Culture of Solden. Places to visit - old town, temples, theaters, museums and palaces

A large part of Sölden's ski slopes available for tourists is aimed at middle-level skiers. There are also excellent skiing zones for beginners, as well as fantastic slopes for …

Solden is a popular tourist destination. You can easily find many traditional Austrian souvenirs and the best world's ski equipment here. Unfortunately, fans of hours of shopping and …

City tours, excursions and tickets in Solden and surroundings
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Reference information
Public palaces near Solden
♥ Palace 'Schloss Ambras' Innsbruck, 46 km from the center. On the map
♥ Palace 'Linderhof Palace' , 67.3 km from the center. On the map
♥ Palace 'New Castle' , 68.4 km from the center. On the map
♥ Palace 'Schloss Ambras' Innsbruck, 46 km from the center. On the map

♥ Palace 'Linderhof Palace' , 67.3 km from the center. On the map

♥ Palace 'New Castle' , 68.4 km from the center. On the map

Cathedrals and basilicas near Solden
♥ Basilika St. Michael, Absam, 52.6 km from the center. On the map
♥ Abtei Neustift, Varna (Vahrn), 55.2 km from the center. On the map
♥ Benediktinerkloster St. Johann, Müstair, 56.3 km from the center. On the map
♥ Kathedrale Mariä Himmelfahrt und St. Kassian, Bressanone (Brixen), 57.3 km from the center. On the map
♥ Cattedrale di S. Maria Assunta, Bolzano (Bozen), 58.7 km from the center. On the map
♥ Basilica di Ss. Sisinio, Martirio e Alessandro, Sanzeno, 67.2 km from the center. On the map
♥ Basilika St. Michael, Absam, 52.6 km from the center. On the map

♥ Abtei Neustift, Varna (Vahrn), 55.2 km from the center. On the map

♥ Benediktinerkloster St. Johann, Müstair, 56.3 km from the center. On the map

♥ Kathedrale Mariä Himmelfahrt und St. Kassian, Bressanone (Brixen), 57.3 km from the center. On the map

♥ Cattedrale di S. Maria Assunta, Bolzano (Bozen), 58.7 km from the center. On the map

♥ Basilica di Ss. Sisinio, Martirio e Alessandro, Sanzeno, 67.2 km from the center. On the map

Unique spots in Solden and near
Stelvio Pass
From the series “Most Spectacular Mountain Roads”
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Distance from Solden center - 64.1 km.
The Italian Government is very concerned about the safety of drivers, so the track Stelvio Pass has been upgraded over the past few years. Beside the hairpin bends, the angle of which can reach 180 degrees, were built the so-called small "pockets" - descents that allow you to skip the oncoming car and make travelling on the road more comfortable. The Stelvio Pass road designed by the renowned engineer Carlo Donegani is a landmark of world importance nowadays and is one of the most mountainous trails of the planet. The road with many steep turns attracts both motorists and cyclists. Moving along it on two-wheeled transport is also very interesting. …
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Arlberg tunnel
From the series “The Greatest Tunnels in the World”
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Distance from Solden center - 62 km.
Arlberg Road Tunnel is one of the outstanding attractions of the country. It is used by over 18 million people annually. The Arlberg road tunnel and the Arlberg railway tunnel is one single complex, though the railway tunnel was built much earlier, in the late 19th century. The tunnels are interconnected by lots of cross-connections, the minimum distance between them is 150 metres. …
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Harakiri Ski Slope
From the series “Top 13 Furious Ski Resorts and Pistes”
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Distance from Solden center - 69.3 km.
Severe shocks, breaks and contortions - so only the most harmless consequences the inexperienced skiers can get after the impetuous and short descent. The world-famous sportsman Tobias Fankhauser was one of the first to take advantage of the 'black' course and to use it for regular training sessions. He held the successful descent to 'Harakiri' piste for the highest sports performance. Today, many coaches are working on the health resort, which prepare athletes and anyone interested in the descent on one of the most difficult ski runs. …
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Photogallery of cultural heritage of Solden
Landmarks of culture on Solden map: art-galleries, monuments, palaces, etc