in the world, it was founded no later than 4200 BC. The first settlement in its place appeared 3,000 years earlier; during the study scientists have discovered prehistoric rock carvings and pottery indicating high culture of the early settlers. In the 5th century BC, the city was the capital of Šušan; rulers of the ancient state, and later the Persian kings chose the rich city to live in.
Even in ancient times they erected palaces in the city, which can be assess by the extent of preserved ruins in the historic center. The event that changed the history of the prosperous city happened in the 7th century BC. During the legendary Battle of Susa, won by the King Ashurbanipal, the city was completely burned and looted. Those tragic events didn’t prevent the rapid recovery of the city. Today it’s an archaeological site with a unique combination of monuments of different eras.
Large-scale studies of the city began in the 19th century; the first archaeologists arrived there from France. Their works helped Susa to owe its high status as one of the oldest cities in the world. Despite the fact that the archaeological area of the city was seriously injured by treasure-hunters and destructive economic activities of local authorities, it’s still very interesting and attractive for tourists. ... Complete sights collection

Lut desert

From the series “The Hottest Places in the World”
According to recent studies, the hottest point on the planet is on the Middle East. We are talking about Dasht-e Lut that is a large salt desert. Recently satellites have managed to place on its territory a new temperature record - the air warmed up to 70.72°C. Scientists quickly found a logical explanation of such a climatic phenomenon. One of the main distinguishing features of Lut desert is its dark landscape. In the daytime, it actively absorbs sunlight and therefore achieving temperature records for this area is a rule rather than the exception.
The desert differs with impressive scale, its length is about 550 kilometers, and the minimum width is about 100 kilometers. Exploring of such enormous deserted area is extremely difficult, so not all parts of Dasht-e Lut have ground meteorological stations. Watching data of satellite infrared sensors, which was conducted in the period from 2003 to 2009, allowed determining .the area with the hottest climate on the planet precisely.
Abnormally high temperature is not the only feature of the Lut desert. Its territory can boast one of the largest sand dunes in the world, whose height is 407 meters. Among other attractions, Sir Kuh, which is one of the few oases inhabited, is notable. The main phenomenon of Lut Desert is that solar radiation on its territory has healing effect. ... Complete sights collection


From the series “Top 14 Most Polluted Cities of the Planet”
The city of Ahvaz, which is the capital of the Huzestan province, has been considered one of the most polluted cities on earth. The large industrial city, whose population makes over a million human beings, literally suffocates from the thick smog. In 2013, Ahvaz was at the top of the rating system put together by the World Health Organization. The assessment index of air pollution has reached 372 points. The dangerous limit is 300 points.
The reason for the bad ecological conditions in the city are the large petroleum-winning companies and steel foundries. Ahvaz is the country's top rider after the oil recovery level. 'The industrial wealth' of the city now has to pay the city's inhabitants. Most city dwellers constantly wear respirators. The walk through the city without any protective means is extremely unpleasant and dangerous. Today one can hardly imagine it, but a hundred years ago this industrial city, covered with thick smog, was a thriving trading center with its splendid architecture and lush vegetation.
On the streets where today the ugly business buildings are located were once the large storage rooms - here the sweetest sugar was preserved in Western Asia. The drought and hot climate makes the bad ecological situation much more difficult. In the period from May to September the daily air temperature often rises above 40 degrees. Few rains, glutheiss heat and dangerous concentration of the dust in the air - such an environment is a real destiny for the locals. ... Complete sights collection

