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Culture of Geneva. Places to visit - old town, temples, theaters, museums and palaces

Saint-Prex Geneva never ceases to amaze travelers by its attractions, many of which are truly unusual. For example, every day hundreds of tourists come to see wonderful flower clock located on Promenade du Lac. Live clocks are made up of several flower beds, between which is located the dial mechanism. It should be noted that the length of the second hand estimates 2.5 meters – the second construction of such scale simply does not exist.
Discovering the architecture of Geneva from bird's eye view! St. Pierre Cathedral, Musee Ariana, Red Cross Museum, Synagogue Beth-Yaacov, Russian Church of Geneva, all those monuments are defining the image of Geneva … Open
Not far away from this sight is located English park, which is very popular among fans of outdoor recreation. Among the architectural monuments of the city we should definitely mention Palais des Nations, which currently houses the headquarters of the UN. This massive and beautiful architectural complex, which consists of several buildings, is surrounded by a beautiful park. It is a perfect place for walking and relaxing.
Fans of excursions should definitely not forget to visit Museum of Lake Geneva. Its exposition is also quite unique and provides visitors with examples of life forms that once have inhabited the pond. The total area of the museum is more than a thousand square meters – during a long history of the museum here have appeared really many exhibits. Your trip to Museum of Clocks will be no less exciting. The museum has become a symbol of not only Geneva, but of the whole country. Among the exhibits you will see clocks that were made yet in the 16th century. Fans of paintings and art will surely find much interesting in their visit to Arsenal – this is how the building of the city archive is called now. The building’s entrance is decorated with cannons made back in the 18th century, and inside you can see beautiful murals depicting most significant historical events in the history of the city. Copyright
Palace of Nations, Grand Theatre de Geneve, Musee Rath, as well as many others, they all become the world's cultural heritage objects and remain as iconic monuments for Geneva … Open
House of Maison Tavel is a prominent architectural landmark of the city. This elegant Gothic house was built in 1303. 31 years after its building it was seriously damaged by fire, but thanks to the work of architects the house was fully restored. Nowadays House of Tavel is the location of Museum of Old Geneva (Musee du Vieux Geneve). During the excursion in this museum visitors will see a priceless collection of historical artifacts starting from the early Middle Ages till the beginning of the 20th century.
Geneva is considered the capital of the world for many reasons. As already mentioned, it is here that the UN Headquarters is located. The city is also the birthplace of Henry Dunant, the founder of the International Committee for Relief to the Wounded (now International Committee of the Red Cross). Therefore, there is the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Museum (located next to the above-mentioned institution), which contains exhibits related to the war and telling about its futility. History lovers will appreciate the Musee International de la Reforme, whose main theme, as one can understand from the title, is devoted to the Reformation. The children will also like it here, because there are a lot of interactive exhibits.
Geneva is not too popular with tourists because the city has a reputation of a boring, sterile and over-correct city. This statement is, in fact, not true. Geneva can be proud of its prime … Open
The city is known as the place of death of the most popular ruler in the history of Western Europe, Elisabeth of Austria, who was simply called “Sisi” by the common people. For this reason, there is a monument in the city in honor of the Empress. Among other interesting sculptures in the city worth visiting are; the composition “Broken chair”, the monument to Karl Braunschweig, the statue of Frankenstein, the monument to Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale character, and the original Protestant memorial “The Reformation Wall”.
Lake Geneva Almost all monuments can be found on the Mont Blanc promenade, in which there is an interesting bridge, and you can look at it simply to get inspiration and extraordinary pacification. A unique attraction can be found on Place du Molard – it is here that the tower with the same name is located. At some point, there was a fortress wall here, which served as a reliable fortification. It was built in the XV century to protect the city. The time of construction of the tower dates back to the XVI century.
In Geneva, travelers with children of any age will have a wonderful vacation as the choice of entertainment in this city is absolutely amazing. When the weather permits, Bains des Paquis is … Open
The hometown of Jean-Jacques Rousseau is a multinational city. This fact is confirmed by buildings that are not expected to be seen on the territory of the European city. This is primarily the Eglise Russe, built in the middle of the XIX century. Many eminent figures of the Russian Empire were married in it. Also in the city you can see Synagogue Beth-Yaacov, built as well in the middle of the XIX century, which is a kind of symbol of tolerance. The Université de Genève Campus Biotech located next to the Lake Geneva is noteworthy from an architectural point of view. From the list of museums worth noting, we have; the “Cité du Temps” – a museum of watches that can be located not just anywhere, but in one of the largest cities in Switzerland, as well as “Musee Ariana”, which will please art lovers, in particular porcelain products.
In the section below, you can get one of our excursion, activities or city discovery tours over Geneva and surroundings. Our website offers 10-30% lower ticket prices, when compared to the offline purchase on the spot.

