Fun and festivities in Algeria - celebrations, festivals and cultural events
Holidays in Algeria can be separated into two big groups – holidays that have a fixed date and holidays that have a new date every year. New Year is one of the most popular holidays with a fixed date. Just like in the rest of the world, Algeria celebrates New Year at night from December 31st to January 1st. The Labor Day (May 1st) is also a popular annual holiday in the country. Of course, there are national holidays that cherish events of the past. For example, June 19 is the Revolution day. On this day, Ben Bella, the President of Algeria, was deposed in a coup. Local people celebrate the Anniversary of the Revolution on November 1. July 5 is the day of another important national holiday – Independence Day.
Muslim people make up the majority of Algeria’s population. Religion has a significant impact on the national cuisine of the country. For example, …
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The geographic location of Algeria makes it a so-called crossing of different worlds. The country has access to the Mediterranean Sea, and the Sahara …
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Uraza Bairam is a no less important date for every Algerian. This day marks the end of a long fasting period. On this holiday, people congratulate each other, donate money to the poor, and collect food for people in need. For Uraza Bairam, locals put on their best dresses, cook the most delicious food, make gifts to each other, and share festive food with family and friends. This is a happy day for all Muslims, so they have fun, play, and celebrate. Qurban Bairam is the sacrifice day. On this day, local people sacrifice lambs and give meat to everyone – not only to friends and family but also to the poor and passersby.
Algeria is an interesting country with its own unique lifestyle and traditions. It is also home to numerous picturesque temples, mosques, and …
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If you plan to visit Algeria in October, don’t forget to about one more interesting event, the International Festival of Comics. This event, which takes place in the capital, attracts painters who work in this style. Exhibitions of best works, film screenings and awards to the best of the best – the program of this festival is very diverse. Algeria hosts an interesting festival dedicated to modern art for more than two months. This event takes place in the Museum of Modern Art. Travelers, who happen to visit the country in the period from December to February, should definitely visit this interesting event. December is also the time for the Algiers International Film Festival, during which attendees can watch documental and feature motion pictures.
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