Imam Mosque

From the series “The Most Iconic Temples in the World”
In Iran, in the ancient Isfahan city, which boomed in the 16th century and was a majestic capital of the Persian Empire, is the unique religious monument. In the heyday of the city, the Imam Mosque was erected for more than four centuries with the impressive size and the peculiar beauty. The height of the mosque is 52 meters. Since its foundation in 1638, it is the tallest building in the city. The general area of ​​the building is about 20,000 square meters, which makes the mosque very majestic.
The unique feature of the mosque is not only its impressive size, but also its peculiar acoustic characteristics. When two people sit in the opposite corners of the Mosque, they will hear each other whispering effortlessly. Next to the mosque is the beautiful square, which is also used for the religious events. The experienced tourists think that it is one of the most beautiful mosques in the world. Apart from the original landscape design and the recreation areas, you can also discover a lot of interesting things on the square in front of the mosque.
Here are the shops of craftsmen and candy merchants. Tourists can stroll along the square with the beautiful chariot wagons. For the inhabitants of Isfahan, the Imam Mosque is not only a religious place, but a true national landmark. In contrast to the other religious objects, the Imam Mosque has a very informal and calm atmosphere. No tourist will feel like a stranger. When you visit the interior of the mosque, you must definitely appreciate its unique acoustics. ... Complete sights collection

Khaju Bridge

From the series “Unbelievable and Magnificent Bridges and Viaducts”
For more than 300 years, the beautiful Chadschu Bridge over the Zayandeh River has been one of the landmarks of Isfahan. The wonderful bridge has the status of outstanding architectural landmark and is one of the oldest and most beautiful bridges in the east. The Chadschu Bridge was built in 1650. At that time, the city of Isfahan flourished on the Great Silk Road. The first bridge over the Zayandeh River was built much earlier than the middle 17th century. The new bridge was built by order of Shah Abbas II.
The new four-storey bridge, which contains 23 arches, has been built to the shortest deadlines. The length of the Chadschu bridge forms 105 meters, and the width - 14 meters. Originally the bridge served not only for crossing the river. The galleries of their ground floor were intended for the rest of the royal family. Under the bridge were the locks, which were used to regulate the water level in the river and use it for irrigation.
At present, the bridge structure consists of more than 50 pavilions decorated with fine mosaics and drawings. In the course of existence, the bridge did not lose the original functions. It is actively used both for river crossing and as a dam. On the banks of the Zayandeh River are laid the magnificent gardens, the irrigation without a dam would be simply impossible. For the tourists, the Chadschu Bridge serves as an ideal place for walks and recreation, in whose spacious galleries one enjoys the silence and grazes the old works of art. ... Complete sights collection

Flower Clock in Tehran

From the series “Enchanting Flower Clocks Built by Humans”
Currently, the biggest flower clock in the world is located in Tehran. It can be seen close to the intersection of two major highways, Modarres and Hemmat. The clock is set on the 70-ton pedestal made of concrete. Flowers are planted straight into there. The diameter of this unique dial is 15 meters and the length of a minute hand is 7.5 meters. The total weight of the flower clock in Tehran is 750 kg.
Experts spent more than two years to create design of this amazing clock. They faced a difficult task that was to develop a mechanism that would be resistant to all weather conditions. After two years of the continuous development, the project was implemented. The city government spent about 600 million rials to create the world's largest flower clock. The landmark is situated in the busy Abbasabad area intersected with several major highways. Thus, even transit travelers may enjoy the amazing sight of Tehran.
The clock was opened in 2005. It owes much to the desire of city authorities to attract tourists to Tehran. Today, we can definitely say that the idea was successful. Travelers come from all over the world to admire the biggest flower clock of planet. The main feature of Tehran structure is a powerful engine that drives the whole mechanism. No vagaries of the weather affect it, so you can enjoy the live clock during exhausting heat and when it snows. ... Complete sights collection