City tours, excursions and tickets in Geneva and surroundings

Plan your own excursion through Geneva: churches, museums and castles

St. Pierre Cathedral, Geneva

» The cathedral built at the beginning of the 13th century combines many architectural styles but looks like a single unit.
» Its interior features some austerity, modesty and, and strictness.
» Here, you can such unique item, as the rich chair of the French theologian Jean Calvin.
» You can also climb up the tower. The path in one place offers two directions, southern and northern. The northern tower with a high spire has a panoramic view of the city, as the building is located in its center, on the hilltop, 404 m above sea level.
» On the right side, there is a gravestone in honor of French Protestants (1889).
» You should also visit the Archeology Museum behind the cathedral. Here, you can see some fragments of the old building found during the excavations. As the archeologists believe, they date back to the 4th century.
» In December, the three-day historical holiday is celebrated in front of St. Pierre Cathedral. Mummers dance and a huge fire is started at this time.
» When it gets dark, the building is illuminated with spotlights.
» In the cathedral, the Geneva Bible was translated from Latin to English for the first time.

Palace of Nations, Geneva

» The building complex that is 600 m long had been built for 8 years.
» One architect was excluded from the project because he signed the document with improper ink.
» In the Palace, there are the headquarter of the League of Nations, the UN office, and the office of the World Health Organization.
» About a hundred thousand tourists visit it.
» Ceremonial negotiation rooms are also open for visitors. There are canvasses of world-famous artists on the walls.
» 100 tons of paint was used and €10 million was spent to decorate the room ceiling of the total area of 1.5 m2.
» The 1st and 3rd levels intersect along the entire length but other floors don’t.
» There is a symbolic cannon near the Palace. Its barrel is knotted, which is the symbol of peace. Politicians discuss global issues in the building. Every year, over 8 thousand meetings on international issues and almost 600 intergovernmental meetings are held in the Palace.
» There is a picturesque garden around it. One of the buildings is located in the park. This land belonged to an aristocratic family. Upon its order, the authorities must keep the peacock they inherited here. Also, there is a garden pavilion aged over 300 years.

Musee Ariana, Geneva

» Ariana was the name of collector Gustave Revilliod known in his circles. The museum is named after her according to his will.
» His private collection includes over 5 thousand items. In the late 19th century, the collector exhibited them.
» In the museum, there is a workshop for repairing glass items.
» The Musee Ariana is famous for the collection of glass and ceramic exhibits (there are over 20 thousands of them). Patterns and inscriptions on the glass surface, as well as the unusual shape of exhibits, are very impressive.
» The Musee Ariana is located in the palace with a glass dome, in the cedar park.
» The guide will explain the origin of any exhibit. On display, you can see tea and coffee sets, and dinnerware the Royal Family used. There are also clay items made in the Middle Ages. You can learn how pottery originated and what tools for glass-painting were used.
» You can also see glass toys, porcelain zips and pens, clay amulets, and crystal lamps.
» In the museum, there are 20 separate rooms, each of which displays particular items depending on the epoch.

Red Cross Museum, Geneva

» The collection of the International Red Cross Museum contains exhibits from ancient times to the present day.
» The building is located in the territory of the head office of the namesake organization.
» Collected items, pictures and videos symbolize the role of the Red Cross helping people in post-conflict and post-disaster situations.
» Showrooms are divided into separate sections. One of the rooms presents information about the organization’s activity in all corners of the world.
» The huge interactive globe shows where rescues work today.
» The exhibition is aimed at awakening sympathy for people in trouble and calling on the citizens to contribute modestly to the humanitarian activity.
» The idea of creating the Committee of the Voluntarism Organization was brought to life by the Swiss Henri Dunant in 1863. He was impressed by the human suffering. Volunteers from many countries supported him. As a consequence, the movement has become an international undertaking.
» Now, the number of volunteers is about 100 million. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement received the Nobel Prize for its merits three times.

