Best hotels for short vacation or business trip to Kadavu Island

Dive Kadavu
Those travelers who want to devote their vacation to diving should stay in the hotel Dive Kadavu
. Besides comfortable fully-furnished bungalows, it offers its clients a range of additional services. You can visit an excellent diving center, rent all the necessary equipment and even hire a boat at the rental station of the hotel. The guests of the resort can take part in different interesting events, walk here and swim in the most beautiful waterfalls of Kadavu. Dive Kadavu is a true paradise for active tourists.

Exotic fruit and fried fruit of bread tree, exquisite seafood dishes and special refreshing beverages - these are the main features of the national cuisine on Kadavu Island. Food traditions …

One of the most unusual and attractive hotels on Kadavu is Papageno
. Its main distinctive feature is an impressive size. The hotel complex occupies quite a vast coastal area. There are all the conditions for calm recreation. As constant clients of the hotel say, you can meet other tourists only at the restaurant. Remarkably, there is a big national park on the territory of the hotel where rare parrots dwell. Workers of the separate complex study bird populations and help diseased and injured specimens. Everyone can contribute to the development of the national park.

Over thousands of years, the culture and traditions of Kadavu have become multifaceted. The first settlers came to the island over 3.5 thousand years ago. They were skilled hunters and …

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