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Culture of Poznan. Places to visit - old town, temples, theaters, museums and palaces

Poznan is the city with rich cultural and historical heritage. The great number of stories and legends are connected with every square and building of the city, one of the notable monuments of architecture is the building of Biblioteka Raczynskich. Famous Italian architect worked with project of this building, and Louvre became example for this building. This classic building with columns looks very impressive, also it is better to note that this age-old library became the first public establishment of the city, all the people can use it.
Peculiar gastronomical sights of Poznan are so-called “milky bars”. They are very popular among tourists and youths, they represent small budgetary cafes, where it is possible to buy … Open
Opposite the library there is the interesting sculpture with image of Hygeia the Greek goddess of health. This sculpture was placed on the pedestal in 1971; this pedestal keeps the interesting story. It was placed in one of the nearest alleys in 1841. Edward Rachinsky was the initiator of monument’s unveiling, whose donations had helped people to build the first water pipe in the city. Earl dedicated the monument to its unveiling and decorated plinth with his pendant; today only a few local habitants know the truly monument’s history.
Not far away from the library there is National Museum, which is included to number of the most notable cultural establishments of the country. The wealthy collection of art and sculptures is represented there, also there are five branch offices of the museum in the city. it is a necessity to visit the historical Museum, see the priceless collection of Museum of musical instruments and Military Museum. Trips to Ethnographic museum and Museum of applied art will be very captivating too. Copyright
The Poznan’s holiday calendar involves various festivals and celebrations. Every year there are different cooking events, festivals of art in the city and also important historical … Open
Several important historical monuments are located near the Mickiewicz Square. In the west part of the square it is possible to see the university building, which bears a name of this notable poet. The university is opened for free visiting, classic musical concerts are regularly gone off in this beautiful hall with unrepeatable acoustics. In front of the university there is the monument to Mickiewicz, whose unveiling was in 1960.
Poznan_Old_City In the east part of the city there is the gloomy Prussian castle, whose construction was at the beginning of 20 century. At the present time one castle’s part needs for government institutions, another one was handed over university’s direction. It is possible to find interesting historical monuments almost in every street of the city, Poznan’s guests need to walk along the beautiful Market Square and Glogovska street.
In the section below, you can get one of our excursion, activities or city discovery tours over Poznan and surroundings. Our website offers 10-30% lower ticket prices, when compared to the offline purchase on the spot.

City tours, excursions and tickets in Poznan and surroundings

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What to visit during two-day excursion in Poznan

The Cathedral
Where: ul. Ostrów Tumski 17, Poznan; Telephone: +48 (0) 61 852 96 42; Metro: Trams 3, 4,8,17;
Old Town Square
Pfarre Church
Where: ul. Klasztorna 11, Poznan; Telephone: +48 (0) 61 852 69 50;
National Museum
Where: Al. Marcinkowskiego 9, Poznan; Telephone: +48 (0) 61 856 80 00; Metro: Tramss 2,5,9,13,16;
Emperor’s Castle
Where: ul. Sw. Marcin 80/82, Poznan; Telephone: +48 (0) 61 853-60-81; Metro: Trams 2, 5,9,13;
Metro: Trams 3, 4, 10;
Malta Ski
Where: ul. Wiankowa 2, Poznan; Telephone: +48 (0) 61 878 22 22; Metro: Bus 57, 84;
Reference information
Map of all palaces
Public palaces near Poznan
♥   Palace 'Rydzyna Palace' , 70.5 km from the center. On the map   Photo
Map of all art museums
Art galleries in Poznan and around
♥   Art museum 'Poznań' Poznań, 1.1 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Art museum 'National Museum' Poznań, 1.5 km from the center. On the map   Photo
Map of all churches
Cathedrals and basilicas near Poznan
♥   Bazylika Archikatedralna św. Piotra i Pawła, Poznań, 2.8 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Bazylika kolegiacka Matki Bożej Pocieszenia i św. Stanisława Biskupa, Szamotuły, 32.2 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Bazylika Archikatedralna Wniebowzięcia NMP i św. Wojciecha, Gniezno, 48.6 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Bazylika św. Mikołaja, Leszno, 66.6 km from the center. On the map   Photo

Iconic cultural sights of Poland

Lublin is another city with the large cultural heritage. It houses the Lublin Castle, built in the 16th century in the Gothic style. The fortress was built by the order of Rez Pospolita King Kazimierz the Great. Today, the Lublin Museum operates in its walls. The facility holds collections of military, numismatic, artistic, and archaeological artifacts. The area of ​​the old town of Lublin was built in the very beautiful Renaissance style. The entrance to this part of the city was formerly carried out through the Krakow Gate decorated with icons. The gate houses the Museum of History of Lublin. The venue stores important documents, ceramics, and a clock bell of the gate, which was cast in the 16th century. Those who are interested in the traditional Polish culture will like an excursion to the Museum of Lublin Culture, where folk architecture is displayed. … Open
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Photogallery of cultural heritage of Poznan

Landmarks of culture on Poznan map: art-galleries, monuments, palaces, etc

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Excursions over cultural sights of neighbours of Poznan

Culture guide to Poznan. Which fascinating sights to visit once you are in Poznan: temples, churches, museums, theaters and castles. Recommendations (with addresses, phone numbers and links) on the places 'must visit' in Poznan. Plan your own city excursion by using this page info! - online travel reservation expert providing reliable car rental and hotel booking services. We feature more than 25.000 destinations with 12.000 rental offices and 200.000 hotels worldwide.
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