Colors of Kadavu Island - traditions, festivals, mentality and lifestyle

Over thousands of years, the culture and traditions of Kadavu have become multifaceted. The first settlers came to the island over 3.5 thousand years ago. They were skilled hunters and fishermen. Fishing is still one of the main deeds of many locals. A lot of interesting legends are connected with it. According to one of them, thousands of years ago, the natives armed with quite primitive tools hunted giant tortoises.
Kadavu is a picturesque Polynesian island and the fourth biggest Fijian Island. Most of its territory is occupied by thick rainforests. Everywhere, you can see green hills and mountain …
The main hunters’ weapon was their voice. They lured tortoises to the coast with their songs and then clumsy and heavy animals were just unable to escape. It should be noted that this amazing hunting skill is improved by local women today. As it is forbidden to hunt rare animals, the locals just demonstrate everyone their unique skills and easily lure curious turtles to the coast.
The first European ship boarded the coast in the second half of the 18th century. The first European visiting the island was William Bligh. At that time, the Europeans were very interested in this picturesque island. Big ships boarded it almost every month. Many ships were wrecked and sank due to the reefs in the coastal waters. Today, they attract many divers to the island. Copyright
Kadavu Island of the Fijian Archipelago is famous for its wonderful beaches and rainforests. Making your way through them is a real pleasure. Your holidays on the island with children will …
At that time, any locals believed that the island welcomes only those guests who have good intentions. The travelers with bad ones are taken away by the sea. One of the biggest ships being wrecked in the 19th century is “Astrolabe”. One of the biggest and most beautiful reefs on Kadavu is named after it. Despite the fact that today the island is similar to other famous resorts with its development level. Its culture is still full of interesting old peculiarities.
![Leaving Kadavu island - multimedia virtual tour in description Leaving Kadavu island - multimedia virtual tour in description]()
The food traditions of Kadavu deserve special attention too. The cooking of exquisite dishes in the ground is a very interesting spectacle. Travelers should certainly visit one of the picturesque villages, acquaint with craft aborigines’ traditions, taste popular national treats, and witness interesting dance performances called “meke”.
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National traditions of Fiji

Fijians are an original people, whose ancestry came about as a result of the mixing of several ethnic groups of the Pacific Ocean region. In the modern culture of the archipelago, ancient beliefs coexist with Christian customs, and the traditional way of life is mixed with the attributes of a democratic public order. In spite of the historically propagated reputation of being aggressors and cannibals, today’s residents of Fiji are considered one of the friendliest people on the planet. The inhabitants of the islands are the only ones in Oceania, who are genuinely proud of their past. The more respect for local traditions a tourist demonstrates, the more hearty reception he or she receives.