In Azerbaijan, not far from Baku is the tiny Bulla Island, which is known under the name Hyarya Zirya. On this island in the seventies of the last century the geologist Konstantin Mamedov discovered the mysterious spherical formations. In total, the researcher has found 21 bullets. All the formations had the same structure and were clearly divided on two halves with the deep gating.
The scientists involved in meteorite research immediately drew the parallel between the discovery of Mamedov and the mysterious Salzburg meteorite because their sections were similar. To the research targets, it was decided to split pairs of spheres. All the balls selected were easily split along the joint.
The base of the spheres was aluminum and less than 20% of the structure was the uniform alloy of the magnetite particles. The complex kimposition of the balls completely excluded the possibility of their natural origin. 21 balls of the same diameter and the identical structure, the regular shape and the symmetrical division with the fugue - these arguments testify that the mysterious bullets from Bulla Island could not form in the natural way and were most probably not created by humans .
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