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Colors of Budapest - traditions, festivals, mentality and lifestyle

Budapest Local people impress travelers with their cheerfulness and positive attitude. Despite funny and playful nature, they are distinguished by high spirituality. People here devote much time to self-education and cherish all old traditions of their ancestors. Many people call Budapest the city of dance and music as during a year the city hosts numerous national holidays and festivals.
Fans of gastronomic tourism will find some very fine restaurants in Budapest, each of which offers to its customers a unique selection of author dishes and delicacies. Karpatia restaurant is … Open
Perhaps, Revolution Day is the most beloved and cherished holiday. It is celebrated annually on March 15. For several days the city dives into the atmosphere of joy and euphoria. This is the way the inhabitants of Budapest celebrate this great event that took place in 1848. Love to energetic dancing and other entertainments is another feature of the local population. Many citizens prefer spending their leisure time at dancing schools – they are truly not indifferent to this amazing art.
Locals are very friendly. They greet absolutely everyone, even strangers in public transport. Tourists, who face the residents of the city near the entrance of a store or when they decide to visit one of the local coffee houses, should also express a greeting. People in Budapest are very romantic. Guests of the city simply can’t fail to notice their thrilling and caring attitude to their home city, which is also full of charm and friendly to its guests. Copyright
Buda Castle is one of the most striking sights of the city. This is a unique historical monument, which was built in the 15th century. The castle is located on a fortifying hill. There are … Open
Autumn in Budapest is full of interesting celebrations. During this period the city is always attended by many travelers. For example, the opening of the Week of Music starts on September 25. During seven days young musicians demonstrate their talents to all guests of the festival. There is an international gastronomic congress in October, which traditionally attracts gourmets and connoisseurs of wine from all over the world. The November’s greatest holiday is Festival of young wine. There are also several interesting celebrations in winter. Tourists will enjoy their trip to the city if they visit Budapest on Christmas Eve, when the city hosts a grand fair trade.
Parliament Building and Cruise Boat along Danube River at Sunset - From Buda Side Hundreds of thousands of tourists go and go to Budapest to swim by ships across the Danube river, to photograph the panoramas included into various lists of UNESCO, to examine Bud's palaces, to study a general architecture of parliament in Budapest. While at the same time, in some small village on the border with Romania absolutely selflessly Hungarians walk at a wine festival, celebrate the beginning of sowing works or the end of harvesting, a day of summer solstice, the first snow, the last rain - yes anything! In this country, and in this city there is no limit for celebrations. In April, in Budapest starts the "Titanic Film Festival". In 10 days its guests will see a set of the most different pictures: from the French melodramas to South Korean thrillers, from the Japanese animes to the American fighters. This festival is considered the largest event in cinema life of Hungary. So why not to combine acquaintance to sights and visit of some film premiere? It, undoubtedly, diversifies your Hungarian weekend.
Budapest is a great city for families, who will find here really large selection of high quality entertainment complexes. Do not forget to make a ride on a funicular, which connects … Open
The main musical event in summer festival life of the republic already many years continue to remain Sziget passing in August on the metropolitan Old-Buda Island. It attracts about 400 thousand visitors annually. Hungarians are very proud of this festival, and consider it as their brand identity. The program of the Sziget Festival not just includes all musical styles, from metal to the disco, but also surprises with various theatrical performances. To fans of classical music, it will be rather interesting to visit Spring and Autumn Budapest festivals (pass, respectively, in March and October). Programs of these festivals include various concerts of classical music, theatrical performances, and exhibitions. Duna Karneval is one of the most interesting, bright, unusual events in the life of the country. Duna Karneval is an annual event, that takes place every summer. During this event, dancers and artists, musicians from all around the world gather together. Here, it is possible to get acquainted with the Hungarian traditions but also with the traditions of other people, who are living on the coast of Danube.
Budapest, Parlament The annual interesting and informative event is the Festival of Folk Arts. If you are lucky enough to appear in Budapest during these days (at the end of August), then, come and have a glance at this celebration. Here you can get acquainted with the brilliant models of the Hungarian national crafts, works of artists, and in general, with national traditions of the country. One more interesting event - the Veszprem Summer Festival. It is interesting, first of all, by the venue because it takes place in a historical city fortress - Veszprem. The fortress is located in 110 kilometres from Budapest, and in only 15 kilometres from the Lake Balaton. Turrets of the baroque episcopal palace are an excellent background for a picturesque national festival at the heart of which - folklore compositions, popular music, dances, exhibitions, displays of movies.
1. Travelers are highly recommended to purchase a special discount card. It entitles you to have discounted rates on public transport, museums, amusement parks, zoos and other cultural … Open
If after all, you don't want to leave Budapest, then it is possible to find some delicious traditional food at Wine and Champagne Festival.This festival takes place at the beginning of September. Besides the folklore and cultural program, which is the main characteristic of similar events, the event planners have also provided with the opportunity to have a glance to wine vaults and to get closer acquainted with the culture of winemaking of different regions of the country. And, for example, SzeptEmber Feszt is the real gastronomic holiday with fairs, exhibitions, competitions for children and adults.
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Reference information
Map of all churches
Cathedrals and basilicas near Budapest
♥   Szent István király bazilika társszékesegyház, Budapest-Szentistvánváros, 2.2 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Kisboldogasszony-templom, Máriaremete, 12.4 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Nagyboldogasszony Bazilika, Máriabesnyő, 26 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Nagyboldogasszony székesegyház, Vác, 30.9 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Nagyboldogasszony és Szent Adalbert főszékesegyház, Esztergom-Vár, 42.2 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Szent István székesegyház Bazilika, Székesfehérvár, 61.3 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Nagyboldogasszony Bazilika, Matraverebély-Szentkut, 75.2 km from the center. On the map   Photo
Map of all castles
Survived castles around Budapest
♥   Castle 'Buda Castle Budapest' , 3.3 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Castle 'Visegrád Castle' , 32.5 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Castle 'Esztergom Castle' , 40.9 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Castle 'Drégely Castle' , 57.6 km from the center. On the map   Photo
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Traditions and festivals in cities around Budapest

Cityguide on traditions, mentality and lifestyle of people in Budapest. Learn the best periods to visit Budapest to discover its soul - authentic festivals, events and celebrations. We will also reveal the interesting habits, attitude towards the world and to tourists in Budapest. - online travel reservation expert providing reliable car rental and hotel booking services. We feature more than 25.000 destinations with 12.000 rental offices and 200.000 hotels worldwide.
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