Culture of Skopje. Places to visit - old town, temples, theaters, museums and palaces

In 1963, a powerful earthquake has stroke Skopje and much of the historical and cultural sites have been destroyed. Thanks to efforts of local residents a number of cultural monuments were restored, while many unique historical buildings were lost without a trace. The basis of the urban landscape is represented by modern high-rise buildings. The stone bridge across the Vadar River connects the historic city with the new district.
1. Local cuisine is very peculiar and resembles Turkish. National cuisine restaurants are very popular among holidaymakers. Typically, in such dining places, in addition to local dishes, …
It was built by Turks in the 15th century and has miraculously survived to the present day. The stone bridge is one of the major city attractions. Near the bridge there is a complex of ancient baths, Daut Pasha. According to historical data, its construction was completed in 1466; it has long remained the most large-scale building of this kind in the Balkans.
Currently, a part of a larger building is converted into an art gallery; everyone can take a stroll through ancient rooms with a domed roof and enjoy the splendor of art. Walking through the historic district, be sure to visit the ancient Church of the Holy Savior. Built in the 17th century it has preserved to this day in its original form. Copyright
The capital of Macedonia is a city with dramatic and fascinating history. Here you will find simply everything for interesting rest - temples of wonderful beauty and cozy streets, ancient …
As many years ago, the main decoration of the church is the elaborately engraved iconostasis. At first glance, church seems small, but the fact is that a large part of the structure is covered with soil. In the 17th century the majority of the population of the city was Muslim, so the Orthodox Church shouldn’t be higher than city's mosques. Next to the church begins the ancient market, which will also be of interest not only for fans of shopping, but also for those who wish to walk around interesting historical places.
Talking about important landmarks, it’s worth to mention the Museum of Macedonia. It is located in a beautiful modern building with white facade, which makes an amazing contrast to adjacent historic buildings around. The museum's collection tells visitors about the culture and history of the region; a wide variety of exhibits is kept here. Next to the museum there is the Kursumli Khan inn; during the reign of Turks, it was one of the main coaching inns of the city. Historic area of Skopje is the most interesting for tourists, although there are many interesting objects in the new district.
Skopje is the best base for exploring the national cuisine of Macedonia. There are restaurants of different classes in the city. You can try the best kebab in town in the attractive Destan …
A great place to take a walk is the Old Bazaar (Stara Čaršija) district, which in addition to other duties is one of the oldest and largest trade outlets on the Balkan Peninsula (it has been like this since the 12th century). Some of the attractions of the bazaar are numerous mosques that were built during the Ottoman rule, as well as historic buildings left behind from the Byzantine era, and construction of modern architecture. Despite this combination, the area looks more than harmonious. For those who wish to spend time culturally in the capital of Macedonia watching theater performances or listening to classical music, it would be nice to visit Macedonian Opera and Ballet (Makedonska Opera i Balet) or the National Theater (Nacionalen Teatar).
![Mother Theresas Memorial House Mother Theresas Memorial House]()
The largest open area in the city is the Macedonia Square (Ploštad Makedonija), which graces one of the symbols of the city – a pedestal with a warrior on a horse, symbolizing Alexander the Great – another great place for a promenade. It is impossible to miss because it is the “center” of Skopje: it is always noisy here as a result of a large crowd of people being here often – especially during festivals, as well as cultural, religious, or national holidays. It was here that the announcement of Macedonia being an independent state and not part of Yugoslavia was first made. You should know that the locals are very proud of their independent status, and symbols of sovereignty can consequently be seen all over Skopje. We are talking about the likes of monuments of outstanding persons that made a significant contribution to the history of Macedonia.
1. Local cuisine is very peculiar and resembles Turkish. National cuisine restaurants are very popular among holidaymakers. Typically, in such dining places, in addition to local dishes, …
Mount Vodno is fascinating for being a wonderful natural attraction, and housing the Millennium Cross (Mileniumski Krst) at its very top. This cross is an impressive 66 meters tall structure, one of the tallest structures of its kind in the world as a whole. It was erected in honor of the rich history of Christianity in the territory of Macedonia – the fact that the apostle Paul himself preached here two thousand years ago is a very important event. Today, the cross serves as a symbol of the unification of Christians, and also as a landmark – the best panorama of the capital city of Skopje opens up from here. It should be noted that when the structure was being put up, lattice construction was used. It is the same one that was used in the construction of the Eiffel Tower.
![Kale Fortress Kale Fortress]()
It might come as a surprise to some people, but Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born precisely in Skopje. This name means nothing to most people because everyone knows her as Mother Teresa. From childhood, her dream was to help the poor in India and serve righteous goals. She lived in a house that is known today as the museum of the Memorial House of Mother Teresa (Spomen Kuḱa na Majka Tereza) until she clocked 18 years of age. You can learn a lot of facts about her life here. Such information that you will have access to here will not be described in history books. You also get to feel the atmosphere of her life until adulthood (at that time Skopje was still under the rule of the Ottoman Empire). Another person who is always associated with Macedonia is Alexander the Great. In addition to the already mentioned monument to the outstanding commander that you will come across, the city also has a sculpture in honor of his father (Philip II of Macedon), and a fountain in honor of his mother, Olympias.
The capital of Macedonia is a city with dramatic and fascinating history. Here you will find simply everything for interesting rest - temples of wonderful beauty and cozy streets, ancient …
Skopje is also notable for containing other interesting statues and fountains that can be seen during a walk around the city. Among such structures is the monument to the beggar or the sculpture “Divers”, located in front of the already mentioned Stone Bridge (Kamen Most). By the way, this is not the only remarkable bridge in the city. Another interesting structure of this kind is the Art Bridge (Art Most). This bridge is fascinating as it is dedicated to the outstanding figures of Macedonia art: for example, you can see the sculptures of Nikola Martinoski, Zivko Cingo, and Voydan Chernodrinski. In total, there are 29 such sculptures. Nearby the capital of Macedonia, you will come across the village Gorno Nerezi, which stands out thanks to its distinctive atmosphere. It is precisely here that you can find out how the ancestors of the locals lived earlier for many centuries – the feeling that time “stopped” is constantly felt by visitors.
