Family trip to Molde with children. Ideas on where to go with your child

This picturesque Norwegian town attracts tourists by the magnificence of nature and the richness of historical heritage. Walking in Molde is a true pleasure, because you will find so many …

Gourmets should certainly visit the Norwegian city of Molde in summer. At this time of the year, the traditional cuisine of the region is more diverse. Many experienced tourists call the …

Molde attracts travelers with its unusual and charming atmosphere. In this city, the beautiful traditions of the past are still popular. Many hereditary fishermen live here. Molde is an …

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City tours, excursions and tickets in Molde and surroundings
Reference information
Aquariums in Molde and nearby
♥ Aquarium 'Atlanterhavsparken' , 63.1 km from the center. On the map
♥ Aquarium 'Atlanterhavsparken' , 63.1 km from the center. On the map

Famous sights of Molde
From the series “Most Spectacular Mountain Roads”
Check on the map:
Distance from Molde center - 38.6 km.
The construction of the mountain road has been lasting for 8 years and was completed in 1936. Despite its age, the driveway remains one of the highest quality in the world, however, it has a lot of dangerous features. The road has 11 sharp turns that can turn out extremely difficult for inexperienced drivers to overcome. Considering that in some parts of the way lifting angle is 9 degrees, moving on a serpentine road at a high speed is just impossible. …
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Storseisundet Brug
From the series “The Most Unusual and Strange Bridges on Earth”
Check on the map:
Distance from Molde center - 32.6 km.
The unusual bridge, which is absolutely necessary for the fans of the nerve kitzel, is located in Norway. The unique Storseisundet Bridge is part of the road, which extends along the rocky coast. The main feature of the bridge is complicated bends and gradients. On some stretches of the road, the visible part of the bridge is reminiscent of a real diving board. From every angle of view Storseisundet Bridge looks peculiar. …
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Photogallery of best places of Molde
Children attractions (aquaparks, zoos, amusement parks) on the map of Molde