Top sigths of Czech Republic

Chapters of the guide to Plzen
Attractions and active leisure
It represents the wide collection of models of dinosaurs and other historical animals to visitors’ attention; all the models in the park are made in compliance with dimensions of real animals. The picturesque park Lochotin is good for picnic and sportive entertainments. There are a lot of paths for walking and bicycling rest; if a day is sultry the park will become the best resting place. Plzen is not noted … Open

Cuisine and top restaurants
Na Spilce is the biggest restaurant of the city, it is possible to dispose more than five hundreds of people in its incredible and spacy hall. The menu’s base consists of the dishes of Czech cookery, also the wide row of international cookery’s dishes are represented for guests. People who prefer to rest in more unconstrained and secluded atmosphere will appreciate the restaurant of national cookery … Open

Traditions and mentality of Plzen
Pilsner Urquell is the most famous sort of beer, which is still produced by the local factory. At the first time production started in 1842, the first portion of beer was brewed 5th October. Exactly this famous event determined the date of festival. Travelers who will visit the city can trip to the legendary brewery, which is located in Prazdroj street, this trip can leave a lot of impressions. The main feature of … Open

Travel guide to Plzen
Fans of unusual excursions should definitely visit the Horror Museum located in the heart of the city, on the ground floor of Hotel Central. The museum is housed in ancient dungeons built back in the 16th century. The museum's halls currently display a collection of terrible exhibits that can scare children and adults alike. The very hotel housed in a historic building is famous for its ghosts. Many people visit … Open

Advices for travellers
6. Almost all the local museums and entertaining centers offer big sales to children. Traditionally a great number of museums and cultural establishments decrease the tickets’ price in winter, but in summer prices are the most expensive. 7. It is recommended for foreign travelers to book a great number of trips earlier, they can do this in one of the touristic centers or in hotel. In this case … Open

Cultural excursion through Plzen - things to see
Episcopacy building can be called the most effective monument of Baroque style without any doubts, and great synagogue building was built in original moor-romance style. The great cultural city’s establishment is Brewing Museum, all the city’s guests visit it. Brewing trips are also popular for curious tourists and it will impress people who are even indifferent to beer. There is the Plzen Dungeon … Open