For those who like to see ancient ruins, Skopje presents a surprise in the form of the ancient city of Scupi (which is located between the Zajcev Rid and the Vardar River. Earlier, in the second century BC to be precise, a Dardanian (Trojan) settlement was sited here. The settlement was captured by the Romans in 81 AD. It was during this time that it received the name Colonia Flavia Aelia Scupi. The Roman legionnaires consequently settled here. In the year 518, the settlement was destroyed as a result of an earthquake, and a new settlement was built subsequently. It is also worth pointing out that the environs of the capital of Macedonia are rich in natural sights, and, while walking to the ancient city, you should definitely pay attention to the picturesque expanses and devote a few minutes to seeing them.
Skopje is the best base for exploring the national cuisine of Macedonia. There are restaurants of different classes in the city. You can try the best kebab in town in the attractive Destan …
Another construction that displays the rich history of Skopje is the Skopje Aqueduct (Akvaduktot vo Skopje). Historians are yet to ascertain at what time it was built. There are some options though: the Roman era, the Byzantine period of Justinian I, or during the rule of the Ottoman Empire. This is the only aqueduct of Macedonia and one of the best-preserved structures of this kind in the Balkan Peninsula. You will be amazed to learn that it was functional until the 18th century. In addition to the Church of the Holy Savior (Crkva na Voznesenieto na Isus), the city also houses places of worship of other denominations in the city. Some such places are for example, are among mosques, Mustafa Pasha Mosque (Mustafa Paša Džamija) and Mosque Iskhak-Bek (Mosque Iskhak-Bek), and among Catholic places of worship, Catholic Cathedral of Skopje (Katoličkata Katedrala vo Skopje). There is also a synagogue here.
A historically important place is the Skopje Fortress Kale (Skopska Tvrdina Kale), which, as befits fortifications, is located on a hill. The first mention of the fact that there was once a castle on this place dates back to the end of the 10th century. Nevertheless, there are suggestions that it was built during the reign of Justinian I. At the end of the 11th century, the Vikings took possession of the building for some time and several finds on the territory of the building are evidence of this. Stefan Dusan during his reign made the fortress the most important strategic point, densely building up the territory of the hill. After the conquest of the city by the Turks, barracks were located here. However, the gates of the fortress were later rebuilt. At the beginning of the 20th century, barracks, headquarters, and warehouse of the Yugoslav army were located here.
1. Local cuisine is very peculiar and resembles Turkish. National cuisine restaurants are very popular among holidaymakers. Typically, in such dining places, in addition to local dishes, …
Among the museums that you should definitely visit during your time in Skopje, the Archaeological Museum (Arheološki Muzej) is one of them. It contains all the most important artifacts that were found during excavations on the territory of Macedonia. The Museum of Macedonian Struggle (Muzej na Makedonskata Borba) is a cultural site that speaks about important political events that occurred in the country, from the struggle against the Ottoman Empire to separation from Yugoslavia in 1991. Lovers of history will be delighted to visit the Holocaust Memorial Center Museum (Memorijalen Centar na Holokaustot), which tells about the persecution and genocide of Jews during the Second World War. Those who prefer modern art will not be bored while traveling in Skopje either. They can visit the cultural center Contemporary Art Museum of Macedonia (Muzej na Sovremena Umetnost na Makedonija).
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Skopje - guide chapters
What to visit during two-day excursion in Skopje
Museum Of Macedonia
Where: Curciska 86, Skopje; Telephone: +389 (0) 2 31 16 044;
Sveti Spas (holy Savior Church)
Where: Samoilova in the Carsija neighborhood, Skopje;
Mustafa Pasha Mosque
Where: Samoilova opposite the Kale Fortress, Skopje;
Old Bazaar
Where: Left side of the River Vardar in the old town, Skopje;
Mother Theresa Statue
Where: On the main street leading from Macedona Square, Skopje;
Stone Bridge (kamen Most)
Where: Kamen Most street just off the Makedonija Square, Skopje;
Tvrdina Kale (city Fort)
Where: Samoilova Street across from Mustafa Pasha Mosque, Skopje;
St. Pantelejom Monastery
Where: Mount Vodno, 20 minutes south of Skopje, Skopje;
Daud Pasa Baths/city Art Gallery
Where: Krusvevska 14, Skopje; Telephone: +389 (0) 2 31 33 102;
Cifte Amam
Where: Bulevar Goce Delcev, Skopje;
Lake Matka
Where: 30 minutes southwest of Skopje, Skopje; Opening hours: Check listings at tourist agencies for times of the boat tours;
Iconic cultural sights of Macedonia

Church of the Holy Savior is an architectural monument of the 17th century, which is preserved in its original form. The iconostasis with engraving is located inside the building decorated with graceful carving, and the walls are covered with ancient mural paintings. Next to the Old Market is the medieval Mustafa Pasha Mosque, which both Muslims as well as Gentiles visit, to admire its interior decoration. To get acquainted with the ancient history of Macedonia, it is worth visiting the National Archaeological Museum. In this Majestic Building of Italian marble are stored the Byzantine treasures found during excavations, amongst them, the reconstruction of the skulls of ancient Macedonians, and the reduced copies of religious buildings. The National Gallery of Macedonia occupies the building of the former Turkish baths near the Old Turkish Bazaar. Its collection includes masterpieces of painting from the 14th century.