Museum of Art and History, Geneva

Location on the map:   Facts: » The collection of the Museum of Art and History contains over 650 thousand rare items. These are paintings, sculptures, musical instruments, and ancient artifacts.
» Not only permanent, but also temporary exhibitions are organized here.
» In the square of 7 000 m2, you can see pieces of art of global significance. There are 500-year-old items, as well as canvases of modern artists.
» The museum fund is replenished thanks to private collections.
» Graphics, books, household items of the bygone era, and old weapons are just some of the exhibits displayed.
» The building matches the collection it houses. The vault of the palace is upheld by classical columns with strict proportions. The pediment of the building is crowned with stone figurines.
» In the period of the Civil War in Spain, the authorities sent all the precious exhibits to the Museum of Geneva.
» Showrooms where you can see Greek flowerpots, ceramic items of Etruscans, pieces of medieval furniture, and ammunition of the 12th century are very impressive.
» Near the museum, there is the restaurant Le Barocco where you can taste dishes of the local cuisine.
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What to visit during two-day excursion in Geneva

Jet d´Eau
Where: Quai du Général-Guisan, Geneva;
UN Headquarters - Palais des Nations
Where: Avenue de la Paix 8 - 14, Geneva; Telephone: +41 (0)22 917 48 96;
Botanical Garden / Jardin Botanique
Where: Chemin de l´Impératrice 1, Geneva; Telephone: +41 (0) 22 418 51 00; More info: Buses 1, 11, 28;
Place du Bourg-de-four
Where: Place du Bourg-de-Four, Old Town, Geneva;
Musée International de la Croix-rouge et du Croissant-rouge
Where: 17, Avenue de la Paix, Geneva; Telephone: +41 (0) 22 748 95 25; More info: Bus 8;
Flower Clock / Horloge Fleurie
Where: Quai du Général-Guisan, Jardin Anglais, Geneva;
Patek Philippe Museum
Where: rue de Vieux-Grenadiers 7, Geneva; Telephone: +41 (0) 22 807 09 10; Opening hours: closed Mondays; More info: Buses 1, 4, 12, 13;
Reference information
Map of all palaces
Public palaces near Geneva
♥   Palace 'Château des ducs de Savoie' , 73.1 km from the center. On the map   Photo
Map of all art museums
Art galleries in Geneva and around
♥   Art museum 'Musée Rath' Geneva, 0.3 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Art museum 'Barbier-Mueller Museum' Geneva, 0.4 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Art museum 'MAMCO' Geneva, 0.6 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Art museum 'Musée d Art et d Histoire' Geneva, 0.9 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Art museum 'Fondation Baur' Geneva, 1.2 km from the center. On the map   Photo
Map of all churches
Cathedrals and basilicas near Geneva
♥   Basilique-Cathédrale Saint-Pierre, Saint-Claude, 29.3 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Basilique Saint-François-de-Sales, Thonon-les-Bains, 32.1 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Basilique Saint-Joseph des Fins, Annecy, 32.4 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Cathédrale Saint-Pierre, Annecy, 33.9 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Basilique Notre-Dame de la Visitation, Annecy, 34.6 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Ancienne cathédrale protestante Notre-Dame, Lausanne, 51.9 km from the center. On the map   Photo
♥   Cathédrale Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Belley, 60.7 km from the center. On the map   Photo
Car rental on Rentals in Geneva

Hilton builds third luxury hotel in Kyoto

It will welcome its first guests in 2024. 313 rooms of various categories will be available, the interior of rooms and hotel spaces will become one of the main features of the high-class hotel. When decorating the rooms, it is planned to use local textiles, which are famous for their high quality and are considered to be one of the best in the world. Read this


Photogallery of cultural heritage of Geneva

Landmarks of culture on Geneva map: art-galleries, monuments, palaces, etc

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Culture guide to Geneva. Which fascinating sights to visit once you are in Geneva: temples, churches, museums, theaters and castles. Recommendations (with addresses, phone numbers and links) on the places 'must visit' in Geneva. Plan your own city excursion by using this page info! - online travel reservation expert providing reliable car rental and hotel booking services. We feature more than 25.000 destinations with 12.000 rental offices and 200.000 hotels worldwide.
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