From the series “Nooks and Villages That Are More Colorful Than Top Touristic Destinations”
An amazing scenery, resembling illustrations of a Persian fairy tale, can be seen in the ancient village of Kandovan. The place is situated in Iran among the barren landscapes of stone. The town is notable for its unique architecture. Since ancient times, locals cut down their homes right in the stony rocks. Today, the village looks like a huge anthill.
The unique landscape in this area was formed after an eruption of Sahand volcano. Currently, about 1 000 people live in the unique stone houses. The old village has long attracted an attention of tourists. Several hotels and restaurants have been built here. That would be an ideal place for exploring the Iranian cuisine. In addition, Kandovan is also famous for its healing mineral springs. Fans of active tourism are attracted to these places by diversity of walking and cycling routes.
However, the main attractive feature of the village is still a number of unusual stone houses, some of which were built more than 700 years ago. Today, they are left unchanged. At first glance, it may seem that the local people are completely alien of innovations and modern innovations. In fact, each of the houses has a modern furniture and appliances. The hotel features luxurious rooms with jacuzzi. Historical sites have survived there too. During a tour, you can look into the old warehouses and stables, as well as the amazing four-storey buildings that are considered to be the local skyscrapers. ... Complete sights collection

Ramsar Town

From the series “The Most Radioactive Zones on the Planet”
An amazing city of Ramsar is situated in Iran. The place differs much from many radioactive areas of the planet. The main feature of the local radiation lies in the fact that it is natural. Large industrial plants have never been constructed and nuclear tests have been never conducted there. However, radiation level reaches 250 mSv per year.
The reason is in radioactive elements hidden underground. They didn’t prevent the city from keeping the grandeur and beauty for hundreds of years. Today, the foundation of Ramsar economy is tourism. Travelers come here from all over the world to enjoy the unique historical buildings and ride the old cable cars. One of the main historical attractions of the city is a majestic Pahlavi palace.
The city is very big and beautiful, it is literally immersed in an abundance of greenery. There are many parks and tree-lined avenues, priceless religious sites, as well as numerous traditional craft shops and markets. Constantly, Ramsar area is home to about 34 500 people, some of which are not frightened with a background radiation. Thousands of travelers who walk along fabulously beautiful foothills of Mount Elbrus are not afraid of it too. ... Complete sights collection

Persian Gulf Complex

From the series “12 Largest Shopping Centers Worldwide”
Persian Gulf Complex is in the top 10 of the biggest shopping malls in the world. The complex is located in Shiraz, Iran. Its trade area is 540 thousand square meters. The shopping mall was opened in 2012. Notwithstanding that fact that the trade area is not very big, it is the world leader in a number of shops – more than 2 500 of stores. This centre hasn't got multi-stored pavilions. Instead of them you will see tiny boutiques and shops, where you will find far more things than in usual shops.
In this mall you can find everything from the elite perfume and clothes, jewelry saloons to the shops with goods for children and souvenir stores. Also in the mall there is a five-star hotel. It has over 260 rooms, several swimming pools, a tennis court, a modern cinema and even business halls.
"Persian Gulf Complex" has a multifunctional tourism center where travelers can have a quality leisure time, walk to the shops and organize the global events. The mall is also appealed by its landscape park Iran Land. There you can see exotic plants and flowers. On the roof there is a pad, so you can come here by your own helicopter. ... Complete sights collection

Underground city Kariz

From the series “Unbelievable Underground Mini-Cities”
In Iran you can also find an underground town. Under Kish city has placed an underground city Kariz. Now it is a popular touristic place of this area. The system of tunnels was built approximately 2,5 thousand years ago. Originally it was used for the allocation of water. The city is amazing big, its whole area goes up to 10 000 square meters.
Several years ago, there had finished a major reconstruction. After which there begin to open shops, touristic centers and entertainment facilities. We don’t know as the exact date as its original usage of the city. Some researchers suppose that the underground’s age is over 5 000 years, its whole length is 3 000 meters. Tunnels go for 14-16 meters under the ground.
According to the modern researchers’ opinion, the underground city Kariz is nothing more than a huge ancient aqueduct. However, some researchers claim that within thousand years after the building, this system of the allocation of water was fundamentally modernized and used for other goals. The researchers are still puzzled how locals of this ancient city could build such enormous tunnels 5 000 years ago. ... Complete sights collection
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